Palin's Running Mate Jeered frm Stage

They didnt control who his audience was.

That is how it was democracy

I have to give McCain credit for that. Bush would have had the audience screened so that there was no chance of anyone with an opposing view point showing up or he would of had them arrested.
Your hypocrisy never ceases to astound me.

You're all for freedom of speech...unless it's a conservative talking, of course.

You truly have NO morals. Fuck off, bitch. :mad:

Has McCain had a chance to say the same tired old shit a million times?

Has he had the national stage for months now?

When was the last time the people in this crowd had the chance to tell him his shit was tired old shit?

When was the last time these people had the national stage to express their free speech?

You people dont seem to understand what the fuck freedom of speech is really about.

Freedom of speech is not just for candidates and the clones they ALLOW to attend their closed little propganda meetings.

If Obama walked into an public square and gave a speech and people chanted McCain you would be in heaven.
Has McCain had a chance to say the same tired old shit a million times?

Has he had the national stage for months now?

When was the last time the people in this crowd had the chance to tell him his shit was tired old shit?

When was the last time these people had the national stage to express their free speech?

You people dont seem to understand what the fuck freedom of speech is really about.

Freedom of speech is not just for candidates and the clones they ALLOW to attend their closed little propganda meetings.

If Obama walked into an public square and gave a speech and people chanted McCain you would be in heaven.

First off, no one said that those who disagree with McCain didn't ahve the right to shout him down. They do. But as I stated, it makes you look weak if you feel you have to shout someone down just so that others cannot hear his/her message.

Second, you would be going ape shit if this were done to Obama. Because you don't seem to get the irony in your post. HE has ALSO been saying the same old tired shit time and time again. HE is ALSO trying to stay on message. But just because they are BOTH giving similar speeches at their stops doesn't mean those who came to hear them speak have already heard their message. A lot of the country is just now tuning in. They haven't been following the two like those of us on this board for the past couple of years.

Third, I'll say it again.... no matter if you are on the left or the right... if you come to an event, whether a debate, a convention or a campaign stop and start shouting/chanting in an attempt to silence your opponents views.... YOU LOOK WEAK. YOU LOOK FRIGHTENED. IT WILL MORE THAN LIKELY BACK FIRE ON YOUR DUMB ASS.

Why do you guys refuse to admitt he was not saying anything but the same bullshit he has had the massive platform to say for weeks?
First off, no one said that those who disagree with McCain didn't ahve the right to shout him down. They do. But as I stated, it makes you look weak if you feel you have to shout someone down just so that others cannot hear his/her message.

Second, you would be going ape shit if this were done to Obama. Because you don't seem to get the irony in your post. HE has ALSO been saying the same old tired shit time and time again. HE is ALSO trying to stay on message. But just because they are BOTH giving similar speeches at their stops doesn't mean those who came to hear them speak have already heard their message. A lot of the country is just now tuning in. They haven't been following the two like those of us on this board for the past couple of years.

Third, I'll say it again.... no matter if you are on the left or the right... if you come to an event, whether a debate, a convention or a campaign stop and start shouting/chanting in an attempt to silence your opponents views.... YOU LOOK WEAK. YOU LOOK FRIGHTENED. IT WILL MORE THAN LIKELY BACK FIRE ON YOUR DUMB ASS.


First of all, if you read the entire account of what occurred, it was a matter of Obama supporters chanting one thing, and then McCain supporters trying to drown them out with their own chants. When you have a crowd trying to outchant each other, no one will be heard, but to claim that only one side is responsible for that is pretty hackish. Secondly, it doesn’t always backfire SF. Johnson was unable to appear anywhere in the late stages of his Presidency, chants of “Hey hey, LBJ how many kids did you kill today” followed him everywhere. He didn’t run again SF.

