Pat Buchanan's nightmare to come true early

You know asshat, while you spend all this time demeaning everyone, you are not offering any decent ideas for spending a good life.

By your words, we shouldn't work and provide for our families?

By your words, if we get an education we are only working to help subdue the white populists?

Your ideas are simple hidden hostilities. If you want to hate everything go ahead. But life is about more than hate and worrying about the white race staying on top.
You know asshat, while you spend all this time demeaning everyone, you are not offering any decent ideas for spending a good life.
Learn an instrument.
By your words, we shouldn't work and provide for our families?
Where did i say we shouldn't work? I also think we should craft public policy in a way better for the futures of current americans.
By your words, if we get an education we are only working to help subdue the white populists?
That is the main indoctrination meme. And investigators brought up on CSI believe that "jump to wild conclusions then prove them" style of forensics.
Your ideas are simple hidden hostilities. If you want to hate everything go ahead. But life is about more than hate and worrying about the white race staying on top.

What you perceive are your virtues and strengths are an ugly elitist and selfish fascism.
If the firm hires overseas accountants. That's outsourcing. Where, or by whom the work is accomplished is what's relevant. Country of incorporation is not the issue.

Hey, that's what wallmart did to get around hiring illegals. Good for you. You have a don't ask, don't tell policy toward the well being of fellow countrymen.

You're a shitty american.

I can't say I've seen too many illegal aliens that are CPA's but maybe you've seen otherwise. And I said the work is getting done in San Francisco. I'm not going to fly overseas to meet with my accountants. I've been called a lot worse than a shitty American.
I can't say I've seen too many illegal aliens that are CPA's but maybe you've seen otherwise. And I said the work is getting done in San Francisco. I'm not going to fly overseas to meet with my accountants. I've been called a lot worse than a shitty American.

But you do now agree that jobs are outsourced, even if you haven't done any outsourcing?
But you do now agree that jobs are outsourced, even if you haven't done any outsourcing?

I never disagreed. I just described an example of outsourcing. Off-shoring is when jobs that were done in the U.S. are sent to another country. If there was not outsourcing then there would be one company that everybody in America worked for. I don't see that happening.
I never disagreed. I just described an example of outsourcing. Off-shoring is when jobs that were done in the U.S. are sent to another country. If there was not outsourcing then there would be one company that everybody in America worked for. I don't see that happening.

Outsourcing is a word commoly used to mean the same thing. It is commonly used to descibe work going to noncitizens, thus taking money out of the american economy, and putting american workers at risk. That's the more common usage.

For your fucking information...
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Outsourcing is a world commoly used to mean the same thing. It is commonly used to descibe work going to noncitizens, thus taking money out of the american economy, and putting american workers at risk. That's the more common usage.

For your fucking information...

Actually I would beg to differ. Outsourcing gets discussed all the time in the business world and it has nothing to do with illegals. It's about a company's efficiency of whether they feel they can best do something in house or contract that work out. Pretty simple concept really.
Actually I would beg to differ. Outsourcing gets discussed all the time in the business world and it has nothing to do with illegals. It's about a company's efficiency of whether they feel they can best do something in house or contract that work out. Pretty simple concept really.

But I'm talking about work specifically going to non americans. That is commonly referred to as outsourcing in layman's terms. That's what I'm talking about. Even if you pretend there's no word for what I'm talking about, it doesn't erase the reality of the phenomenon.
Word games? I'm describing pretty clearly what I'm trying to say. I'm not hiding anything nor am I attempting to say 'facist this' and 'facist that'.

But you know perfectly well im not talking about merely using other corporations to accomplish work. Im talking about using non american citizens. You can call it what you want. Your word games and stupidity reveal that you cannot deal with the actual subject matter.
Perhaps for people who have no dealings with any sort of businesses, outsourcing ONLY means using nonamericans. But the general meaning has been around for a long time.

Tell me asshat, does a business exist to provide jobs for people who live nearby or does it exist to make a profit for those who risk their money starting and running the business??
Perhaps for people who have no dealings with any sort of businesses, outsourcing ONLY means using nonamericans. But the general meaning has been around for a long time.

Tell me asshat, does a business exist to provide jobs for people who live nearby or does it exist to make a profit for those who risk their money starting and running the business??

I have a better question. Should countries be run as businesses?
No, that is not a checkmate of any sort.

You were talking about outsourcing, and I asked a very simple question.

No answer???
Ok, when someone asks you a question, and you reply with a question, you cannot expect to get an answer to your question first.

But since you are such an asshole, I will humor you this time.

No, a government should NOT be run the same way a business should be run.

Now its your turn. Does a business exist to provide jobs for people who live nearby or does it exist to make a profit for those who risk their money starting and running the business??
But you know perfectly well im not talking about merely using other corporations to accomplish work. Im talking about using non american citizens. You can call it what you want. Your word games and stupidity reveal that you cannot deal with the actual subject matter.

So you want to talk about off-shoring of jobs. I would argue the ignorance is with you as capital will go to its most efficient allocation. If that means overseas then so be it. Low level menial work goes to foreigners while the innovation, maketing, sales etc. gets done in the U.S. Protectionism and isolationism does not work in a global economy. I'm sorry if that scares you as it seems it does but that is the world we live in. We cannot cover our eyes and hide.
Ok, when someone asks you a question, and you reply with a question, you cannot expect to get an answer to your question first.
Sure I can.
But since you are such an asshole, I will humor you this time.

No, a government should NOT be run the same way a business should be run.

Now its your turn. Does a business exist to provide jobs for people who live nearby or does it exist to make a profit for those who risk their money starting and running the business??

Considering the levels of corruption and the fact that businesses dictate public policy, they should be run according to the needs of the taxpayers, who fund their subsidies, and their wars to gain market share.
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