Patriot and Trump Supporter

It is my hope that we can figure out this game of politics to work best FOR THE PEOPLE. Because this is a nation BY THE PEOPLE and we will be restored to our former greatness under Trump leadership.

Iron Mike

If you really want to be knowledgeable about politics you need to use creditable sources and stay away from extreme partisan and conspiracy sites. Don't get your news from TV or internet sites except for the reputable newspapers and magazines. Don't think one side is patriotic and moral and the other is evil and criminal.

Claiming Obama had a woman killed, that he and Michelle are gay and trans, etc. are crazy conspiracy theories and everyone will think you are wacko for believing such stuff.

Such theories are fun but are just simplified substitutes for people too lazy to learn reality because it is more complicated. Reading about conspiracy theories is much fun than reading an economics book, but it diverts you from knowledge.
You go live in your world of delusions now -- I will take the truth thank you very much.

Categorically false is the notion that trump violated the constitution. The supreme court ruled in Trumps favor.
Trump's emergency declaration to build border wall was authorized by the Supreme Court. Obviously, the supreme court is the highest court in the land. So you keep saying it's unconstitutional and Trump will build the wall and resolve the illegal immigration crisis that has plagued our nation for decades. When its done and illegal immigration is reduced by 99% you can still go around saying it's unconstitutional. Not that anyone with half a brain will take you seriously.

Lets review some statistics on the wall:

a) It was a campaign promise

b) He actually cares about the people of our nation and desires for them to be safe and secure.

c) Not only with this wall eliminate illegal immigration, it will also put a damper on the illicit drug trade that has afflicted our nation for a long time. And this will let our nation heal from the inside out.

You were saying something about Trump not being a patriot?


He wears his bigotry on his sleeve. His racial discrimination dates back to the 70s

Don't think one side is patriotic and moral and the other is evil and criminal.

Right, this is all a learning experience for me. Even if most members are partisan we can still learn from each other and grow in knowledge

I've actually been out of politics for close to three years.

I just recently got back into the game. Little rusty

So I'm not fully up to speed yet but getting there.

As for the good vs evil debate --- that part I will disagree on (I will take your advice on other points)

Here is my take on politics vs left wing/right wing ideological (and spiritual) origin

Politics when boiled down is basically a cover for a religious debate that has raged on for the last two thousand years. At its very core is the state of Israel (the Jewish people). The preference for or against Israel dictates party choice and reveals the stark differences between left and right ideology, philosophy, and thought. And like roots from a tree, both ideologies spread out in opposite directions. (the left is diametrically opposed to the right (and vice versa). Jesus' life and death defined the concept of conservatism. In modern politics the principles and values of conservatism fit like a glove into the republican party, especially now that Trump is running the show.

Planned Parenthood has butchered some 60,000,000 unborn children since 1973. Abortion statistics are a grave reminder of exactly what we have done. The gravity of the situation... its difficult to quantify the loss of 60,000,000 unborn babies. Abortion is a very evil practice. Planned parenthood is nothing more than a death cult. These acts of genocide against our children are morally reprehensible. You cannot support a party that advocates for abortion. Legal or not, abortion is murder. If killing unborn and newborn babies and then harvesting body parts and internal organs and selling them at a profit isn't evil, then I dont know what is.
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He wears his bigotry on his sleeve. His racial discrimination dates back to the 70s


Good to meet you. We can talk about his racial discrimination tomorrow if you are interested. I can assure you Trump is not racist.

Jon Voight thinks Trump is the greatest president since Lincoln. I will take that one step further and say Trump will be the greatest president in US history... Yes, I am seriously making that claim.

For once, the liberal media got something right!
Good to meet you. We can talk about his racial discrimination tomorrow if you are interested. I can assure you Trump is not racist.

Jon Voight thinks Trump is the greatest president since Lincoln. I will take that one step further and say Trump will be the greatest president in US history... Yes, I am seriously making that claim.

For once, the liberal media got something right!

You can’t assure me of anything re: Trump. You’re head is so far up your ass with him, you can’t recognize reality.

