Parler CEO George Farmer: Trump lawsuit against Facebook, Twitter, Google will ‘redef

It is nothing other than an orchestrated deflection away from Trump’s other legal problems, how do you sue a private entity of depriving you of your First Amendment rights? It’s a joke

Easy. You go to the court clerk, file some paperwork, pay your fee, and you have sued a private entity for the slander and censorship they've done.
Every time you speak- a kitten dies somewhere!


good I hate fucking cats
no, just the progressives and most leftist that won't get off the couch to help themselves but want everything handed to them for free, yes I hate those fuckers


Or- are you just a hypocrite?

Thanks for sharing and caring!

didn't get a single one, I only spent my paychecks that never stopped

Don't lie! Everyone got relief checks- irregardless as to whether they were drawing a paycheck or not.

The relief checks were also sent out to stimulate a sagging economy!

The only people who did not receive relief checks are people that haven't filed their income tax in so many years they fell off the radar!
The issue with corporate platforms of social media is they can afford for a few to abuse freedom of speech.
That doesn't necessarily make government regulated speech any better as the same premises will arise of corrupted power.