Parler CEO George Farmer: Trump lawsuit against Facebook, Twitter, Google will ‘redef

....and you are pushing for even greater Federal powers instead of fighting against them. What does this make you?
Not about any regulations, dumbass. Pay attention.
FWIW, I was against the rulings on the Christian bakers and other small businesses.
I don't necessarily believe that, but I'll let it go for now, since it's irrelevant.
There are better ways than fucking morons empowering the Federal government to step into our lives every fucking day.
Not about the federal government, dumbass.
I agree, but I see you out stating or complaining about all the government over reach we see daily on the left side of th aisle

Dutch Uncle does not recognize the Constitution of the United States nor any State constitution. He wants the oligarchy the Democrats are creating out of the federal government.
Dude, you're the Trumpian cocksucker who whined about the Christian Bakers and the fucking Democrats then flip-flopped like dropped fish and want to empower the Feds to have even more power over private business. Only a fucking dumbass wouldn't think those thoughts through.

I already listed several of JPP dumbasses but had higher hopes for a sane conservative, not another Trumpian cocksucker.


Republicans no longer even pretend to have principles. And since truth has been thrown out as one, there is nothing left to
say to them. Budget austerity and spreading democracy?
Promoting commerce by international trade engagement according to the law of comparative advantage and natural factor endowment?
The intelligentsia party of experts? I pretty sure CFR is just a bunch of effete liberal rinos to them now. Where did all that stuff go?
They no longer want to dominate federal agencies or departments, they want to gut and destroy them. They exist for the sole reason
of chaos and opposition.

Did you ever think you'd see the day that the damn Center for Disease Control is an untrustable enemy?
Then reinterpret for me. What do you want the Federal government to force Twitter to do? Please keep it simple enough for even fucking dumbasses to understand. Straight out. No forum legalese cocksucker bullshit, please.

What I don't want is the Federal government dictating to citizens how to live, think and believe. This includes private businesses.

Leave that up to the States. ;)

I feel exactly the same way, however the government is always forcing people of religion to perform services or sell product to those that violate their religious beliefs. I only want consistency in their opinions which we have not see for last 3 or 4 decades now.
I feel exactly the same way, however the government is always forcing people of religion to perform services or sell product to those that violate their religious beliefs. I only want consistency in their opinions which we have not see for last 3 or 4 decades now.

So don't sell products that you will not sell to people that "violate" your beliefs.
Of course it does.
WRONG. Age does not affect the Constitution.
Over time amendments are ratified which changes the Constitution.
An amendment isn't age, dumbass. Nothing has nullified the 1st amendment, dumbass.
The 14th Amendment changed the Constitution
Does not affect any other amendment, dumbass.
and the court was applying those changes to the states: "...nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;..."
No court has the authority to change or interpret the Constitution. The 14th amendment already applied to the States.
You obviously did not read the lawsuit. You just make stuff up.
Using the following quote from you:
SIZE=4]FONT=serif]"115.[/FONT]As such, Defendants’ censorship activities amount to[/SIZE][/SIZE] state action."

His argument is sound. Twitter did what it did due to federal actors encouraging it, including Pelosi, AOC, and Democrats within the federal government in general. It is quite possible kickback payments were involved as well. Graft.

That DOES put it in the domain of all laws that apply to the federal government, including the 1st amendment. Both Pelosi and AOC are members of Congress as well as many other Democrats encouraging this censorship.
Republicans no longer even pretend to have principles.
You are describing Democrats.
And since truth has been thrown out as one, there is nothing left to
say to them.
Void argument fallacy.
Budget austerity
What budget austerity? Democrats will have none of that!
and spreading democracy?
What democracy? Democracy is evil. It is an unstable form of government that usually quickly dissolves into oligarchies and dictatorships. It has no constitution, no representatives, and is just mob rule.
Promoting commerce by international trade engagement according to the law of comparative advantage and natural factor endowment?
The intelligentsia party of experts? I pretty sure CFR is just a bunch of effete liberal rinos to them now. Where did all that stuff go?
They no longer want to dominate federal agencies or departments, they want to gut and destroy them. They exist for the sole reason
of chaos and opposition.
Most departments are unconstitutional. There was never any authority granted to Congress to create them. That includes the EPA, the NEA, the CDC, BATF, the DEA, the Federal Reserve, the Department of Agriculture, the Social Security Administration, portions of NASA and the FAA, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), etc. They SHOULD be completely dismantled. Won't happen of course.
Did you ever think you'd see the day that the damn Center for Disease Control is an untrustable enemy?

A business falls under the civil rights act (with 15 employees). Social media platforms are protected by the 1st Amendment which trumps any civil rights laws.
The 1st amendment doesn't nullify any civil rights law.
The Supreme Court just ruled in favor of religious freedom in the Philadelphia case on Catholic Charities that receive public funds being able to deny adoption to same sex parents.
Unconstitutional. The Supreme Court cannot mandate welfare. It does not have authority to change the Constitution.
Section 230 applies to internet forums and websites containing user opinions. It does NOT apply to internet forums or websites that insert their OWN opinion or censure politically or slander anyone.

The 1st Amendment gives internet forums and websites the right to insert their own opinions or censure anyone that does not meet their standards.

Into the Night:

Trump's lawsuit does not claim social media providers are "state actors"

“Currently, it looks like GA is going to choose Republican electors.
AZ looks like it might also, but seems to be further away from actually choosing.”

“Only religions use supporting evidence. Science doesn't.”

“The phrase “freedom of speech” does not appear in the Constitution”
His argument is sound. Twitter did what it did due to federal actors encouraging it, including Pelosi, AOC, and Democrats within the federal government in general. It is quite possible kickback payments were involved as well. Graft.

That DOES put it in the domain of all laws that apply to the federal government, including the 1st amendment. Both Pelosi and AOC are members of Congress as well as many other Democrats encouraging this censorship.

That quote was not from me but from Trump's lawsuit. It proved to you that the lawsuit did claim social media providers are "state actors" which you denied.

Then, you go on to argue that it is state action.

First you deny it and when I prove you wrong you change your complete argument. What an idiot.

And your legal analysis is as crazy as Trump's lawsuit which has no chance of winning.

I don't think Trump expects to win his lawsuits, he is just using them to dupe his supporters out of millions for "legal defense" which can be used for any purpose.
Unconstitutional. The Supreme Court cannot mandate welfare. It does not have authority to change the Constitution.

It did not mandate welfare. That was done by the City of Philadelphia. The Supreme Court only ruled it could not discriminate against Catholic Charities because of their religious beliefs. A good defense of the 1st Amendment freedom of religion.

But you are right--it was unconstitutional. The City of Philadelphia acted unconstitutionally by violating the religious freedom of Catholic Charities.
The 1st Amendment gives internet forums and websites the right to insert their own opinions or censure anyone that does not meet their standards.
No, it doesn't. The 1st amendment only applies to Congress.
Rights do not come from a piece of paper.

Slander is illegal. So is graft.