Yeah, hang your hat on the opinion of Jon Voight. How fucking pathetic is that? :rofl2: The guy who wrote his “Art of the Deal” calls him a sociopath. Who would know better?

Trump is an incompetent, corrupt, paranoid, pathologically lying piece of human shit. There’s hardly a sentence that comes out of his mouth that isn’t a lie. He used his office to enhance himself.

This last fiasco in Syria did nothing for America. It merely gave an opening to Putin and Assad and fucked an ally who spilled their blood for us.

He speaks and writes at the level of a 4th grader and has a similar maturity.

Greatest President ever? He makes GW Bush look like a fucking genius.

You can’t assure me of anything re: Trump. You’re head is so far up your ass with him, you can’t recognize reality.

Yeah, hang your hat on the opinion of Jon Voight. How fucking pathetic is that? :rofl2: The guy who wrote his “Art of the Deal” calls him a sociopath. Who would know better?

Trump is an incompetent, corrupt, paranoid, pathologically lying piece of human shit. There’s hardly a sentence that comes out of his mouth that isn’t a lie. He used his office to enhance himself.

This last fiasco in Syria did nothing for America. It merely gave an opening to Putin and Assad and fucked an ally who spilled their blood for us.

He speaks and writes at the level of a 4th grader and has a similar maturity.

Greatest President ever? He makes GW Bush look like a fucking genius.


I think what they call this is Trump derangement syndrome. There is no known cure. Notice his reply is littered with profanity - right off the bat I can tell the guy has no moral compass.

A billionaire who designs and builds skyscrapers for a living? Reading and writing on a 4th grade level? You really have amazing powers of perception. So if you remember correctly, Trump won the election in 2016. He throttled Hillary in the debates as well. So what does that mean for Hillary in terms of reading and writing? Totally illiterate? Or does she actually burn books in her spare time? Maybe she is trying to abolish reading and writing altogether? Seeing as how Donald whipped Hillary, you must still hold some resentments towards Trump?

This guy is going to be in for a rude awakening when Trump wins 2020 by a landslide.
This guy is the perfect example of a cookie cutter liberal (lets wait for it, next post he will probably deny it)
He spends his days clutching CNN like a baby clutches a bottle filled with warm milk (wait for the liberal media denial)
But instead of warm milk this guy is ingesting lie after lie from the corrupt media and now its formed a tapestry of lies, a covering from A-Z and from which he cannot escape. Ill be happy when Trump wins in 2020. That will be sure to wipe that smug grin of yours off your face.

Perhaps David Lynch has a little more credibility? He is echoing the sentiment that Trump could go down as one of the greatest presidents

David Keith Lynch (born January 20, 1946) is an American filmmaker, painter, musician, actor, and photographer. He is best known for acclaimed films such as Eraserhead (1977), Blue Velvet (1986) and Mulholland Drive (2001),
regarded by some critics as among the best films of their respective decades, and for his successful 1990–91 television series Twin Peaks, which led to him being labeled "the first popular Surrealist" by noted film critic Pauline Kael. A recipient of an Academy Honorary Award in 2019, he has received three Academy Award nominations for Best Director, and has won France's César Award for Best Foreign Film twice, as well as the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival[5] and a Golden Lion award for lifetime achievement at the Venice Film Festival. He has been described by The Guardian as "the most important director of this era", while AllMovie called him "the Renaissance man of modern American filmmaking".

I think what they call this is Trump derangement syndrome. There is no known cure. Notice his reply is littered with profanity - right off the bat I can tell the guy has no moral compass.

A billionaire who designs and builds skyscrapers for a living? Reading and writing on a 4th grade level? You really have amazing powers of perception. So if you remember correctly, Trump won the election in 2016. He throttled Hillary in the debates as well. So what does that mean for Hillary in terms of reading and writing? Totally illiterate? Or does she actually burn books in her spare time? Maybe she is trying to abolish reading and writing altogether? Seeing as how Donald whipped Hillary, you must still hold some resentments towards Trump?