We are once again, smack in the middle of an unpopular war. It might be popular with YOU, but it is generally unpopular. I’m sorry if you and your party want to express shock and whine about some fall out of that. But check fairly recent history and figure it out…that’s how it goes. It’s generally considered a small price to pay. I mean, it’s not like paying with your legs, or something.
I have to give McCain credit for that. Bush would have had the audience screened so that there was no chance of anyone with an opposing view point showing up or he would of had them arrested.
But it still isn't democracy, that has an entirely different meaning than freedom.
But it still isn't democracy, that has an entirely different meaning than freedom.

Absolutely 100% wrong. In fact, as we sometimes chant “THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE”.

But con authoritarians never like it, so I’m not surprised to find you whining over it.
Being fascist is cool desh. It fits you well.

The people speaking truth to power is not fascism.

McCain is the powerful one with a massive platform to spew what has recently amounted to LIES about Obama.

These people were speaking truth to power fool.

The founders would have rejoiced.
The people speaking truth to power is ercently amounted to LIES about Oba

The founders would have rejoiced.
. Sure desh. The most partison hack speaking about truth to power. Ok. If obama wins you will cream in your pants and not speak truth to power once while he is in office. At least be honest with yourself.
First of all, if you read the entire account of what occurred, it was a matter of Obama supporters chanting one thing, and then McCain supporters trying to drown them out with their own chants. When you have a crowd trying to outchant each other, no one will be heard, but to claim that only one side is responsible for that is pretty hackish. Secondly, it doesn’t always backfire SF. Johnson was unable to appear anywhere in the late stages of his Presidency, chants of “Hey hey, LBJ how many kids did you kill today” followed him everywhere. He didn’t run again SF.

We are once again, smack in the middle of an unpopular war. It might be popular with YOU, but it is generally unpopular. I’m sorry if you and your party want to express shock and whine about some fall out of that. But check fairly recent history and figure it out…that’s how it goes. It’s generally considered a small price to pay. I mean, it’s not like paying with your legs, or something.

1) Yes, I am aware that the McCain side responded. But the instigators were those supporters of Obama who began the bullshit. Again, it makes them look weak.

2) True, it does not always backfire, but most of the time it does. Especially if you are simply chanting the opposing candidates name. It makes you look petty.

3) Enough of the bullshit on "the war might be popular with you". That type of bullshit ALSO makes you look weak. Also... they weren't protesting the war. They were simply being morons.

4) I was not expessing shock... the idiots on the left are known for stupidity like this. Just look at the code pink morons at the RNC. It made them look weak. When was the last time you saw Republican supporters crash the DNC and start screaming during one of the convention speeches?

5) As I said... please continue if you think it won't hurt.
Absolutely 100% wrong. In fact, as we sometimes chant “THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE”.

But con authoritarians never like it, so I’m not surprised to find you whining over it.
Just stupid, Darla. Words have meaning.

While freedom of speech is important to democracy it is not of itself democracy. Pointing out that people are exercising freedom at that time, and not democracy, isn't whining.
1) Yes, I am aware that the McCain side responded. But the instigators were those supporters of Obama who began the bullshit. Again, it makes them look weak.

2) True, it does not always backfire, but most of the time it does. Especially if you are simply chanting the opposing candidates name. It makes you look petty.

3) Enough of the bullshit on "the war might be popular with you". That type of bullshit ALSO makes you look weak. Also... they weren't protesting the war. They were simply being morons.

4) I was not expessing shock... the idiots on the left are known for stupidity like this. Just look at the code pink morons at the RNC. It made them look weak. When was the last time you saw Republican supporters crash the DNC and start screaming during one of the convention speeches?

5) As I said... please continue if you think it won't hurt.

You can pretend that this is how the rest of the world would see this event but that does not make it true.

What George McCain faces is a populace that is very tired of the politics the republican party has to offer.

They rip the signs out of the hands of a vet who points out McCain voted against aid for vets in the middle of their convention. They dragged a little old lady out for having some sign that I was unable to even see.
They have done this for years with their free speech zones which are blocks away from where anyone attending can see or hear. No one even reported much about it afterwords like its just what you get when you disagree in republican company.

