Pat Buchanan's nightmare to come true early

Sure I can.

Considering the levels of corruption and the fact that business dictate public policy, they should be run according to the needs of the taxpayers, who fund their subsidies, and their wars to gain market share.


Then you have no clue about businesses, just paranoid delusions. The overwhelming majority of businesses receive no subsidies and never start wars.

The point of a business is the profit. Long term goals may temper that, but no business (except a charity) exists for the local economy.

Then you have no clue about businesses, just paranoid delusions. The overwhelming majority of businesses receive no subsidies and never start wars.

The point of a business is the profit. Long term goals may temper that, but no business (except a charity) exists for the local economy.

I can't figure out exactly what he wants. Can you? If so can you share it with me?
I can't figure out exactly what he wants. Can you? If so can you share it with me?

He wants to bitch, blame other people, and offer nothing but cynicism. And he is trying so hard to sound intellectually gifted, but he just sounds like some whiney anarchist or conspiracy nut.

Then you have no clue about businesses, just paranoid delusions. The overwhelming majority of businesses receive no subsidies and never start wars.

The point of a business is the profit. Long term goals may temper that, but no business (except a charity) exists for the local economy.

And workers don't profit if their jobs are outsourced. People surviving is just as important as businesses suriviving. An entity more important than human life, or with more rights than an individual is an abomination. The point of government is to protect all insterested parties, companies and employees.
I want non-fascism and a return to sound monetary policy. This single act alone will change the entire world. The controllers will actually have to wait for the revenue to fund our enslavement, instead of charging us up front for it.
And workers don't profit if their jobs are outsourced. People surviving is just as important as businesses suriviving. An entity more important than human life, or with more rights than an individual is an abomination. The point of government is to protect all insterested parties, companies and employees.

Oh, so the person that invests their own money to start it, takes on debt to build it, and risks their livelihood to run it, should be forced to run his business as a support mechanism for the workers???

These same workers who can barely make it to work on time, could give a shit about the company, and only live for the paycheck??

Thats the worst idea for how to run a business ever.

Governments exist to serve people. And some government regulation to protect workers is a good idea. But businesses ONLY survive in a global market thru competition. And profit is the name of the business game.
Oh, so the person that invests their own money to start it, takes on debt to build it, and risks their livelihood to run it, should be forced to run his business as a support mechanism for the workers???
Are workers to be looked at as a resource to be eliminated from the equation if he can be replaced elsewhere???? We can all get outraged.
These same workers who can barely make it to work on time, could give a shit about the company, and only live for the paycheck??
Are they running a charity for their boss or something? Yes. they live for the paycheck, if they're nothing but a resource.
Thats the worst idea for how to run a business ever.

Governments exist to serve people. And some government regulation to protect workers is a good idea. But businesses ONLY survive in a global market thru competition. And profit is the name of the business game.

And some things are immoral and should go undone regardless of their profitably, like kiddie porn, or the dehumanization of the human workforce.
"Are workers to be looked at as a resource to be eliminated from the equation if he can be replaced elsewhere???? We can all get outraged."

If the workers cannot produce at a profitable rate, then they are replaced. Its simple. But almost no one wants to get rid of good workers.

"Are they running a charity for their boss or something? Yes. they live for the paycheck, if they're nothing but a resource."

Yes, they are a resource. They are NOT the reason the business exists. If they are a good resource, the company will see them as valuable. If they are lazy pieces of shit then they should be fired.

"And some things are immoral and should go undone regardless of their profitably, like kiddie porn, or the dehumanization of the human workforce. "

Requiring workers to do their job well is not dehumanizing. Requiring that the workers not do stupid things and get hurt is not dehumanizing. And yet, the number one root cause of worker injury is carelessness.

And this idea that its businesses OR people is nonsense. Businesses ARE people. There are PEOPLE running the business. There are PEOPLE investing their life savings into businesses. But you think the people running the businesses or investing life savings in businesses should lose what they worked for so the unconcerned, uneducated workers can keep their jobs for a little longers???

If a business is not profitable it will go out of business. Then the workers AND the owners are out of luck.
But I'm talking about work specifically going to non americans. That is commonly referred to as outsourcing in layman's terms. That's what I'm talking about. Even if you pretend there's no word for what I'm talking about, it doesn't erase the reality of the phenomenon.

Just because you don't know what 'outsourcing' means is no reason to get your shorts in a knot....

If a dry cleaning establishment calls in the Merry Maids to clean up the store instead of paying their own workers to do it...ITS OUTSOURCING....fool...
This is EXACTLY the funny shit I thought it would be. AHZ HATES the fact that his oh so holy racial holy war is losing. More of us are procreating with HUMANS that are darker than we are. We are all the same people, some of us are just darker. But this turns from being about our country getting darker to the darkies are stealing our job. Now is the time for ASSWIPEZOMBIE to scream out White Pride World Wide! Rohowa! 88 and Seig Heil. Time for him to say that we are not FORCING the jews to breed outside their RACE, even though we are not forcing anyone else to procreate with ANYONE. AWZ you are the vinter of a cheap ass white whine. Waaaaa my white race is falling apart.
Asshat, what do you do? Where do you work? How do you practice what you preach? How are you any different than what solitary described?
This is EXACTLY the funny shit I thought it would be. AHZ HATES the fact that his oh so holy racial holy war is losing. More of us are procreating with HUMANS that are darker than we are. We are all the same people, some of us are just darker. But this turns from being about our country getting darker to the darkies are stealing our job. Now is the time for ASSWIPEZOMBIE to scream out White Pride World Wide! Rohowa! 88 and Seig Heil. Time for him to say that we are not FORCING the jews to breed outside their RACE, even though we are not forcing anyone else to procreate with ANYONE. AWZ you are the vinter of a cheap ass white whine. Waaaaa my white race is falling apart.