This guy is going to be in for a rude awakening when Trump wins 2020 by a landslide.
This guy is the perfect example of a cookie cutter liberal (lets wait for it, next post he will probably deny it)
He spends his days clutching CNN like a baby clutches a bottle filled with warm milk (wait for the liberal media denial)
But instead of warm milk this guy is ingesting lie after lie from the corrupt media and now its formed a tapestry of lies, a covering from A-Z and from which he cannot escape. Ill be happy when Trump wins in 2020. That will be sure to wipe that smug grin of yours off your face.

Perhaps David Lynch has a little more credibility? He is echoing the sentiment that Trump could go down as one of the greatest presidents

David Keith Lynch (born January 20, 1946) is an American filmmaker, painter, musician, actor, and photographer. He is best known for acclaimed films such as Eraserhead (1977), Blue Velvet (1986) and Mulholland Drive (2001),
regarded by some critics as among the best films of their respective decades, and for his successful 1990–91 television series Twin Peaks, which led to him being labeled "the first popular Surrealist" by noted film critic Pauline Kael. A recipient of an Academy Honorary Award in 2019, he has received three Academy Award nominations for Best Director, and has won France's César Award for Best Foreign Film twice, as well as the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival[5] and a Golden Lion award for lifetime achievement at the Venice Film Festival. He has been described by The Guardian as "the most important director of this era", while AllMovie called him "the Renaissance man of modern American filmmaking".


What a fucking idiot.

Being a Trump supporter, you have no ground to stand on regarding a moral compass. Third marriage, pathological liar, payed off two whores to buy their silence. Just at the time when he had a newborn. Trump U was a fraud that screwed people out of untold dollars. Robbed from his foundation, so that it had to be closed down. Yeah, he’s the epitome of virtue.

He never built nor designed shit. Just fucked over those that did. In the meantime, managed several bankruptcies because he doesn’t know how to run shit.

Wow! A FILMMAKER. Why don’t you reference some historians, you stupid fucking sycophant!

You are rapidly rising to the top as the stupidest and most gullible moron on the forum.


What a fucking idiot.

Being a Trump supporter, you have no ground to stand on regarding a moral compass. Third marriage, pathological liar, payed off two whores to buy their silence. Just at the time when he had a newborn. Trump U was a fraud that screwed people out of untold dollars. Robbed from his foundation, so that it had to be closed down. Yeah, he’s the epitome of virtue.

He never built nor designed shit. Just fucked over those that did. In the meantime, managed several bankruptcies because he doesn’t know how to run shit.

Wow! A FILMMAKER. Why don’t you reference some historians, you stupid fucking sycophant!

You are rapidly rising to the top as the stupidest and most gullible moron on the forum.


Its very clear you have absolutely no idea whats going on in this nation, do you?

More garbage from the liberal left, when will it stop? I know, when Trump gets elected by a landslide in 2020, thats when it will stop! LOL suck on this:


Apparently, you are the dimwit. You think people with 4th grade reading and writing skills can go on to make billions, and design and develop skyscrapers! You are also extremely uneducated when it comes to what Trump has done for the religious community in this nation. It's very clear you subscribe to the liberal media - the fake news. You are really just a pawn in their little game. You play right into their hand and you dont even know it. Thats about as clueless as it gets.

You really have no idea what you are talking about, do you? I will give you one mulligan on your comment "He never built or designed shit" otherwise be prepared to get obliterated like most other clueless liberals. (Im not implying all liberals are clueless, only the ones such as yourself) I will give you a hint. It's in the south. It stretches for hundreds of miles. It's keeping the illegal immigrants out. It's preventing drugs and crime from entering into our nation. It will add safety and security to our southern border. It will improve the overall health of our nation. All part of making America great again. Thats just one example. Can you take a hint? Obviously, the answer to that is no. A resounding no.

Sycophant is another one of those leftist buzzwords they like to throw out there. If we are not careful with our footing he might bring out the whole "xenophobic" accusation which usually serves to backfire right in the face of these clueless liberals. The liberals are very resentful after their loss to Donald Trump in 2016. Consequently, they have very short fuses when debating politics. Take this guy for example. He is not even debating policy he is just insulting Donald Trump. Really dude, this exposes you for the uneducated fool that you are.

