Patriot and Trump Supporter

Actually I made a mistake picking up up a 100lb barbell and herniated my L5-S1 disk. The disk is now pressing against my sciatic nerve and sends shooting pain down my right ieg if I lift anything or even sitting in a chair. So obviously I cannot work my regular job let alone get in a car very easily. I have a surgery date scheduled and everything. It's going to happen and I will get better, make no mistake, definitely going back to work (as a network admin)

In the mean time I am trying to secure some remote IT work for a tech company I used to work for in Seattle. All I need is my computer and a phone.

I love how people just presume to know everything on the internet. lol

Hate to break the Bad News here, but most people come out of back surgery ... and end up selling pencils on the street corner.
I'm from Upstate NY (Schenectady, NY)
Here to debate politics - of course!
Fervent supporter of Donald J Trump
I predict he will be elected in 2020
American Patriot - Honor the constitution
Obama is the evil mastermind, the joker, if you will

I believe the only way forward is for our nation to heal from the wounds created by Clinton - Bush - Obama legacy and the time to heal is NOW. 2020 will be a groundbreaking election and I predict a landslide victory for Donald Trump. We have come this far and we have so much potential as a nation - I think we are about to realize our true potential under Trump leadership. Already, we are seeing the nation's crime rate dip. We are seeing steady employment across the board, including great numbers for blacks and minorities. The economic engine has never been better.

I am 34 years old and suffering from a lower back injury. Because of this I have limited mobility and I'm out of work until I can get surgery in a few months, so I spend a lot of my time online. It is my hope that we can figure out this game of politics to work best FOR THE PEOPLE. Because this is a nation BY THE PEOPLE and we will be restored to our former greatness under Trump leadership.

Iron Mike

Sadly Mike, this looks like the end of the welcoming committee. Pretty pathetic. But I'm glad you're on here and look forward to seeing your posts.
Bullshit. :laugh:
Why would I lie about my race? I can post a picture of my face or friend you on facebook, just PM me... These liberals and their thick skulls.

Jesus was known as the Son of David
David was promised that one of his offspring would rule forever. Jesus was called the "Son of David" while he was here on the earth. He was born in David's city, Bethlehem. The gospel of Matthew records that various people, on six different occasions, acknowledged Jesus as the Son of David. This is a messianic title. Jesus never denied that he was the Son of David.. In fact, on Palm Sunday he received the praise and worship of the people.

I am honoring my Christian faith and honoring the Jewish people. Jesus was a Jew, after all. Get it?

So far you are sounding like a classic dyed in the wool liberal and likely hater of Jews and Israel. You guys dont waste any time revealing your true colors... so predictable.
Hate to break the Bad News here, but most people come out of back surgery ... and end up selling pencils on the street corner.
Do you honestly think I'm going to listen to anything you have to say?

You are a liberal and you are probably still butt hurt over Hillary's loss to Donald Trump. So you are on the losing side here. Everything you say must be taken with a 50lb bag of salt. You are likely suffering from Trump derangement syndrome. There is no known cure.

Also, Trump will win 2020 in a landslide. You will be left in the dust holding the bag for the democratic party. Hope you are prepared!
I'm from Upstate NY (Schenectady, NY)
Here to debate politics - of course!
Fervent supporter of Donald J Trump
I predict he will be elected in 2020
American Patriot - Honor the constitution
Obama is the evil mastermind, the joker, if you will

I believe the only way forward is for our nation to heal from the wounds created by Clinton - Bush - Obama legacy and the time to heal is NOW. 2020 will be a groundbreaking election and I predict a landslide victory for Donald Trump. We have come this far and we have so much potential as a nation - I think we are about to realize our true potential under Trump leadership. Already, we are seeing the nation's crime rate dip. We are seeing steady employment across the board, including great numbers for blacks and minorities. The economic engine has never been better.

I am 34 years old and suffering from a lower back injury. Because of this I have limited mobility and I'm out of work until I can get surgery in a few months, so I spend a lot of my time online. It is my hope that we can figure out this game of politics to work best FOR THE PEOPLE. Because this is a nation BY THE PEOPLE and we will be restored to our former greatness under Trump leadership.

Iron Mike

Wow! What a crock of shit!

Wow! What a crock of shit!


LOL @ my delusional friend. He must also suffer from Trump derangement Syndrome.

He has likely not gotten over Hillary's loss to Donald Trump.

What part did you want to call BS on? We can go over every detail point by point -- although liberals dont like facts....


Look! Another lunatic liberal and a do nothing democrat! When did you last tell a lie? Be honest now...

Another fool who likely thinks the impeachment hoax is actually going to work... so predictable

THIS is a perfect example of the intellect of the lunatic liberals on here. They lack the intelligence to properly debate ANYTHING presented on these threads and resort to crap like this. Pathetic AND pitiful.

I can tell... liberals usually have no problem exposing their true colors... even if it costs them their dignity. They have a lot of hate and sometimes they just lose all sense of self control...

Do you honestly think I'm going to listen to anything you have to say?

You are a liberal and you are probably still butt hurt over Hillary's loss to Donald Trump. So you are on the losing side here. Everything you say must be taken with a 50lb bag of salt. You are likely suffering from Trump derangement syndrome. There is no known cure.

Also, Trump will win 2020 in a landslide. You will be left in the dust holding the bag for the democratic party. Hope you are prepared!

I would try everything available to you before going under the knife. I've heard scare stories from too many people.
LOL @ my delusional friend. He must also suffer from Trump derangement Syndrome.

He has likely not gotten over Hillary's loss to Donald Trump.

What part did you want to call BS on? We can go over every detail point by point -- although liberals dont like facts....

LOL! Another one of my friends that has the Leg-humping Kiss Donald Trumps ass syndrome!

Still drunk over Donald Trump's and Russia's illegitimate win in 2016.

I'm from Upstate NY (Schenectady, NY)
Here to debate politics - of course!
Fervent supporter of Donald J Trump
I predict he will be elected in 2020
American Patriot - Honor the constitution
Obama is the evil mastermind, the joker, if you will

I believe the only way forward is for our nation to heal from the wounds created by Clinton - Bush - Obama legacy and the time to heal is NOW. 2020 will be a groundbreaking election and I predict a landslide victory for Donald Trump. We have come this far and we have so much potential as a nation - I think we are about to realize our true potential under Trump leadership. Already, we are seeing the nation's crime rate dip. We are seeing steady employment across the board, including great numbers for blacks and minorities. The economic engine has never been better.

I am 34 years old and suffering from a lower back injury. Because of this I have limited mobility and I'm out of work until I can get surgery in a few months, so I spend a lot of my time online. It is my hope that we can figure out this game of politics to work best FOR THE PEOPLE. Because this is a nation BY THE PEOPLE and we will be restored to our former greatness under Trump leadership.

Iron Mike

Welcome Mike. I lived in Onondaga County for 11 years until I escaped to North Carolina. Much more freedom here. And we don't have NYC boning us up the ass.
THIS is a perfect example of the intellect of the lunatic liberals on here. They lack the intelligence to properly debate ANYTHING presented on these threads and resort to crap like this. Pathetic AND pitiful.

There is no way to debate Bullshit!

If we cannot agree that Bullshit stinks, and that everybody knows it when they see it, then we will never be able to debate anything!
... meaning you are another deadbeat that lays around all day collecting a Government check. Certainly explains why you post so much during working hours.

You look stupid JackOFF. You must enjoy looking like a moron with all this idiotic yammering. Do continue. ;)