Pat Buchanan's nightmare to come true early

Thread summary.

To create a new global society where the only allowed allegiance is to the corporate collective, all other loyalties are villified by a word ending with a ism. Sticking up for whites, is racism. Sticking up for americans is nationalism.... etc. the only ism they won't recognize is fascism. Fascism, according to them, ended in the 40's with the defeat of hitler.
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Thread summary.

To create a new global society where the only allowed allegiance is to the corporate collective, all other loyalties are villified by a word ending with a ism. Stick up for whites, is racism. Sticking up for americans is nationalism.... etc. the only ism they won't recognize is fascism. Fascism, according to them, ended in the 40's with the defeat of hitler.

I still don't see how anything being said here is anti-white. Because some lower paying jobs go overseas to people of color and higher paying jobs come back to the U.S. where more people are white is not anti-white. People marrying or procreating with who they want is not anti-white as long as its not based on some government mandate. And having the best and brightest come to the U.S. from other countries is not anti-white. It is a pro-U.S. thing that benefits our entire country.
I still don't see how anything being said here is anti-white.
What's anti-white, is that white individuals who complain about these issues, are called racists. Though there are practical reasons for wanting your ethnic subgroup to prosper, namely representation at the polls of a democratic society.

Race is real, especially when governments use the data to discriminate.
Because some lower paying jobs go overseas to people of color and higher paying jobs come back to the U.S. where more people are white is not anti-white.
It's just anti - those individuals. It's definitely anti americanism.

Slavery was not anti-black, it was just anti-many individuals who happened to be of color right? See how your abstractions allow you frame people for attack, but do not allow them a defense?
People marrying or procreating with who they want is not anti-white as long as its not based on some government mandate. And having the best and brightest come to the U.S. from other countries is not anti-white. It is a pro-U.S. thing that benefits our entire country.

How is one benefitted if one is replaced?

You make the classic fascist fallacy of assuming that what is good for business is good for everybody, even the guy who is being replaced. You suck at arguing and you have no soul..
I still don't see how anything being said here is anti-white. Because some lower paying jobs go overseas to people of color and higher paying jobs come back to the U.S. where more people are white is not anti-white. People marrying or procreating with who they want is not anti-white as long as its not based on some government mandate. And having the best and brightest come to the U.S. from other countries is not anti-white. It is a pro-U.S. thing that benefits our entire country.

My comments were about the mixing of races and thereby eliminating racism.

As for being all tough, I was addressing your basically calling my son a pedophile. You claim that there are certain things which should not be allowed, on that point I agree. And calling my son a pedophile is one of those things. But then you have the luxury of hiding online when you do such things.

I believe your actual words were "Ahh. The child molestation raquet. Congratulations."

That you automatically accuse all members of any clergy of either being child molesters or working for child molesters shows your extremism and your bigotry.

No where have I said anything negative about any race. I did, however, say that if the only way to survive as a race is thru the methods you described, that I preferred not to have my people survive. That is not, as you claim, showing a desire to see white people disappear. It is saying that sinking to depths to maintain an artificial segregation is not worth it.
What's anti-white, is that white individuals who complain about these issues, are called racists. Though there are practical reasons for wanting your ethnic subgroup to prosper, namely representation at the polls of a democratic society.

Race is real, especially when governments use the data to discriminate.

It's just anti - those individuals. It's definitely anti americanism.

Slavery was not anti-black, it was just anti-many individuals who happened to be of color right? See how your abstractions allow you frame people for attack, but do not allow them a defense?

How is one benefitted if one is replaced?

You make the classic fascist fallacy of assuming that what is good for business is good for everybody, even the guy who is being replaced. You suck at arguing and you have no soul..

Asshat, you speak as if everything is a zero sum game. Like if someone migrates to the U.S. they are automatically taking an American's job. Look at the millions of new jobs created by the tech boom. A lot of those companies were started by immigrant entrepreneurs. Those people created jobs for Americans. That is a good thing.
My comments were about the mixing of races and thereby eliminating racism.
You're a freaking mental house of horrors. SO much for diversity, right?

As for being all tough, I was addressing your basically calling my son a pedophile. You claim that there are certain things which should not be allowed, on that point I agree. And calling my son a pedophile is one of those things. But then you have the luxury of hiding online when you do such things.
I said he works for a pedophilic organization. That is true. Don't blame me.
I believe your actual words were "Ahh. The child molestation raquet. Congratulations."
He is part of the racquet that he may not be a perpetrator. Don't be so sensitive either, bend-over boy.
That you automatically accuse all members of any clergy of either being child molesters or working for child molesters shows your extremism and your bigotry.
The pope was complicit in protecting pedophiles. The entire cathlic church is a corrupt instiution and has been since the beginning. Im sorry to be the one to shatter your spiritual dreams.
No where have I said anything negative about any race.
You are negative about all races, and think people should be interbred to eliminate race. I bet you also believe christians should be forced to renounce christ because, "hey it's all the same god of zion anyway", like the other noahide catholic apostates.
I did, however, say that if the only way to survive as a race is thru the methods you described, that I preferred not to have my people survive. That is not, as you claim, showing a desire to see white people disappear. It is saying that sinking to depths to maintain an artificial segregation is not worth it.

