Patriot and Trump Supporter

Why would I lie about my race? I can post a picture of my face or friend you on facebook, just PM me... These liberals and their thick skulls.

Jesus was known as the Son of David
David was promised that one of his offspring would rule forever. Jesus was called the "Son of David" while he was here on the earth. He was born in David's city, Bethlehem. The gospel of Matthew records that various people, on six different occasions, acknowledged Jesus as the Son of David. This is a messianic title. Jesus never denied that he was the Son of David.. In fact, on Palm Sunday he received the praise and worship of the people.

I am honoring my Christian faith and honoring the Jewish people. Jesus was a Jew, after all. Get it?

So far you are sounding like a classic dyed in the wool liberal and likely hater of Jews and Israel. You guys dont waste any time revealing your true colors... so predictable.

I'm aware that originally the Star of David was used by both Jews and Christians. However, today it is used pretty exclusively by Jews. The chances of you not being Jewish, but being dumb enough to use the symbol anyway, is very slim.
I'm aware that originally the Star of David was used by both Jews and Christians. However, today it is used pretty exclusively by Jews. The chances of you not being Jewish, but being dumb enough to use the symbol anyway, is very slim.

Are you attempting (and failing) to restrict the use of this symbol to Jews ONLY?

Please PM me and I will send you some pictures.. that will call your bluff, not mine.

Again, I have nothing to hide - Why would I lie about my race?
I am not a previous member coming back under another name.
I started getting back into politics about a month ago after a three year hiatus (my guy obviously won)
This political climate is so tense at the moment plus we have a big election coming up. I couldn't resist picking it up again - so here I am!

The chances of you not being a liberal, but being dumb enough to use the symbols anyway, is very slim:

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Are you attempting (and failing) to restrict the use of this symbol to Jews ONLY?

No, I'm saying that like 95% of the people who use this symbol are Jewish. So I find it highly unlikely that you're not Jewish.

Please PM me and I will send you some pictures.. that will call your bluff, not mine.

And what would that prove? Ashkenazi Jews look white.

Again, I have nothing to hide - Why would I lie about my race?

Lots of Jews do in order to subvert white interests.

The chances of you not being a liberal, but being dumb enough to use the symbols anyway, is very slim

Divide and conquer by playing Liberals against Conservatives. Typical Jewish trick.
No, I'm saying that like 95% of the people who use this symbol are Jewish. So I find it highly unlikely that you're not Jewish.

And what would that prove? Ashkenazi Jews look white.

Lots of Jews do in order to subvert white interests.

Divide and conquer by playing Liberals against Conservatives. Typical Jewish trick.

I guess I will let you embrace your little conspiracy theory, If you want me to be a Jew I can be a jew. I am many things to many different people..

Isnt there a conspiracy theory floating around out there in liberal land to the effect that Jews control the economy and the world monetary systems? Isnt that how Hilter got his start and how he fueled the Nazi war machine? Chew on that for a moment.

Plus, If I was a jew I would probably win most, if not all of my debates...
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I'm from Upstate NY (Schenectady, NY)
Here to debate politics - of course!
Fervent supporter of Donald J Trump
I predict he will be elected in 2020
American Patriot - Honor the constitution
Obama is the evil mastermind, the joker, if you will

I believe the only way forward is for our nation to heal from the wounds created by Clinton - Bush - Obama legacy and the time to heal is NOW. 2020 will be a groundbreaking election and I predict a landslide victory for Donald Trump. We have come this far and we have so much potential as a nation - I think we are about to realize our true potential under Trump leadership. Already, we are seeing the nation's crime rate dip. We are seeing steady employment across the board, including great numbers for blacks and minorities. The economic engine has never been better.

I am 34 years old and suffering from a lower back injury. Because of this I have limited mobility and I'm out of work until I can get surgery in a few months, so I spend a lot of my time online. It is my hope that we can figure out this game of politics to work best FOR THE PEOPLE. Because this is a nation BY THE PEOPLE and we will be restored to our former greatness under Trump leadership.

Iron Mike

Cut the crap Mason!
Are you attempting (and failing) to restrict the use of this symbol to Jews ONLY?

Please PM me and I will send you some pictures.. that will call your bluff, not mine.

Again, I have nothing to hide - Why would I lie about my race?
I am not a previous member coming back under another name.
I started getting back into politics about a month ago after a three year hiatus (my guy obviously won)
This political climate is so tense at the moment plus we have a big election coming up. I couldn't resist picking it up again - so here I am!

