Parler CEO George Farmer: Trump lawsuit against Facebook, Twitter, Google will ‘redef

that is exactly why I find it hard to believe that you served... you are a fucking POS

Because I'm not a raging nutjob like your daddy? If you're an adult now, regardless if he's your daddy or not, you'll be treated like an adult, not a son.

Kyle Rittenhouse is going to prison because the adults around him misled him.
If you were better you would be found cheering with delight upon all rare meetings with Truth Tellers.

If you were saner, you'd relax a bit and understand there is nothing really new under the Sun.

If you were calmer, you'd see that people aren't as smart as you claim them to be.
If that’s what he’s driving at, then is he fucking crazy or the world’s biggest liar?

FWIW, I think Trump will cement his name in American history by the amount of American blood shed by domestic terrorists.

Trump doesn't support Antifa or BLM or the KKK. Democrats do.
When Trump was President? The conversation was about since Trump’s Insurrection and after Biden’s Inauguration. This year. 2021.

Why Trump fucked up and wasn’t able to fix the problems of last summer is one reason why he’s no longer President.

Obviously the Qless Cucks think Trump is still fucking up as President. LOL

Trump doesn't support Antifa or BLM, dumbass. Democrats do.
Only pussified cucks blame their opponent for their personal failures.

No wonder you’re such a loser. You’re just like the cucks we were discussing looking for government handouts.

Trump is not the king. It is Democrats funding and supporting Antifa and BLM. It is Democrats looking for government handouts.