Pat Buchanan's nightmare to come true early

If my wife could stay home and thus we could avoid the $19,000 a year nanny bill... Yes, we would have more kids.
Central Planner says: A completely controlled human biosphere must have death built in to replace the culling effect of nature. This gives us an opportunity to sculpt incentives for survival around our perception of the perfect personality for universal control, a depraved soulless, yet brilliant pychotic killing machine, capable of perfect blending into a host society and slow erosion of it's protective cultural memes through any and all means necessary. We need an army of those alpha indviduals.
I'm a big fan of the crackpipe so I'm going to hold onto it thank you. What was crack in what I wrote?

That "our" standard of living has improved due to offshoring. You must be on crack. Name the last generation not to do better than their parents? Give it a rest, and get off the brainwashing tapes man.
based on that way of thinking how would have ever evolved? we would be living the most primitive lifestyle possible.

This is not an increase in technology gradually replacing old, which would occur without internationlist fascism. This is the the selective economic devastation of selected groups through exploitation of created disparities in relative values of statist fiat currencies.
That "our" standard of living has improved due to offshoring. You must be on crack. Name the last generation not to do better than their parents? Give it a rest, and get off the brainwashing tapes man.

Watch me offshore your ass and we'll see how beneficial it is.
Central Planner says: A completely controlled human biosphere must have death built in to replace the culling effect of nature. This gives us an opportunity to sculpt incentives for survival around our perception of the perfect personality for universal control, a depraved soulless, yet brilliant pychotic killing machine, capable of perfect blending into a host society and slow erosion of it's protective cultural memes through any and all means necessary. We need an army of those alpha indviduals.

Jesus Christ. I don’t know who’s worse.
Threats. Agree with me or I will offshore your ass. Yes. We all believe in globalization wholeheartedly. We all sing with the chinese girl deemed too ugly by the Chi-coms to open her mouth in public.
Well, consulting "who's online" we see this thread is the bomb. For the benefit of the forum and generating traffic for damo, it's best if we all stick to topics which interest me.