I think you are referring to Hillary Clinton and the Clinton foundation? Wasn't there some talk of spirit cooking going on, if I remember correctly? What is it with witchcraft and the left? Is it just me or is there some real connection there? Still a little butthurt from Hillary's loss to Trump? I bet you didnt see that one coming, did you? And just to demonstrate your total lack of awareness, Im sure you think this whole impeachment thing is actually going to take Trump down? Remember, your side lost the election in 2016. Everything you say has to be taken with a 50lb bag of salt. And chances are, all your hopes and dreams have already gone down the drain. This is TRUMP TIME get used to it!

No ground to stand on? Is that why Trump fights for the rights of unborn babies? Is that why Trump wants to eliminate funding to Planned Parenthood? Is that Why Trump de-toothed the Johnson amendment? Is that why Trump resolved the whole 501c3 IRS conservative targeting scandal that occurred under Obama's watch? Is that why Trump is rooting out corruption? No moral compass he says!

“In the first two years of his administration, he’s achieved more than all of the presidents combined since Ronald Reagan,” Staver said. “He’s been the most pro-religious freedom and pro-life president in modern history.”

Department of Health and Human Services implemented a new rule for the federal family planning program known as Title X. Planned Parenthood, long a target of religious conservatives because of its role as the leading U.S. abortion provider, quit the program — walking away from tens of millions of dollars in grants — rather than comply with a new rule prohibiting clinics from referring women for abortions.

Last week, the Labor Department proposed a rule that is expected to shield federal contractors from discrimination complaints regarding hiring and firing decisions motivated by religious beliefs.

Earlier this year, Health and Human Services issued a waiver allowing a state-contracted foster care agency in South Carolina to deny services to same-sex and non-Christian families. HHS also moved to revoke newly won health care discrimination protections for transgender people.

These and other actions aimed at curtailing abortion rights and LGBTQ rights have helped many conservative Christians gain confidence in the Trump administration.

The Rev. Robert Jeffress, pastor of the Southern Baptist megachurch First Baptist Dallas and a frequent guest at the White House, predicted that Trump would win more evangelical votes in 2020 than he did in 2016, when they helped provide his margin of victory.

“When he ran in 2016 and promised pro-life, pro-religious freedom policies, most evangelicals who voted for him didn’t know whether he would or could fulfill those promises,” Jeffress said. “When they look back now, they see he checked off all of those goals. ... He’ll win by an even larger margin on basis of promises kept.”

From both the right and left, activists noted that Trump’s numerous appointments of federal judges have been welcomed by the religious right as a potential long-term boost to its causes.

“We are heartened by the appointment of constitutionalist judges, including two excellent Supreme Court justices (Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh), and look forward to more such appointments throughout the federal court system,” said Bruce Hausknecht, judicial analyst for Focus on the Family.

The Trump administration actions represent a sharp turnaround from the presidency of Barack Obama, who supported abortion rights and same-sex marriage, mandated that contraception be covered by the Affordable Care Act, enabled transgender people to serve openly in the military, and issued guidance to school districts that they should let transgender students use the bathrooms of their choice.

You want to see what kind of damage the left has done to this nation? Look no further than abortion. They have killed more unborn babies than all the loses from all of our wars COMBINED. Thank you, liberal left, for cheating 60,000,000 children out of their god given right to life
to liberty and to a future. Lets put this into perspective, shall we?


Alliance Defending Freedom is among the conservative legal groups that has litigated against numerous Obama-era initiatives and has welcomed Trump’s moves to reverse them.

“The defense of life, free speech, and religious liberty should never be subject to political and cultural whims,” said Kristen Waggoner, an ADF senior vice president. “They are constitutional guarantees, and we are grateful that this administration recognizes that reality and is taking serious steps to correct injustice and protect all Americans.”

"We are heartened by the appointment of constitutionalist judges, including two excellent Supreme Court justices (Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh), and look forward to more such appointments throughout the federal court system," said Bruce Hausknecht, judicial analyst for Focus on the Family.

So, when you can stop acting like a 2 year old, come back and I will bring more facts to the table (and you can bring more lies?) Thats usually how it works anyway.

I have a t-shirt idea.

