PANIC!!! You Have An Idiot For President.

I notice that you are so clear-thinking, articulate, exhaustive and always so completely rational. How could anyone question you, right? You get 'em Tiger.

You mean he's everything that you're not.

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You think the Senate had an obligation to remove the President from office? Get off the Internet, you're too dumb to be here.
No, Dumbo, they had an obligation to conduct an actual trial, instead of giving Trump a free ride.

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No, stupid whore, they don't have to be. Abuse of the office.

Thanks for admitting you lied and that I'm right, stupid whore.

Nice owning you. I accept your surrender.
I gave up on ItN ages ago. Absolutely never anything to do with reality.

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This is what happens when you let someone else do your thinking for you. Yes, there was a Senate trial and Trump was totally exonerated of all charges. Chief Justice Roberts presided and read the verdict.

Despite the Senate taking all action required under the Constitution, moron snowflakes like yourself nonetheless retreat to the delusional fanaties of your personal safe spaces, and then you all wonder why no one except for other snowflakes ever takes you seriously.

Too funny.
The GOP Senate simply refused to conduct an actual trial and just let Trump off. Total corruption.

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Colluding is not illegal. It's a first amendment right.

No illegal activities on the part of the President have ever been documented. All the House Democrats could do was to declare the Executive Branch illegal and press forward with Articles of Impeachment that leveld charges against Trump for having done his job.

So today, thanks to House Democrats, we have a President who has not only not committed any wrongdoing, he has OFFICIALLY not committed any wrongdoing. Total exoneration.

Aaaah, so you are another snowflake who has buried himself in a deep, delusional safe space.

Nope. The coronahoax reporting scam is well on its way to dishonestly REPORTING that 200,000 Americans have died from a mild flu when no one, has in fact died of the coronaflu. The reporting scam is detailed here:

Colluding with a foreign government to affect an American election is corruption, at the very least. You are a psychopathic Trump supporter who lives in a swamp of fake news and alternative facts. All you have is denial. This is the most corrupt government in our history. Worse because the GOP is a willing supporter of the corruption.

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Look at rjhenn trying to all smart and shit.

Dumbass...the Senate was not obligated to conduct a trial.

Please bend over and chew your way through your own ass.
Your projected denial is SOOOOO transparent. Sorry, Zelenskyy's corroboration squashes your accusal. You lose.
Nothing but denial.
Zelensky wasn't going to piss off Trump and endanger his aid.
You are completely consumed by your TDS. Completely conned by Trump.

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They weren't though they were based on the interpretation of tone. It wasn't based on anything objective. That's why the Senate kind of laughed at it and moved on.
It looked to me as if they were based on simple English grammar. The Senate laughed at it because it's just as corrupt as Trump is.

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