Your party (quit defending them if they are not your party)has tried for years now to stop any desent from being heard anywhere near tehir faithful. Your cohorts shouted down the Dixie Chicks and tried to ruin their career for saying a few words in front of their OWN fans.

Bill Mahr was pulled off the air for saying something that made perfect sense but wasnt politically correct on a show that was named politically correct in a mocking manner.

You and your cohorts have so lost your way you will never see straight again Im affraid.
Just stupid, Darla. Words have meaning.

While freedom of speech is important to democracy it is not of itself democracy. Pointing out that people are exercising freedom at that time, and not democracy, isn't whining.

You're wrong, just back out now, instead of your usual twisting, turning, and backpeddling.
You can pretend that this is how the rest of the world would see this event but that does not make it true.

What George McCain faces is a populace that is very tired of the politics the republican party has to offer.

They rip the signs out of the hands of a vet who points out McCain voted against aid for vets in the middle of their convention. They dragged a little old lady out for having some sign that I was unable to even see.
They have done this for years with their free speech zones which are blocks away from where anyone attending can see or hear. No one even reported much about it afterwords like its just what you get when you disagree in republican company.

Your party (quit defending them if they are not your party)has tried for years now to stop any desent from being heard anywhere near tehir faithful. Your cohorts shouted down the Dixie Chicks and tried to ruin their career for saying a few words in front of their OWN fans.

Bill Mahr was pulled off the air for saying something that made perfect sense but wasnt politically correct on a show that was named politically correct in a mocking manner.

You and your cohorts have so lost your way you will never see straight again Im affraid.


1) The populace Desh.... is currently SPLIT... half wanting McCain, half Obama. That is why the polls are so close.

2) I would say the same damn thing if this was a rightwingnut group trying to shout down Obama at one of his stops. It makes you look weak to do so.

3) Please tell us about the "protest zone" at the DNC in Denver this year desh. The Dems made sure they were not only out of sight, but also could not be heard.

4) While you have the right to speak.... you do NOT have the right to speak without consequences. You do not have the right to violate others ability to have a peacefull assembly.

5) As for what McCain says... if you disagree, you have the right to voice that disagreement. As I said, these idiots certainly had the right to do what they did. It just makes them pathetic in appearance.

If McCain supporters started following Obama around to each of his events and started chanting in order to disrupt his speeches in an attempt to silence his message... would it make them look good? Or would it make them look weak???

Maybe we could get a bunch to follow him around and each time he starts to speak they could drop to their knees and start bowing while chanting Messiah or 'the ONE has come!'. Cause that would look good.

4) I was not expessing shock... the idiots on the left are known for stupidity like this. Just look at the code pink morons at the RNC. It made them look weak. When was the last time you saw Republican supporters crash the DNC and start screaming during one of the convention speeches?

I have no idea how a grassroots organization, whose platform is Peace, demonstrating a political convention, make them look “weak”. FYI, CodePink demonstrated at both conventions.
3) Enough of the bullshit on "the war might be popular with you". That type of bullshit ALSO makes you look weak. Also... they weren't protesting the war. They were simply being morons.

What is your definition of weak???

You support this war from day one till day ever. The majority of the population no longer does. That's a fact. The majority of active Obama supporters, ones who are actually showing up to demonstrate somewhere, are against this war. Of course this unpopular war has a lot to do with this election and people's reactions during it. And of course, you'd rather it did not and will deny it.
You're wrong, just back out now, instead of your usual twisting, turning, and backpeddling.
I am not wrong. You are attempting to equate freedom and democracy, they are not synonymous and have been practiced separate from each other on numerous occasions in the past and will be again. While Democracy gives the best chance from any current form of government to allow freedoms like that, it is not the synonymous word you attempt to make it nor the only vehicle by which such freedoms can be gained. And has been used in the past to take some of those types of freedoms.

While you are exercising your freedom to speak, you are not exercising democracy by chanting. Exercising your freedoms is good, I agree with that. But it is not "democracy".