The chances of you not being a liberal, but being dumb enough to use the symbols anyway, is very slim:

Read rule 12b. You'd better be very careful with any reference to pedophilia, especially when tying it to another poster.
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ead rule 12b. You'd better be very careful with any reference to pedophilia, especially when tying it to another poster.
I deleted my posting on the 3rd page. In order to get everything down I need you to go ahead and delete your quote that includes the picture.

thanks, I read the rules again so hopefully I can keep forum edict from here on out.
I'm from Upstate NY (Schenectady, NY)
Here to debate politics - of course!
Fervent supporter of Donald J Trump
I predict he will be elected in 2020
American Patriot - Honor the constitution
Obama is the evil mastermind, the joker, if you will

I believe the only way forward is for our nation to heal from the wounds created by Clinton - Bush - Obama legacy and the time to heal is NOW. 2020 will be a groundbreaking election and I predict a landslide victory for Donald Trump. We have come this far and we have so much potential as a nation - I think we are about to realize our true potential under Trump leadership. Already, we are seeing the nation's crime rate dip. We are seeing steady employment across the board, including great numbers for blacks and minorities. The economic engine has never been better.

I am 34 years old and suffering from a lower back injury. Because of this I have limited mobility and I'm out of work until I can get surgery in a few months, so I spend a lot of my time online. It is my hope that we can figure out this game of politics to work best FOR THE PEOPLE. Because this is a nation BY THE PEOPLE and we will be restored to our former greatness under Trump leadership.

Iron Mike


If you’re Trump supporter, you’re no patriot. You’re merely gullible and not very bright

Isnt there a conspiracy theory floating around out there in liberal land to the effect that Jews control the economy and the world monetary systems?

Not at all, most Liberals call everyone who says things like that a Nazi.

But what you're doing is typical of Jews. It's divide and conquer. Try to get people to identify as a Liberal or a Conservative, then get the two groups to fight.
You really think you are a patriot? By wanting to take down our borders?

This is called the Liberal Patriot Paradox

(liberal paradox # 8842)


A few things, pally boy. I never said a word about my patriotism. I said if you are a Trump supporter, YOU’RE no patriot. Work on that literacy

10 counts obstruction of justice- Mueller
Refer to the Ukraine phone call - solicitation of political favors from a foreign entity.
Denial of congressional subpoenas-more obstruction of justice.
Refer to the request on camera for China to investigate Biden. Soliciting of political favors from a foreign entity.
Toss in an abuse of power when he stole funds allocated for the military for his wall.

And guess what, punk, it looks like the WH just admitted to quid pro quo. lol

The second one, punk, is when you RW liars post your lying claims about something I supposedly posted, I challenge you to find it and post it. That’s where I always get crickets from you liars.

So, lets get started, punk. Find where I ever said I wanted to take down our borders

I’ll wait
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A few things, pally boy. I never said a word about my patriotism. I said if you are a Trump supporter, YOU’RE no patriot. Work on that literacy

10 counts obstruction of justice- Mueller
Refer to the Ukraine phone call - solicitation of political favors from a foreign entity.
Denial of congressional subpoenas-more obstruction of justice.
Refer to the request on camera for China to investigate Biden. Soliciting of political favors from a foreign entity.
Toss in an abuse of power when he stole funds allocated for the military for his wall.

And guess what, punk, it looks like the WH just admitted to quid pro quo. lol

The second one, punk, is when you RW liars post your lying claims about something I supposedly posted, I challenge you to find it and post it. That’s where I always get crickets from you liars.

So, lets get started, punk. Find where I ever said I wanted to take down our borders

I’ll wait

I will reframe the question. Why is Trump NOT a patriot for wanting to secure our border? For wanting to reduce violent crime? For respecting the American flag? For delivering on is promises? For supercharging the economy? For record low unemployment? For defending the second amendment? For defending the constitution? For praising the NRA and being endorsed by them? For respecting our law enforcement community? For putting America first? For fixing broken trade deals that attack America like a parasite? For example, 50 Billion investment from the Chinese.. our farmers are going to need bigger tractors!

