Patriot and Trump Supporter

^^^ The lying liar (see below) responds to a post that was directed to another.

"So in honor of her life, I will cease to make fun of others on this site. I know nothing of your backgrounds and your lives and it's not kind to make awful jokes about you. I don't KNOW you. I have no idea what you've been through. I may make comments towards a group, liberals for example, but I will not attack individuals anymore."

He-he, sorry I'm so hard on you, but you ARE horrifically brainwashed. I just wish you could see through the lies the media tells you. And I do appreciate that you're never profane or vulgar. It's nice to see on this site. I promise I'll leave you alone from now on.
Here's my proposal. First, role-play that you are me (a white female Dem who is super liberal), then tell me what trump has ever said or done regarding others like me that I could consider "positive."

Second, you can't use the economy because it was on an upward trajectory throughout most of the Obama administration and trump just inherited it, he didn't create it.

Trump inherited a broken economy. I give him extra points for getting us back up and running so quickly, its truly incredible what he did. I have compiled a list this is NOT my work but it is relevant information never the less. Let me know what you think.

Here is some positive news regarding Women in the Workplace (this is distinct from the booming economy)

The Trump Administration prioritized the economic empowerment of women as a key element of our commitment to economic growth and gender equality.
This year, the Small Business Administration lent approximately $500 million more than last year in capital to women-owned businesses.

The Trump Administration Launches OPIC Committing to Provide Women in Latin America with Access to Capital, Jobs, and Opportunities to Prosper

The Department of Labor announced $1.5 million in grants to recruit, mentor, train, and retain more women in quality apprenticeship programs and careers.

Regardless of what one thinks of Trump the man, there is no denying the numbers of women he has placed in power in the West Wing. As we commemorate the one-year anniversary of his inauguration this week, I predict that history will eventually reveal the complete story – that Trump’s actions are not only a small step for a male republican president but a giant leap for all of womankind, regardless of political party.

[FONT=&quot]His list of female appointees is long: Nikki Haley, Ambassador to the United Nations (not only a woman but also child of Indian American Sikh immigrants); Elaine Chao, Secretary of Transportation; Kirstjen Nielsen, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security; Dr. Heather Wilson, Secretary of the Air Force; Sarah Sanders, White House Press Secretary; Kellyanne Conway, Counselor to the President; Linda McMahon, Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration; Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education; Jovita Carranza, U.S. Treasurer (also a minority and first-generation Mexican American immigrant); Neomi Rao, Regulation Czar (also a minority and daughter of parents from India); Seema Verma, Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (also a minority); Heather Brand, Associate Attorney General; Kelly Sadler, Director of Surrogate & Coalitions Outreach; Mercedes Schlapp, Senior Communications Advisor (also a minority whose father was once a political prisoner of Fidel Castro); Ivanka Trump, Advisor to the President; Hope Hicks, Communications Director; Jessica Ditto, Deputy Director of Communications; and Dina Powell, Deputy National Security Adviser who according to White House sources will remain in her position through the end of January and will likely be replaced by another woman after Powell completes her first year in office.

Full source here:[/FONT]

Trump inherited a broken economy. I give him extra points for getting us back up and running so quickly, its truly incredible what he did. I have compiled a list this is NOT my work but it is relevant information never the less. Let me know what you think.

Here is some positive news regarding Women in the Workplace (this is distinct from the booming economy)

The Trump Administration prioritized the economic empowerment of women as a key element of our commitment to economic growth and gender equality.
This year, the Small Business Administration lent approximately $500 million more than last year in capital to women-owned businesses.

The Trump Administration Launches OPIC Committing to Provide Women in Latin America with Access to Capital, Jobs, and Opportunities to Prosper

The Department of Labor announced $1.5 million in grants to recruit, mentor, train, and retain more women in quality apprenticeship programs and careers.

