Parler CEO George Farmer: Trump lawsuit against Facebook, Twitter, Google will ‘redef

being conned is voting for a guy that stutters because his non functioning dementia ridden brain won't allow him a complete thought

ooooohhhhh- biden stutters!! not corrupt, not a liar, not stuck on stupid, not a science denier, not incompetent, but HE STUTTERS!!!!! OH....MY....GOD!!!!
Nope. No restrictions on free speech apply to any government.

Not what he is claiming. You are making shit up.

The 1st amendment applies only to Congress.

You are one hundred years behind on your constitutional law. Free speech was made applicable to the states in 1925. (Gitlow v. NY)

That doesn't really matter since Facebook is not government and Trump cannot claim it violated his constitutional free speech.

Trump's lawsuit claims Facebook is not a private company but a "state actor."
Biden denies science, denies math, denies the Constitution, and denies history, just like you do.

You will type anything to "win: a debate, won't you? Except it only convinces you. We laugh at the crazy shit you throw out here. Biden does nothing of the kind and I am sure you know better.