Parler CEO George Farmer: Trump lawsuit against Facebook, Twitter, Google will ‘redef

LOL, this is just Trump reaching into your wallet. But go ahead and hand the loser more of your money. There is no chance the lawsuit will succeed. Hilarious that Trump has to add '45th President of the United States' to the pleading. Can the guys ego get any bigger?
Trump is fighting for free speech!!!!

Has his speech been limited? How did you hear about it? Did he give you a phone call? Of course, private companies can set up terms of service for those who use their services. The telecoms did. Trump ignored them.
Trump is fighting for Trump. That is all he ever fights for. Whose speech is limited?
Has his speech been limited? How did you hear about it? Did he give you a phone call? Of course, private companies can set up terms of service for those who use their services. The telecoms did. Trump ignored them.
Trump is fighting for Trump. That is all he ever fights for. Whose speech is limited?

He was being sarcastic. ;)
Has his speech been limited? How did you hear about it? Did he give you a phone call? Of course, private companies can set up terms of service for those who use their services. The telecoms did. Trump ignored them.
Trump is fighting for Trump. That is all he ever fights for. Whose speech is limited?

If Trump is not sent to prison there is something seriously fucked up about our country.
Trump always plays his supporters for the fool.

He just learned how to master the art, right wing media demagogues have doing it for decades, there is a reason obscure Top 40 AM disc jockeys like Limbaugh and Beck turned themselves into millionaires by just telling conservatives just want they wanted to hear, they are easy prey
It is nothing other than an orchestrated deflection away from Trump’s other legal problems, how do you sue a private entity of depriving you of your First Amendment rights? It’s a joke

happens all the time, people sue private businesses for all types of discrimination these days
happens all the time, people sue private businesses for all types of discrimination these days

Suing is not winning. Like Trump's election lawsuits. They were laughed out of court. Trump's lawyers are facing disciplinary action.
While legal experts dismiss his claims against Facebook, Twitter, and Google, the former president and his allies are already fundraising off their latest attack on Big Tech.

Legal experts, however, weren’t impressed with Trump’s claims. “I think the lawsuit has almost no chance of success,” Vanderbilt University law professor Brian Fitzpatrick told CNBC, given that the companies are privately controlled and are not beholden to the same speech laws that public platforms are. “I think this is just a public relations lawsuit, and I’ll be honest with you, I wouldn’t be surprised if it ends with sanctions against the lawyers for filing a frivolous lawsuit,” Fitzpatrick concluded. University of Texas law professor Steve Vladeck recalled how Trump, as president, argued that his blocking of critics on Twitter didn’t violate the First Amendment.

As Columbia University’s Jameel Jaffer asked, ”In what constitution universe can it be the case that Trump wasn't a state actor when he blocked critics from his social media accounts but the social media companies were state actors when they blocked him?” And George Conway, an anti-Trump conservative lawyer, tweeted, “I’ve skimmed former guy’s complaint against Facebook and it’s every bit as stupid as you’d think it is.

Why do his rubes keep falling for his grift? smfh

Shortly after concluding his rambling remarks—aired live on pro-Trump channels Newsmax and One America News Network, and for the most part on Fox News—Trump began soliciting donations in the name of free speech. “BREAKING NEWS! President Trump is filing a LAWSUIT against Twitter and Facebook for UNFAIR CENSORSHIP! … Please contribute IMMEDIATELY,” read one such donation blast, while another call-to-action text campaign was written in the first person. “I am SUING Facebook & Twitter for UNCONSTITUTIONAL CENSORSHIP,” read the message to his supporters that linked to the Trump–GOP joint fundraising committee Save America.
Has his speech been limited?
How did you hear about it?
Already answered. RQAA.
Did he give you a phone call? Of course, private companies can set up terms of service for those who use their services.
They cannot violate those terms of service either, yet they did.
The telecoms did.
The telecoms cannot. They must conform to common carrier law.
Trump ignored them.
Of course.
Trump is fighting for Trump.
Trump is also fighting for people.
That is all he ever fights for.
Whose speech is limited?
being conned is voting for a guy that stutters because his non functioning dementia ridden brain won't allow him a complete thought

Every time you speak- a kitten dies somewhere!
