Parler CEO George Farmer: Trump lawsuit against Facebook, Twitter, Google will ‘redef

I don't want it but the government already forces small business to service people with lifestyles their religion disagrees with so things might as well be consistent

....and you are pushing for even greater Federal powers instead of fighting against them. What does this make you?

FWIW, I was against the rulings on the Christian bakers and other small businesses. There are better ways than fucking morons empowering the Federal government to step into our lives every fucking day.
....and you are pushing for even greater Federal powers instead of fighting against them. What does this make you?

FWIW, I was against the rulings on the Christian bakers and other small businesses. There are better ways than fucking morons empowering the Federal government to step into our lives every fucking day.

I agree, but I see you out stating or complaining about all the government over reach we see daily on the left side of th aisle
It also falls back to slander. That's what this is about. Discrimination and slander. It's about a violation of contract. It's about losing Section 230 privileges for what they've done.

Fuck you, cuck. You're a fucking psycho piece of shit with a faux forum but you troll this one. Why are you such a lowly piece of Trumpian shit, cocksucker???
I agree, but I see you out stating or complaining about all the government over reach we see daily on the left side of th aisle

$100 bet I can find a quote of mine stating I'm against the ruling on the Christian bakers. Loser gives the money to Damo in the winner's name. Bet?

Age does not affect the Constitution.

Of course it does. Over time amendments are ratified which changes the Constitution.

No court has the authority to change the Constitution.

The 14th Amendment changed the Constitution and the court was applying those changes to the states: "...nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;..."

He never did. You are making shit up again.

You obviously did not read the lawsuit. You just make stuff up.

"115.As such, Defendants’ censorship activities amount to
state action."

hell no, I just joined. within the last 24 hours?
Dude, if you make an accusation against me, you best back it up with facts. Whining like a Trumpian cuck cocksucker will only get you on my bad side.

Now are you going to bet or will you admit you were wrong? Those are the two manly choices.

The pussified Trump cocksucker choice is to just shout names at me without ever backing up your words. I advise against that since it would make you a liar like RB 60, PmP, INT and all the other Trumpian cocksuckers.

Do you think the militias will seek revenge against Trump for betraying them?

Dude, if you make an accusation against me, you best back it up with facts. Whining like a Trumpian cuck cocksucker will only get you on my bad side.

Now are you going to bet or will you admit you were wrong? Those are the two manly choices.

The pussified Trump cocksucker choice is to just shout names at me without ever backing up your words. I advise against that since it would make you a liar like RB 60, PmP, INT and all the other Trumpian cocksuckers.

Do you think the militias will seek revenge against Trump for betraying them?


I was not wrong, I have been here about a week and have not seen one post from you backing up the bakers, so fuck off with your own insecurities
I don't want it but the government already forces small business to service people with lifestyles their religion disagrees with so things might as well be consistent

A business falls under the civil rights act (with 15 employees). Social media platforms are protected by the 1st Amendment which trumps any civil rights laws.

The Supreme Court just ruled in favor of religious freedom in the Philadelphia case on Catholic Charities that receive public funds being able to deny adoption to same sex parents.
A business falls under the civil rights act (with 15 employees). Social media platforms are protected by the 1st Amendment which trumps any civil rights laws.

The Supreme Court just ruled in favor of religious freedom in the Philadelphia case on Catholic Charities that receive public funds being able to deny adoption to same sex parents.

and those opinions change in logic week to week
and those opinions change in logic week to week

Court decisions have expanded religious freedom decisions over the years. The law applied to both freedom and establishment cases has remained fairly consistent.

Individuals and groups can be exempted from secular laws for religious reasons unless it will cause harm to do so.
whatever, your posts are getting crazier with each one

Dude, you're the Trumpian cocksucker who whined about the Christian Bakers and the fucking Democrats then flip-flopped like dropped fish and want to empower the Feds to have even more power over private business. Only a fucking dumbass wouldn't think those thoughts through.

I already listed several of JPP dumbasses but had higher hopes for a sane conservative, not another Trumpian cocksucker.

Dude, you're the Trumpian cocksucker who whined about the Christian Bakers and the fucking Democrats then flip-flopped like dropped fish and want to empower the Feds to have even more power over private business. Only a fucking dumbass wouldn't think those thoughts through.

I already listed several of JPP dumbasses but had higher hopes for a sane conservative, not another Trumpian cocksucker.


that was not what was said, sad you interpret that way... such a dumbass you are
that was not what was said, sad you interpret that way... such a dumbass you are

Then reinterpret for me. What do you want the Federal government to force Twitter to do? Please keep it simple enough for even fucking dumbasses to understand. Straight out. No forum legalese cocksucker bullshit, please.

What I don't want is the Federal government dictating to citizens how to live, think and believe. This includes private businesses.

Leave that up to the States. ;)
What law against discrimination would apply to opinion platforms?
The loss of Section 230 status.
That is for public accommodations, employment, housing, etc., not internet forums.
Section 230 applies to internet forums and websites containing user opinions. It does NOT apply to internet forums or websites that insert their OWN opinion or censure politically or slander anyone.
You want government to be able to regulate social media platforms to be sure everybody is treated equally? There is nothing conservative about that policy
The lawsuit is not about government regulation, dumbass.
I don't want it but the government already forces small business to service people with lifestyles their religion disagrees with so things might as well be consistent

This is actually a slander lawsuit, and it relates to the loss of Section 230 protections because of it.