What sinister methods are you referring to? Enforced borders? eww. Evil. The mexican people would be better off if we forcible reformed mexico. But that wouldn't have the devastating effect on the euro-historical freedom oriented population the elites intend.

People complaining about immigration would still complain even if was the same race displacing them.
Asshat, you speak as if everything is a zero sum game. Like if someone migrates to the U.S. they are automatically taking an American's job. Look at the millions of new jobs created by the tech boom. A lot of those companies were started by immigrant entrepreneurs. Those people created jobs for Americans. That is a good thing.

One thing that is rarely discussed when talking about immigrant labor is the work ethic they have.

I have been working in the utility construction industry for a decade. I have been on jobs all over the easternhalf of the country.

I can safely say that if our contractors were required to hire only american citizens, the work would simply not get done. I know of close to a hundred contracting companies that would love to have an all american work crew. Most pay in the $600 to $750 a week range for unskilled labor. With VERY rare exceptions, I have not seen any americans who will work hard for 8 or 10 hours a day.

Its not that they are taking jobs away from americans. And its not that americans don't want these jobs. They are just unwilling to work hard anymore.

Our work ethic is for shit.
asz, I have a news flash for you. Not all christian churches are catholic churches. Apparently you missed the entire Protestant Reformation?
One thing that is rarely discussed when talking about immigrant labor is the work ethic they have.

I have been working in the utility construction industry for a decade. I have been on jobs all over the easternhalf of the country.

I can safely say that if our contractors were required to hire only american citizens, the work would simply not get done. I know of close to a hundred contracting companies that would love to have an all american work crew. Most pay in the $600 to $750 a week range for unskilled labor. With VERY rare exceptions, I have not seen any americans who will work hard for 8 or 10 hours a day.

Its not that they are taking jobs away from americans. And its not that americans don't want these jobs. They are just unwilling to work hard anymore.

Our work ethic is for shit.

Maybe there wouldn't be a glut of houses.

Maybe contractors like not paying taxes.

It's cool when you denigrate americans. You should be proud.
Maybe there wouldn't be a glut of houses.

Maybe contractors like not paying taxes.

It's cool when you denigrate americans. You should be proud.

Pay attention. I didn't say anything about building houses.

I work in the UTILITY CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY. We build powerline, fiber optic, cable, telecomm, and telephone systems.

The contractors would LOVE to pay taxes if it eliminated all the headaches of having documented and undocumented immigrants. The tax money is not the issue with them. If they can get hard working crews, they can make good money and pay good wages.

Should I lie and praise the work ethic of americans? Is that what you would prefer? That I sing about how hard they work, how reliable they are, and what good workers we have in this country??

No, I call them like I see them. If you can't handle that, then you are talking to the wrong guy.

I have a decade of experience and nothing I have seen shows me anything different than what I stated.
Pay attention. I didn't say anything about building houses.
Building whatever. Who cares.
I work in the UTILITY CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY. We build powerline, fiber optic, cable, telecomm, and telephone systems.
That's like, wires and shit.
The contractors would LOVE to pay taxes if it eliminated all the headaches of having documented and undocumented immigrants. The tax money is not the issue with them. If they can get hard working crews, they can make good money and pay good wages.
Yes. Now If we could just get rid of that american working class. Wouldn't it be cool if it was just masters and slaves?
Should I lie and praise the work ethic of americans? Is that what you would prefer? That I sing about how hard they work, how reliable they are, and what good workers we have in this country??
It's just a big slander. There are plenty of hard working americans.

We want new bosses too, sorry, we're deporting you. How's that? If destroying the border for your gain is fine, then violating your rights and deporting you should just as fine. Hey, it's what we want, it must be acceptable.
No, I call them like I see them. If you can't handle that, then you are talking to the wrong guy.

I have a decade of experience and nothing I have seen shows me anything different than what I stated.
You're talking to the wrong, guy. You should choose arguments where you don't get your ass beat.
Building whatever. Who cares.

That's like, wires and shit.

Yes. Now If we could just get rid of that american working class. Wouldn't it be cool if it was just masters and slaves?

It's just a big slander. There are plenty of hard working americans.