All people have a right to defend their nation from invasion. Just because business prefer a cheaper labor force to maximize profit, doesn't mean they have a right to eliminate immigration policy. People are reasonable who take measures to ensure a certain standard of living, to avoid a "race to the bottom" scenario that globalization as conducted today creates. But sure, be a dipshit about it, nihilist human hating fascist.
All people have a right to defend their nation from invasion. Just because business prefer a cheaper labor force to maximize profit, doesn't mean they have a right to eliminate immigration policy. People are reasonable who take measures to ensure a certain standard of living, to avoid a "race to the bottom" scenario that globalization as conducted today creates. But sure, be a dipshit about it, nihilist human hating fascist.
This post was about the US becomeing a less White, meaning less European American, nation. More people are being born to non european based life forms. It had NOTHING to do with who was working what jobs, it has nothing directly to do with illegal immigrants, except to the extent that they are giving birth to new American citizens, and my bet is that is not the bulk of newly born non white americans are from illegal immigrant parents. It makes me a human hater because I look forward to a united states where european americans are no longer the majority? Are they ALL that count as human? Because honestly, I look forward to a time when darker HUMANS populate the country so that race really becomes less of an issue.
It's a goal of yours.

Less white people is seen as progress. you're racially brainwashed. All beings seek to increase their genetically related biomass. This has nothing to do with race, but with surival. All individuals have a right to prosper, even white individuals.

You are exaggerating. Less or more white people isn't good or bad.
You need to talk to solitary. He thinks the elimination of white people is something to strive for.

How are white people being eliminated? Do you suggest some sort of ban on non-whites from procreating? Because otherwise how do you legislate who can and cannot have a family?

When it comes to my family, yep its fuck everyone else. You think I am going to be a martyr for the white race? lmao
How about a martyr for civilization in general?
People have always travelled to where the work is. Its caused many of the migrations in humanity.
And people also exert influence, political and otherwise to keep work convenient for themselves. They are not wrong to do so. If you think turning americans in a migrant workforce is a step in the right direction. You're a fucktard.
If the jobs leave, then you have a choice of going in search of a job in your chosen career, or staying put and getting by however you can. If your career is rewarding and you love what you do, the location is incidental.
but still people want work to stay local, and use their political influence to achieve this. It is not wrong, it is rational.
And thats my SON who is studying chinese. He CHOSE that based on his own interests. I did not design their course curriculum. Unlike some assholes, I do not run my children's lives.

My daughter is the one helping to remove criminals from the streets. They don't call in forensics for vandalism.

I am not even going to address the comments about my oldest son. He felt called to mission work to help people. But I can ONLY hope for the opportunity to have you make similar comments if you and I were ever face to face.
Im sorry your son chose a career where pedophiles run the show. Don't start getting all tough, or threatening me. I believe that is against the board rules.
Now, back to this "Good for you and your traitor-ass attitude". If I am prepared for any disastors, I am partially prepared for all disastors. I am a hunter and gun hobbyist. I enjoy being self-sufficient.

Now, if I have struggled and worked hard to provide for my family, while no one else did a damn thing to help me or themselves, why in the world SHOULD I worry about them?
It's a called a greater cooperative group. It has to do with morality and society.
I am a traitor? Funny, you are ridiculing my life, and then calling me names because I would not risk my family to help other people who think like you do? WTF? Surely you are not so ignorant as all that.
I'm not asking you to risk anything. I'm asking you to reevaluate your allegedly foolproof plans.
A traitor to whom? My neighbors can rely on me as always. But, from your rants, I am guessing that you consider me a traitor to whites? Why should I lift a finger to help someone based solely on the color of their skin? If they are unprepared, it is because they either wasted their own resources or didn't work (like the rest of us hamsters). In either case, I have no sympathy.

But isn't also wrong to be elated when populations are reduced, based on skin color.

Being white has become a basis on which white people can be attacked, but cannot defend themselves. White families having a tough time? That's ok, it's best for the world if there are less whites, right jew programmed, nihilist fascist poopy pants?
Just because you don't know what 'outsourcing' means is no reason to get your shorts in a knot....

If a dry cleaning establishment calls in the Merry Maids to clean up the store instead of paying their own workers to do it...ITS OUTSOURCING....fool...

Im referring to a special case of non citizens being hired in the place of americans. Don't be purposefully idiotic. You can call it what you want. I'm not referring to the general case of corp to corp relations, but you know that.
How are white people being eliminated? Do you suggest some sort of ban on non-whites from procreating? Because otherwise how do you legislate who can and cannot have a family?

Solitary expressed joy at the thought of everyone being bred into a nice shade of brown. that's eugenics, as nazi-like as a death camp.

And I don't suggest people be kept from breeding. I advocate that mexicans stay in mexico and we lobby the mexican government to develop mexico instead of shipping their numbers here to drive our workers out of the market.

Earlier on this thread we were talking about living responsibly and having only kids you can take care of. This value does not succeed in a democracy where # of voters matter. Controlling who is allowed in controls the values of a nation.
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