Regardless of what one thinks of Trump the man, there is no denying the numbers of women he has placed in power in the West Wing. As we commemorate the one-year anniversary of his inauguration this week, I predict that history will eventually reveal the complete story – that Trump’s actions are not only a small step for a male republican president but a giant leap for all of womankind, regardless of political party.

[FONT="][SIZE=2]His list of female appointees is long: Nikki Haley, Ambassador to the United Nations (not only a woman but also child of Indian American Sikh immigrants); Elaine Chao, Secretary of Transportation; Kirstjen Nielsen, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security; Dr. Heather Wilson, Secretary of the Air Force; Sarah Sanders, White House Press Secretary; Kellyanne Conway, Counselor to the President; Linda McMahon, Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration; Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education; Jovita Carranza, U.S. Treasurer (also a minority and first-generation Mexican American immigrant); Neomi Rao, Regulation Czar (also a minority and daughter of parents from India); Seema Verma, Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (also a minority); Heather Brand, Associate Attorney General; Kelly Sadler, Director of Surrogate & Coalitions Outreach; Mercedes Schlapp, Senior Communications Advisor (also a minority whose father was once a political prisoner of Fidel Castro); Ivanka Trump, Advisor to the President; Hope Hicks, Communications Director; Jessica Ditto, Deputy Director of Communications; and Dina Powell, Deputy National Security Adviser who according to White House sources will remain in her position through the end of January and will likely be replaced by another woman after Powell completes her first year in office.

Full source here:


Let's see how the moronic libs spin this. I can't wait...............
Let's see how the moronic libs spin this. I can't wait...............
It's going to eventually get to the point where they cannot avoid it. I think it will be a marvelous day when we get some radical liberal converts to come over to the light.

"[FONT=&quot]And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.[/FONT]
Trump inherited a broken economy. I give him extra points for getting us back up and running so quickly, its truly incredible what he did. I have compiled a list this is NOT my work but it is relevant information never the less. Let me know what you think.

Here is some positive news regarding Women in the Workplace (this is distinct from the booming economy)

The Trump Administration prioritized the economic empowerment of women as a key element of our commitment to economic growth and gender equality.
This year, the Small Business Administration lent approximately $500 million more than last year in capital to women-owned businesses.

The Trump Administration Launches OPIC Committing to Provide Women in Latin America with Access to Capital, Jobs, and Opportunities to Prosper

The Department of Labor announced $1.5 million in grants to recruit, mentor, train, and retain more women in quality apprenticeship programs and careers.

Regardless of what one thinks of Trump the man, there is no denying the numbers of women he has placed in power in the West Wing. As we commemorate the one-year anniversary of his inauguration this week, I predict that history will eventually reveal the complete story – that Trump’s actions are not only a small step for a male republican president but a giant leap for all of womankind, regardless of political party.

His list of female appointees is long: Nikki Haley, Ambassador to the United Nations (not only a woman but also child of Indian American Sikh immigrants); Elaine Chao, Secretary of Transportation; Kirstjen Nielsen, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security; Dr. Heather Wilson, Secretary of the Air Force; Sarah Sanders, White House Press Secretary; Kellyanne Conway, Counselor to the President; Linda McMahon, Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration; Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education; Jovita Carranza, U.S. Treasurer (also a minority and first-generation Mexican American immigrant); Neomi Rao, Regulation Czar (also a minority and daughter of parents from India); Seema Verma, Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (also a minority); Heather Brand, Associate Attorney General; Kelly Sadler, Director of Surrogate & Coalitions Outreach; Mercedes Schlapp, Senior Communications Advisor (also a minority whose father was once a political prisoner of Fidel Castro); Ivanka Trump, Advisor to the President; Hope Hicks, Communications Director; Jessica Ditto, Deputy Director of Communications; and Dina Powell, Deputy National Security Adviser who according to White House sources will remain in her position through the end of January and will likely be replaced by another woman after Powell completes her first year in office.

Full source here:

First, here's the economy under Obama. It was far from broken.