We want new bosses too, sorry, we're deporting you. How's that? If destroying the border for your gain is fine, then violating your rights and deporting you should just as fine. Hey, it's what we want, it must be acceptable.

You're talking to the wrong, guy. You should choose arguments where you don't get your ass beat.

LOL! Yeah, just wires and shit. I'm glad you have such a clear comprehension of the industry.

I am sure there are lots of hard working americans. But obviously not enough of them. I have seen literally hundreds of americans hired for our contractors. Only a very few have lasted. Most quit within a week. Digging holes in the ground for 8 hours a day is too much for them apparently.

I am sure you do want to deport all of us bosses who expect workers to do their jobs. I am sure you would much prefer to have a job where very little is expected of you and the pay is great. Let me know when you work that out.

I am where I am because I busted my butt working. I learned, workerd hard and became a bigger asset. Deport me? Sure, then find someone else to do my job. Good luck with that. There is a constant demand for my particular specialty.

Getting my ass beat? lmao

AHZ, you are entertaining. Thats about all I can say.
Basically corporate america feels the american working class has had it to good in the past and is unwilling to accept the new slavery of globalization. That's why those with a long tradition of valuing american freedoms and standards will be eliminated. Many of those families happen to be white, so it's easy to villify them on those grounds, though as I said, If all people were grey, it still would generate conflict to displace a whole class of people. The race card is just a way to shut people up.
LOL! Yeah, just wires and shit. I'm glad you have such a clear comprehension of the industry.
me too. It's crystal.
I am sure there are lots of hard working americans. But obviously not enough of them. I have seen literally hundreds of americans hired for our contractors. Only a very few have lasted. Most quit within a week. Digging holes in the ground for 8 hours a day is too much for them apparently.
Or the pay is not enough. The bosses prefer desperate people willing to live fifteen to a trailer. And so goes the undoing of the american working class.
I am sure you do want to deport all of us bosses who expect workers to do their jobs. I am sure you would much prefer to have a job where very little is expected of you and the pay is great. Let me know when you work that out.
And I do understand that rights, freedoms, and maintaining a family according to tradition american middle class ways, is just merely a stumbling block for the ceo's grand visions of megalomania.
I am where I am because I busted my butt working. I learned, workerd hard and became a bigger asset. Deport me? Sure, then find someone else to do my job. Good luck with that. There is a constant demand for my particular specialty.

Getting my ass beat? lmao

AHZ, you are entertaining. Thats about all I can say.

You have nothing else to say.

Your soul is revealed as a fetid black mass.
Is anyone interested in sticking together? I know it's an outdated notion in this "fuck you" world. Each other is really all we have, unless you count the aliens and how they can elevate us above all our enemies.
Apparently thats what you want for all "your people". You claimed it was the way for a people to survive.

I said it was a way. A way which works in a democracy where numbers count.

And you said living fifteen to a trailer is bad for people, but yet you only want to hire those who live that way. You're conflicted inside, like a torsed colon.
The pay is not enough? Most of our contractors pay between $600 & $750 a week for unskilled labor. That comes to between $31200 and $39000 a year. Maybe you know a way to make better money with no skills???

I just checked with one of our project managers in PA. So let me educate you on the facts of, at least one, situation. And it is pretty typical.

We have two projects going in PA. Both involve putting 2" conduit underground at a depth of 30" to 36". Both projects are major builds and involve mostly work in areas with existing underground utilities.

The conduit is placed by either missiling (stitch boring) or directional boring. The bulk of the work is done with a missile. This involves digging a 40" deep hole that is 5' long and about 1.5' to 2' wide every 20' to 30' along the path. All existing utilities must be physically located, so there is more digging.

Pittsburgh is a very pro-union area. The immigration people are pressured by the unions to harrass all hispanics. Even the workers with Work Visas are constantly stopped and checked, to the point that the INS people will call them by name when demanding to see their papers.

So three of our bigger contractors decided to avoid all hispanic laborers. They placed ads in all the papers. They placed ads online with job search groups and organizations. They went to the state employment office, and even to some charity groups to get american workers.

From March until the end of May, these three contractors had over 500 applicants. They hired every one that could do the work, could pass a drug screen and had transportation to the jobsites. As of the end of July, only 14 workers remain.

And not one crew has managed over 1,000' in a single day. (and the company is paid by production - in other words, paid for what they get done)

Our contractors have the bulk of their equipment sitting idle.

Do you think that paying taxes is the reason their machines are not running?

This is a massive utility job. But the work has slowed to a crawl because they cannot get quality workers.

Prior to the INS harrassment, all three contractors had several crews that averaged 1500 to 2000 feet a day.
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