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I'm from Upstate NY (Schenectady, NY)
Here to debate politics - of course!
Fervent supporter of Donald J Trump
I predict he will be elected in 2020
American Patriot - Honor the constitution
Obama is the evil mastermind, the joker, if you will

I believe the only way forward is for our nation to heal from the wounds created by Clinton - Bush - Obama legacy and the time to heal is NOW. 2020 will be a groundbreaking election and I predict a landslide victory for Donald Trump. We have come this far and we have so much potential as a nation - I think we are about to realize our true potential under Trump leadership. Already, we are seeing the nation's crime rate dip. We are seeing steady employment across the board, including great numbers for blacks and minorities. The economic engine has never been better.

I am 34 years old and suffering from a lower back injury. Because of this I have limited mobility and I'm out of work until I can get surgery in a few months, so I spend a lot of my time online. It is my hope that we can figure out this game of politics to work best FOR THE PEOPLE. Because this is a nation BY THE PEOPLE and we will be restored to our former greatness under Trump leadership.

Iron Mike

Welcome to liberal central at least it seems that way at times. Be sure to read the rules especially 12b.
I think what they call this is Trump derangement syndrome. There is no known cure. Notice his reply is littered with profanity - right off the bat I can tell the guy has no moral compass.

A billionaire who designs and builds skyscrapers for a living? Reading and writing on a 4th grade level? You really have amazing powers of perception. So if you remember correctly, Trump won the election in 2016. He throttled Hillary in the debates as well. So what does that mean for Hillary in terms of reading and writing? Totally illiterate? Or does she actually burn books in her spare time? Maybe she is trying to abolish reading and writing altogether? Seeing as how Donald whipped Hillary, you must still hold some resentments towards Trump?

This guy is going to be in for a rude awakening when Trump wins 2020 by a landslide.
This guy is the perfect example of a cookie cutter liberal (lets wait for it, next post he will probably deny it)
He spends his days clutching CNN like a baby clutches a bottle filled with warm milk (wait for the liberal media denial)
But instead of warm milk this guy is ingesting lie after lie from the corrupt media and now its formed a tapestry of lies, a covering from A-Z and from which he cannot escape. Ill be happy when Trump wins in 2020. That will be sure to wipe that smug grin of yours off your face.

Perhaps David Lynch has a little more credibility? He is echoing the sentiment that Trump could go down as one of the greatest presidents

David Keith Lynch (born January 20, 1946) is an American filmmaker, painter, musician, actor, and photographer. He is best known for acclaimed films such as Eraserhead (1977), Blue Velvet (1986) and Mulholland Drive (2001),
regarded by some critics as among the best films of their respective decades, and for his successful 1990–91 television series Twin Peaks, which led to him being labeled "the first popular Surrealist" by noted film critic Pauline Kael. A recipient of an Academy Honorary Award in 2019, he has received three Academy Award nominations for Best Director, and has won France's César Award for Best Foreign Film twice, as well as the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival[5] and a Golden Lion award for lifetime achievement at the Venice Film Festival. He has been described by The Guardian as "the most important director of this era", while AllMovie called him "the Renaissance man of modern American filmmaking".


Lynch said “He could go down as one of the greatest presidents in history because he has disrupted the thing so much."

Disruption = greatness? I would substitute "most infamous" for greatest.
Believers in the Rapture support the coward and fat traitor, I hope, because he's the Last Trump!

LOL please tell me, how is Trump a coward for standing up to the liberal media?

FYI Obama is using a stolen SSN number from a guy born in 1890. Please explain how this ISNT treason and how standing up for the PEOPLE is treason?

If you knew anything at all you would see that Trump is protecting the 2nd amendment from liberal attacks to destroy it. This is the opposite of treason. This is patriotism. This is called defending the constitution. Both are foreign concepts to the liberal left.

And Trump isnt fat. He's 245lb of American made muscle. And he punches at a much higher weight class than Obama ever did. That would be a great fight to see though, Obama vs Trump in a 10 round boxing match. Whoever wins gets to decide on and dictate America's destiny.