Next, here's unemployment under Obama.


It's clear from the graphs that trump inherited a rising economy and a lowered rate of unemployment; he didn't create them.

Next, OPIC was not launched by trump and it wasn't committed to specifically help women. It started in 1971 and its mission statement reads:

"The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) is a self-sustaining U.S. Government agency that helps American businesses invest in emerging markets. Established in 1971, OPIC provides businesses with the tools to manage the risks associated with foreign direct investment, fosters economic development in emerging market countries, and advances U.S. foreign policy and national security priorities. OPIC helps American businesses gain footholds in new markets, catalyzes new revenues and contributes to jobs and growth opportunities both at home and abroad. OPIC fulfills its mission by providing businesses with financing, political risk insurance, advocacy and by partnering with private equity investment fund managers."

Finally, I asked what a liberal white woman could say about trump and you posted a list of conservative women who all got jobs in the trump administration. (I'm assuming Rachel Brand, not Heather Brand, is also a republican and she worked under G.W. bush and Barack Obama before she worked for trump.) Furthermore, many of these women have already left their positions in the administration.

trump's daughter-in-law Lara falsely claimed that trump appointed more women to his administration than any other president. The facts are:

  • Knight-Ridder News Services found in 1993 that 37 percent of the first 512 appointees in the Bill Clinton administration were women.
  • The Brookings Institution determined that 26 percent of George W. Bush’s first 264 nominations were women.
  • The New York Times found about 43 percent of Barack Obama’s appointments were women at the start of his second term. Some departments, such as Health and Human Services, Education, Labor, and Housing and Urban Development had 50 percent or more female appointments under Obama.

As for Trump, we have two measures, indicating a range of 22 percent to 27 percent for female appointments. But the trend line may be getting worse.

  • A Bloomberg analysis, using data obtained by ProPublica, found 27 percent of administration hires through March of 2017 were female.
  • The Washington Post appointment tracker, run with the Partnership for Public Service, shows that 22 percent of Trump’s Senate-confirmed nominees so far are women. The tracker was updated as of March 9, 2017.

Under no metric has Trump appointed more women than any previous president. In fact, he currently lags behind Obama and Clinton and possibly George W. Bush in terms of the percentage of female appointments.

It's indisputable that trump has a cruel and misogynistic viewpoint toward women, especially those who cross him. And this is not limited to liberal women. We all got our first glimpse of this when he insulted Carly Fiorina during the campaign. Then he went on to insult and scorn more women than I can count over the last three years. Indisputable.
It's clear from the graphs that trump inherited a rising economy and a lowered rate of unemployment; he didn't create them.
Next, OPIC was not launched by trump and it wasn't committed to specifically help women. It started in 1971 and its mission statement reads:

If Hillary had been President she would have continued in Obama's footsteps and our economy would be second to China right now. Instead, Trump has flipped the script and he's bringing the jobs back in by the thousands. He's bring companies back, he is restoring our manufacturing base. Obama used the EPA to effectively hobble our energy sector and placed bureaucratic red tape just about everywhere, slowing economic development.

But if we get down to brass tacks, he was actually handed both a good economy and a bad one. Some of our trade deals were downright horrible for the American worker. Almost like people wanted to send jobs overseas. The mass migration away from the United States, the big push, was done intentionally to destroy the American manufacturing base.

But for the middle class the scars of the recession still run deep. Federal Reserve survey data show families in the middle fifth of the income scale now earn less and their net worth is lower than when Obama took office. In the middle, the economy has shed positions - whether in traditional trades like machining or electrical work, white-collar jobs in human resources, or technical ones like computer operators.

Next, OPIC was not launched by trump and it wasn't committed to specifically help women. It started in 1971 and its mission statement reads:

Trump never claimed to have started OPIC. He did however, create an incredible Initiative dedicated to helping women realize their full potential through economic opportunities. Investments directly from OPIC total more than one billion dollars. This is all about economic empowerment.