Trump is not a patriot? LOL

10 counts obstruction of justice- Mueller
1) The special counsel's report on Russian interference does not come to a conclusion as to whether President Trump obstructed justice. If Mueller couldnt find anything after picking and prodding for years, nobody will. (liberal delusion #951)


2) you have this totally backwards. Trump didnt even pocket the presidential salary, a selfless act - during his time in office, the president donated his quarterly portions of his $400,000 salary to the National Park Service, Small Business Administration, Department of Interior, Department of Transportation, Department of Education, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Veterans Affairs, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, and other agencies. (liberal paradox # 432)

Refer to the Ukraine phone call - solicitation of political favors from a foreign entity.
You must be thinking of Joe Biden? And looking into corruption is a presidents duty! He promised to drain the swamp and this exactly what he is doing. And to be clear: He is not "digging up dirt" he is rooting out corruption, big difference.

Denial of congressional subpoenas-more obstruction of justice.
Im willing to bet, if the leftists get rid of the kangaroo court proceedings the WH would cooperate. Dems are being VERY dishonest! House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) said House Democrats won’t hold a vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry into Mr. Trump despite pressure from the GOP to do so. When the dems play ball instead of soviet style bullying, I have a feeling the WH will comply. You have to remember this entire impeachment is a total hoax parisan hack job hail mary attempt from the left to take Trump out before the election. Because they know they have no candidate who can compete with him.

Refer to the request on camera for China to investigate Biden. Soliciting of political favors from a foreign entity.
Investigating for corruption is the duty of the president. He is doing his job by having China look into Biden corruption (and there is some funny business going on there) Joe and Hunter are stone cold corrupt and everyone knows that. This isnt about "favors" this is about "corruption" and the Obama administration was no stranger to underhanded tactics and lies. Trump promised to drain the swamp and thats exactly what he is doing. Dems know they are going down. Fulfilling yet another campaign promise.

Toss in an abuse of power when he stole funds allocated for the military for his wall.
Trump had to appropriate funds from the military because he faced major obstruction in government from the democrats
He was correct in building the wall as we do have a national crisis going on down there. By building the wall he is fulfilling yet another campaign promise.

If you stand against Trump (which you clearly do) you generally stand against most if not all of his policy and that includes the wall... And if you frame a picture questioning the appropriation of funds, it is clear you are not very keen on that idea. Trump is building the wall, and illegal immigration has been drastically reduced in the past few months. Yet another campaign promise he has delivered on.

Mulvaney said that Trump was concerned about corruption in Ukraine, including its efforts in the 2016 election during a press briefing with reporters on Thursday afternoon. So once again, Trump is found as being concerned about corruption in the ukraine. After all, they donated over $10 million to the Clinton Foundation. Wonder if there is any corruption in the Clinton foundation?
I will reframe the question. Why is Trump NOT a patriot for wanting to secure our border? For wanting to reduce violent crime? For respecting the American flag? For delivering on is promises? For supercharging the economy? For record low unemployment? For defending the second amendment? For defending the constitution? For praising the NRA and being endorsed by them? For respecting our law enforcement community? For putting America first? For fixing broken trade deals that attack America like a parasite? For example, 50 Billion investment from the Chinese.. our farmers are going to need bigger tractors!

Trump is not a patriot? LOL

10 counts obstruction of justice- Mueller
1) The special counsel's report on Russian interference does not come to a conclusion as to whether President Trump obstructed justice. If Mueller couldnt find anything after picking and prodding for years, nobody will. (liberal delusion #951)


2) you have this totally backwards. Trump didnt even pocket the presidential salary, a selfless act - during his time in office, the president donated his quarterly portions of his $400,000 salary to the National Park Service, Small Business Administration, Department of Interior, Department of Transportation, Department of Education, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Veterans Affairs, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, and other agencies. (liberal paradox # 432)

Refer to the Ukraine phone call - solicitation of political favors from a foreign entity.
You must be thinking of Joe Biden? And looking into corruption is a presidents duty! He promised to drain the swamp and this exactly what he is doing. And to be clear: He is not "digging up dirt" he is rooting out corruption, big difference.

Denial of congressional subpoenas-more obstruction of justice.
Im willing to bet, if the leftists get rid of the kangaroo court proceedings the WH would cooperate. Dems are being VERY dishonest! House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) said House Democrats won’t hold a vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry into Mr. Trump despite pressure from the GOP to do so. When the dems play ball instead of soviet style bullying, I have a feeling the WH will comply. You have to remember this entire impeachment is a total hoax parisan hack job hail mary attempt from the left to take Trump out before the election. Because they know they have no candidate who can compete with him.

