Parler CEO George Farmer: Trump lawsuit against Facebook, Twitter, Google will ‘redef

due to a non functioning brain, much like his supporters

How come on 1/6, you weren't in DC "stopping the steal" that you had said occurred for three months prior, but were on JPP instead?

Was the election not stolen enough for you to care?
due to a non functioning brain, much like his supporters

No worries. Quarterback Joe will toss Kamala a lateral after 20JAN23 so it won't be a problem. :laugh:

How come on 1/6, you weren't in DC "stopping the steal" that you had said occurred for three months prior, but were on JPP instead?

Was the election not stolen enough for you to care?

AFAIK, none of the loudmouthed JPP Trump cucks went to Trump's aid on 1/6. They're all Kowardly Keyboard Kommandos.

Good thing too because then their lives would be ruined and they might spend time in jail.

AFAIK, none of the loudmouthed JPP Trump cucks went to Trump's aid on 1/6. They're all Kowardly Keyboard Kommandos.

Obviously, yes. I just like posing that question out to them because they always trip over themselves when coming up with excuses.
Obviously, yes. I just like posing that question out to them because they always trip over themselves when coming up with excuses.

It is fun to watch hypocrites trip over their own feet defending Trump for doing the exact same things are criminals elsewhere across the land.

FWIW, I think the militias are going to send Trump a message he won't forget for betraying the militias. :thup:

You are one hundred years behind on your constitutional law.
Age does not affect the Constitution.
Free speech was made applicable to the states in 1925. (Gitlow v. NY)
No court has the authority to change the Constitution.
That doesn't really matter since Facebook is not government and Trump cannot claim it violated his constitutional free speech.
He never did.
Trump's lawsuit claims Facebook is not a private company but a "state actor."
He never did. You are making shit up again.
You will type anything to "win: a debate, won't you?
What debate? There is no debate here. Conversations are not debates.
Except it only convinces you.
I don't need to type to myself to convince myself of anything.
We laugh at the crazy shit you throw out here.
I laugh at the crazy shit you just posted.
Biden does nothing of the kind and I am sure you know better.
Biden denies science, denies math, denies the Constitution, and denies history, just like you do.
What debate? There is no debate here. Conversations are not debates.

I don't need to type to myself to convince myself of anything.

I laugh at the crazy shit you just posted.

Biden denies science, denies math, denies the Constitution, and denies history, just like you do.

Off topic.
You are one hundred years behind on your constitutional law. Free speech was made applicable to the states in 1925. (Gitlow v. NY)

That doesn't really matter since Facebook is not government and Trump cannot claim it violated his constitutional free speech.

Trump's lawsuit claims Facebook is not a private company but a "state actor."

it falls back to discrimination, if they cite actions and there is one other poster with similar actions that is still posting, it is discrimination cut and dry
it falls back to discrimination, if they site actions and there is one other poster with similar actions that is still posting, it is discrimination cut and dry

Such as? FWIW, I'm against giving the Feds the power to run private corporations. Too much like the fucking Nazis IMO.

BTW, do you think the militias will seek revenge against Trump for fucking them over?

Such as? FWIW, I'm against giving the Feds the power to run private corporations. Too much like the fucking Nazis IMO.

BTW, do you think the militias will seek revenge against Trump for fucking them over?


what a dumbass question, Biden should already be getting fucked by progressives by your logic
it falls back to discrimination, if they cite actions and there is one other poster with similar actions that is still posting, it is discrimination cut and dry

It also falls back to slander. That's what this is about. Discrimination and slander. It's about a violation of contract. It's about losing Section 230 privileges for what they've done.
it falls back to discrimination, if they cite actions and there is one other poster with similar actions that is still posting, it is discrimination cut and dry

What law against discrimination would apply to opinion platforms? That is for public accommodations, employment, housing, etc., not internet forums.

You want government to be able to regulate social media platforms to be sure everybody is treated equally? There is nothing conservative about that policy
What law against discrimination would apply to opinion platforms? That is for public accommodations, employment, housing, etc., not internet forums.

You want government to be able to regulate social media platforms to be sure everybody is treated equally? There is nothing conservative about that policy

I don't want it but the government already forces small business to service people with lifestyles their religion disagrees with so things might as well be consistent