Palin's Running Mate Jeered frm Stage

They can't debate. Libs just heckel.

I would have had the four liberial homosexuals removed by security.

Note for the near future. Some Dems had signs saying "DEM's for McCain". that population is also growing--because of activity of the media and these followers. My prediction---you will be hearing more and more about Dems crossing the fence---why? Because you radical homo liberials have aboandoned your party and gone far far left socialism/communisum, just like Republicans have abandoned conservativism and also moves in the left direction as a philosophy. Real American Dems (like JFK) are also sick of your perverted liberialism.

Watch the polls and weep.
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Democracy is hard to keep at bey.

How exactly is that democracy?

Shouting down a political candidate... tell us Desh, why are these Dems so afraid to let McCain speak?

This will backfire on the Dems if it becomes a common occurence.
How exactly is that democracy?

Shouting down a political candidate... tell us Desh, why are these Dems so afraid to let McCain speak?

This will backfire on the Dems if it becomes a common occurence.

They--the liberial commies--think democracy means shutting down their apponents voice. Is that red Marksist or what?

To me---the more Obama talks--the better.
Reporters craned forward trying to hear the Arizona senator. Unfortunately for McCain — and possibly overlooked by aides who planned the event — a section of the diner opened up to a market where a crowd had gathered behind a cordon.

As if it was going to very fropm his regular stump speach huh?
Reporters craned forward trying to hear the Arizona senator. Unfortunately for McCain — and possibly overlooked by aides who planned the event — a section of the diner opened up to a market where a crowd had gathered behind a cordon.

As if it was going to very fropm his regular stump speach huh?

Like I said, please tell all leftwingnuts to continue acting like this. It will only help McCain.
Reporters craned forward trying to hear the Arizona senator. Unfortunately for McCain — and possibly overlooked by aides who planned the event — a section of the diner opened up to a market where a crowd had gathered behind a cordon.

Yep--that is the story. Hey--next time you tell a story--try having a point (other than McCain does not change his story enough for you). It makes conversation a bit more interesting, and may be even enlightening.

Bottom line is--no matter what side of the fence your on--if a group of people won't let the speaker speak--that group should be removed. In this case, It would have been easy--they were probably stuck IN eachother, which would make them easy to gather up and throw out.
let freedom ring

so freedom to you is getting a group of nuts together and shouting so as to prevent your opponent from being able to exercise their right to freedom of speech?

Like I said, I hope the idiots continue doing so. It will only solidify the perception of an intolerant left.... driving moderates and independents away from Obama.
let freedom ring

Ya know--your a very twisted man. The only time you fight corruption, is when it is your interest. You miss a lot of corruption that way and can live every min of your life with absolutly no integrity at all.

What is it like living in this self induced state of confusion? Was that statement some kind of a flash back?

No consertative would do that to Obama---they want him to speak as much as possible, and he has the right to.

If the shoe were on the Obama foot--you would be crying bloody murder (ya cry bloody murder for a lot less). That is that lack of integrity thing I mentioned above.
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Like I said, I hope the idiots continue doing so. It will only solidify the perception of an intolerant left.... driving moderates and independents away from Obama.

Well said (it is happening now--lots of momentum building that may not be able to be stopped in two months)---and you didn't have to call him a commie homo. How do you do it? lol
Ya know--your a very twisted man. The only time you fight corruption, is when it is your interest. You miss a lot of corruption that way and can live every min of your life with absolutly no integrity at all.

What is it like living in this self induced state of confusion? Was that statement some kind of a flash back?

No consertative would do that to Obama---they want him to speak as much as possible, and he has the right to.

If the shoe were on the Obama foot--you would be crying bloody murder (ya cry bloody murder for a lot less). That is that lack of integrity thing I mentioned above.

Because the current administration has been so good at fighting corruption?

Maj, why is it that you assume that every liberal is also a communist and is gay?? Does that make it less of a threat to your manliness?
Perhaps he is referring to Palin ? From what I read all the corruption investigations going on in alaska were going on when she took office.
They didnt control who his audience was.

That is how it was democracy
SF is EXACTLY right. I watched this in college when people came to debate the ending of affirmative action. THere was a small but vocal group that didn't like the topic so they shouted the speaker down. That is NOT how debates, elections, or anything else is won. If you shout someone down all it signals to the undecided is you don't have any real answers for theirs.
Because the current administration has been so good at fighting corruption?

Maj, why is it that you assume that every liberal is also a communist and is gay?? Does that make it less of a threat to your manliness?

No--but almost every homo is a liberial, which is also like a homosexual mafia today because they dominate our media. I don't care what you pole tokers do, as long as it does not effect me. But that is not the case--is it? Your pushing your way of life and philosophies on all of us.

I never mentioned the current administration is any good at anything--but I am not going to the dems just for a change that I firlmy believe is toward hard socialism/communisum.

I know who Obama is--I know what direction he wants to take this country. He has never made any change happen, and will be the heart of the world corruption upon the USA. He is the empty vessel I sepak about, for Marksism to infiltrate our nation. Shit we died to fight against. I am not willing to take a chance, when my gut is all wrong about this Obama guy. I can read between his lines, like my sig below. I think you have to be a conditioned retard with no capability of critical thinking, or a commie/socialist (like Nancy Pelosi) to vote4 for Obama. Also--any American that knows what this country is about, compared to socialism/communism--will never vote for the commie--and I bet he is a pole toker also.
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SF is EXACTLY right. I watched this in college when people came to debate the ending of affirmative action. THere was a small but vocal group that didn't like the topic so they shouted the speaker down. That is NOT how debates, elections, or anything else is won. If you shout someone down all it signals to the undecided is you don't have any real answers for theirs.

exactly... it also can give the perception that you are scared for people to hear what your opponent has to say.