Refer to the request on camera for China to investigate Biden. Soliciting of political favors from a foreign entity.
Investigating for corruption is the duty of the president. He is doing his job by having China look into Biden corruption (and there is some funny business going on there) Joe and Hunter are stone cold corrupt and everyone knows that. This isnt about "favors" this is about "corruption" and the Obama administration was no stranger to underhanded tactics and lies. Trump promised to drain the swamp and thats exactly what he is doing. Dems know they are going down. Fulfilling yet another campaign promise.

Toss in an abuse of power when he stole funds allocated for the military for his wall.
Trump had to appropriate funds from the military because he faced major obstruction in government from the democrats
He was correct in building the wall as we do have a national crisis going on down there. By building the wall he is fulfilling yet another campaign promise.

If you stand against Trump (which you clearly do) you generally stand against most if not all of his policy and that includes the wall... And if you frame a picture questioning the appropriation of funds, it is clear you are not very keen on that idea. Trump is building the wall, and illegal immigration has been drastically reduced in the past few months. Yet another campaign promise he has delivered on.

Mulvaney said that Trump was concerned about corruption in Ukraine, including its efforts in the 2016 election during a press briefing with reporters on Thursday afternoon. So once again, Trump is found as being concerned about corruption in the ukraine. After all, they donated over $10 million to the Clinton Foundation. Wonder if there is any corruption in the Clinton foundation?

Trump is a pathologically lying piece of human shit. The only thing he’s concerned about is Trump.

I’ll repeat. 10 count of obstruction in Mueller. They’re right there in volume 2.

A legal salary, set by Congress has ZERO to do with him profiting from his position. Mar-a-Lago. Trump Tower. The best yet? The G7 at Doral.

“Soviet style bullying” lol What a fucking moron. Witness intimidation is also a crime.

I’ll repeat, idiot, since you missed it the first time.

Soliciting dirt on your political opponent from a foreign entity is a crime. And he did it right on camera! What a stupid fuck.

The funds were legally allocated by Congress for military purposes. The fucker violated the Constitution by stealing them for his wall. Some patriot, huh? At one point, he was offered around $20 million for border security, but that wasn’t good enough

Mulvaney admitted to Quid Pro Quo. And any literate person who read the transcript would recognize that. It looks like that does not include you.

“We do everything for Ukraine. More than every other country. And it’s not reciprocated. We do everything for you and get nothing in return. Here I have $400 million in my back pocket that I’m holding. Now, I need a favor from you”

Trump is a pathologically lying piece of human shit. The only thing he’s concerned about is Trump.

I’ll repeat. 10 count of obstruction in Mueller. They’re right there in volume 2.

A legal salary, set by Congress has ZERO to do with him profiting from his position. Mar-a-Lago. Trump Tower. The best yet? The G7 at Doral.

“Soviet style bullying” lol What a fucking moron. Witness intimidation is also a crime.

I’ll repeat, idiot, since you missed it the first time.

Soliciting dirt on your political opponent from a foreign entity is a crime. And he did it right on camera! What a stupid fuck.

The funds were legally allocated by Congress for military purposes. The fucker violated the Constitution by stealing them for his wall. Some patriot, huh? At one point, he was offered around $20 million for border security, but that wasn’t good enough

Mulvaney admitted to Quid Pro Quo. And any literate person who read the transcript would recognize that. It looks like that does not include you.

“We do everything for Ukraine. More than every other country. And it’s not reciprocated. We do everything for you and get nothing in return. Here I have $400 million in my back pocket that I’m holding. Now, I need a favor from you”



Suck it up, buttercup :laugh:
The funds were legally allocated by Congress for military purposes. The fucker violated the Constitution by stealing them for his wall. Some patriot, huh? At one point, he was offered around $20 million for border security, but that wasn’t good enough

You go live in your world of delusions now -- I will take the truth thank you very much.

Categorically false is the notion that trump violated the constitution. The supreme court ruled in Trumps favor.
Trump's emergency declaration to build border wall was authorized by the Supreme Court. Obviously, the supreme court is the highest court in the land. So you keep saying it's unconstitutional and Trump will build the wall and resolve the illegal immigration crisis that has plagued our nation for decades. When its done and illegal immigration is reduced by 99% you can still go around saying it's unconstitutional. Not that anyone with half a brain will take you seriously.

Lets review some statistics on the wall:

a) It was a campaign promise

b) He actually cares about the people of our nation and desires for them to be safe and secure.

c) Not only with this wall eliminate illegal immigration, it will also put a damper on the illicit drug trade that has afflicted our nation for a long time. And this will let our nation heal from the inside out.

You were saying something about Trump not being a patriot?
