PANIC!!! You Have An Idiot For President.

I read your link. It depends entirely upon Comey being honorable. Do you think Comey was honorable?
Comey helped Trump win the election. Do you think he was honorable? Or was he just another Trump stooge?

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Comey helped Trump win the election. Do you think he was honorable? Or was he just another Trump stooge?

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I don't think he was honorable and I don't believe for a second that America needed Comey to convince them to not vote for Hillary. In fact...idiot...Comey's actions before the election were, dare I say, dishonorable.
You mean they had no obligation to follow the Constitution.

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No, I mean the Senate was not obligated to conduct a trial. Your ignorance is not my problem. Every time you keep saying this I laugh at you, and others do to.
No, I mean the Senate was not obligated to conduct a trial. Your ignorance is not my problem. Every time you keep saying this I laugh at you, and others do to.

The senate acted as any judge would do. They look at the evidence presented by the prosecution, if they feel there is not enough evidence to waste their (and a jury's & taxpayer's money) time, they throw it out.
Look at rjhenn trying to all smart and shit.

Dumbass...the Senate was not obligated to conduct a trial.

Please bend over and chew your way through your own ass.
That was their duty under the Constitution. They refused to carry out that duty. They proved themselves to be nothing but Trump sycophants.

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That was their duty under the Constitution. They refused to carry out that duty. They proved themselves to be nothing but Trump sycophants.

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No it wasn't. Show me where in the Constitution it says that the Senate must hold a trial.

You were wrong about that too, they did hold the trial.

You just didn't like the outcome and now everyone is Hitler. Just go fuck off already.
I don't think he was honorable and I don't believe for a second that America needed Comey to convince them to not vote for Hillary. In fact...idiot...Comey's actions before the election were, dare I say, dishonorable.
Yet, even with that, Hillary won the popular vote. If not for the GOP conspiring to keep thousands of Americans from voting, you'd be screaming about President Hillary.

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Yet, even with that, Hillary won the popular vote. If not for the GOP conspiring to keep thousands of Americans from voting, you'd be screaming about President Hillary.

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Too fucking bad the popular means exactly Jack and Shit as far as President is concerned.

You still have absolutely no fucking clue how this country works do you?
No it wasn't. Show me where in the Constitution it says that the Senate must hold a trial.

You were wrong about that too, they did hold the trial.

You just didn't like the outcome and now everyone is Hitler. Just go fuck off already.
No, they convened for the sole purpose of letting Trump off the hook.

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Too fucking bad the popular means exactly Jack and Shit as far as President is concerned.

You still have absolutely no fucking clue how this country works do you?

Now you know why I have that asshole on ignore. He should feel privileged, he's the only one I have on ignore.
Too fucking bad the popular means exactly Jack and Shit as far as President is concerned.

You still have absolutely no fucking clue how this country works do you?

And those thousands of votes would quite likely have thrown the electoral college the other way. The electoral college also disenfranchises millions of voters.

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Recently on the news the president has been trying to do damage control on his admission that he knew the coronavirus was bad right from the start. He has been saying that he just didn't want to cause a panic. Really?!!!! Oh, it's ok if they die. Just so long as they don't panic. What a joke. I also saw on the news last night that in one state there were 44% of those asked who supported the president. How can anybody be that stupid. After basically murdering over 193,000 people, I would have been surprised that 4% of people supported him.

Also, what was this "panic" supposed to cause. People out in the streets raping and pillaging? Not very likely. But I can tell you what this "panic" would be more likely to cause. People demanding that scum bucket actually do something. And maybe that lying piece of shit actually believes in human caused global warming. But says it isn't real to keep people from "panicking."

Still living in the past? Obama......err.........Biden.......err.......HillaRay was defeated Nov. 2016 I wonder if Trump accepted the voice of the PEOPLE you know its not responsible to question the results of an election -- Quote THE entire LEFT pre-NOV. 2016. :laugh: Now.....the quote from the entire left, "Never concede...burn this nation down.........REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! said the little piglets. Tasting SOUR GRAPES over a 4 year period will do that to anyone.........those fermented grapes must be vinegar by now. :bigthink:
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Purest corruption, which you are completely in favor of.

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It's not corruption, its called checks and balances but I don't blame you for not knowing that because you have demonstrated that you don't know shit about how the government here works.
The GOP Senate simply refused to conduct an actual trial and just let Trump off. Total corruption.
Now I see. The difference between no trial having occurred and a trial having occurred is that you didn't get the verdict that you wanted ... but you can't say that because then you would be asked how a verdict could be reached if there was no trial.

Obviously, Chief Justice John Roberts read the verdict so there was a full trial. You just can't be honest enough to use the correct wording to reflect that you are merely pouting over not getting the verdict you so desperately wanted.

It was the baseless impeachment by House Democrats that was the sham of total corruption, but now we have a fully exonerated President and a fully exposed corrupt Democrat Party that cannot be trusted in any sort of leadership position.
No, I mean the Senate was not obligated to conduct a trial.
Correct. The Senate isn't even required to receive the Articles of Impeachment. The Constitution specifies that nobody but the Senate can try an impeachment, but they are clearly not obligated.

The Senate can tell the House "Talk to the hand!"

Every time you keep saying this I laugh at you, and others do to.
I confess, I laugh too.

US Constitution Article I, Section 3
The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.