Oh wait, that already happened. Obama and his socialist peeps are in political free-fall thanks to Trump. They just haven't hit the ground yet. It's like George Forman's KO against Michael Moorer. The first left and right combination knocked him out on his feet and the second inside right hand put him on the canvas.

Consequently, George Foreman is a Trump supporter (and had this to say about DT):

“I was broke, too. Bankrupt. Put me back, he was part of writing those checks, so I could be on the wealthy side again. So I’ll always be grateful to the entrepreneur Donald Trump,” he said. “And now, President Donald Trump.”

“I love the United States,” Foreman, 68, said during the podcast. “They [Durant and Kaepernick] haven’t been brought up with people who were patriotic ... A lot of people died so that they can have that privilege.”

George Foreman, Christian, Patriot and Trump supporter. Now that combination cannot be beat!
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Lynch said “He could go down as one of the greatest presidents in history because he has disrupted the thing so much."

Disruption = greatness? I would substitute "most infamous" for greatest.

Well yeah! Trump has taken on the media. He has taken on all of Washington. He has taken on many worthy opponents. Now he is taking on corruption and draining the swamp. He is disrupting the corruption that has plagued our political parties for hundreds of years.

Trump is redefining politics and cleaning house. When he promised to drain the swamp he meant it. And he is delivering on that promise as we speak.

I think David Lynch knows there is nobody else that could do what Trump did and for that, he gives him recognition as "one of the greatest presidents in History"
I'm from Upstate NY (Schenectady, NY)
Here to debate politics - of course!
Fervent supporter of Donald J Trump
I predict he will be elected in 2020
American Patriot - Honor the constitution
Obama is the evil mastermind, the joker, if you will

I believe the only way forward is for our nation to heal from the wounds created by Clinton - Bush - Obama legacy and the time to heal is NOW. 2020 will be a groundbreaking election and I predict a landslide victory for Donald Trump. We have come this far and we have so much potential as a nation - I think we are about to realize our true potential under Trump leadership. Already, we are seeing the nation's crime rate dip. We are seeing steady employment across the board, including great numbers for blacks and minorities. The economic engine has never been better.

I am 34 years old and suffering from a lower back injury. Because of this I have limited mobility and I'm out of work until I can get surgery in a few months, so I spend a lot of my time online. It is my hope that we can figure out this game of politics to work best FOR THE PEOPLE. Because this is a nation BY THE PEOPLE and we will be restored to our former greatness under Trump leadership.

Iron Mike

another fucking russo bot hole
LOL please tell me, how is Trump a coward for standing up to the liberal media?

FYI Obama is using a stolen SSN number from a guy born in 1890. Please explain how this ISNT treason and how standing up for the PEOPLE is treason?

If you knew anything at all you would see that Trump is protecting the 2nd amendment from liberal attacks to destroy it. This is the opposite of treason. This is patriotism. This is called defending the constitution. Both are foreign concepts to the liberal left.

And Trump isnt fat. He's 245lb of American made muscle. And he punches at a much higher weight class than Obama ever did. That would be a great fight to see though, Obama vs Trump in a 10 round boxing match. Whoever wins gets to decide on and dictate America's destiny.

Oh wait, that already happened. Obama and his socialist peeps are in political free-fall thanks to Trump. They just haven't hit the ground yet. It's like George Forman's KO against Michael Moorer. The first left and right combination knocked him out on his feet and the second inside right hand put him on the canvas.

Consequently, George Foreman is a Trump supporter (and had this to say about DT):

“I was broke, too. Bankrupt. Put me back, he was part of writing those checks, so I could be on the wealthy side again. So I’ll always be grateful to the entrepreneur Donald Trump,” he said. “And now, President Donald Trump.”

“I love the United States,” Foreman, 68, said during the podcast. “They [Durant and Kaepernick] haven’t been brought up with people who were patriotic ... A lot of people died so that they can have that privilege.”

George Foreman, Christian, Patriot and Trump supporter. Now that combination cannot be beat!

Lynch said “He could go down as one of the greatest presidents in history because he has disrupted the thing so much."

Disruption = greatness? I would substitute "most infamous" for greatest.


LOL I cannot look away from your signature pic! It is funny, I will give you that much. But what are we going to have to do to get you to change it???