WASHINGTON – Ray W. Washburne, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), the U.S. Government’s development finance institution, issued the following statement after the Trump Administration launched the Women’s Global Development and Prosperity (W-GDP) Initiative:

Through our 2X Women’s Initiative, OPIC will play a critical role in advancing the Administration’s efforts to empower women globally and help them reach their full economic potential. Across the world, women face barriers to full economic participation including access to credit to grow their businesses. OPIC has stepped in with its 2X Women’s Initiative to invest more than $1 billion to support women’s economic empowerment in the developing world. We know that when women can expand their economic opportunity, they invest that money back in their families and communities. Investing in women is a way to extend our impact and bring positive change to the developing world.

OPIC is committed to gender lens investing to support women in the developing world and to unlock the multitrillion dollar investment opportunity they represent. Through 2X, OPIC is directly investing $350 million and has already mobilized over $1 billion in capital supporting women-owned, women-led enterprises and companies that provide a product or service that intentionally empowers women.

Finally, I asked what a liberal white woman could say about trump and you posted a list of conservative women who all got jobs in the trump administration. (I'm assuming Rachel Brand, not Heather Brand, is also a republican and she worked under G.W. bush and Barack Obama before she worked for trump.) Furthermore, many of these women have already left their positions in the administration.

I was only thinking ahead for you... when we flip the script and get you on board as a Trump supporter THEN we can talk about getting you into the White House! But no, all kidding aside, I think you and I both know that Trump cares deeply about women in the workplace but also women who are underprivileged or facing abortion, in example. In this case Trumps concern is twofold: First he is fighting for the rights of the unborn baby and fighting for motherhood for the mother. A barren women is incomplete without love and family - its a vain existence. The selfish motives that lead women to have abortions in the first place is what Trump is targeting. We shut down Planned Parenthood and eliminate all federal founding for abortion. With Trumps conservative supreme court judges in place, Trump should be able to revisit Roe v Wade and close the book on that dark chapter of barbarism and baby butchering for good.

It's indisputable that trump has a cruel and misogynistic viewpoint toward women, especially those who cross him. And this is not limited to liberal women. We all got our first glimpse of this when he insulted Carly Fiorina during the campaign. Then he went on to insult and scorn more women than I can count over the last three years. Indisputable.

First of all I am going to challenge your sources. It sounds to me like you subscribe to the liberal media? Secondly they push a narrative and as a dem they simply want you to follow suit and dont ask questions. But you should be asking some major questions right now, like did the media lie to me about Trump and racism? Yes. Do they misconstrue Trump as a hater of women? Yes they do. Did the media slander Trumps name? Yes they did- almost on a daily basis. Did the media twist Trumps words? ALWAYS. So its all about point of view. And really, thats the only thing you are lacking. Once you have perspective everything becomes clear. You are still in the valley right now but the sun is shining through. Remember, our nation is going to be awesome again, despite what your mainstream media is telling you! Trump is by far the best President Since Lincoln and he is only getting started. DO NOT miss the trump train.
If Hillary had been President she would have continued in Obama's footsteps and our economy would be second to China right now. Instead, Trump has flipped the script and he's bringing the jobs back in by the thousands. He's bring companies back, he is restoring our manufacturing base. Obama used the EPA to effectively hobble our energy sector and placed bureaucratic red tape just about everywhere, slowing economic development.

But if we get down to brass tacks, he was actually handed both a good economy and a bad one. Some of our trade deals were downright horrible for the American worker. Almost like people wanted to send jobs overseas. The mass migration away from the United States, the big push, was done intentionally to destroy the American manufacturing base.

But for the middle class the scars of the recession still run deep. Federal Reserve survey data show families in the middle fifth of the income scale now earn less and their net worth is lower than when Obama took office. In the middle, the economy has shed positions - whether in traditional trades like machining or electrical work, white-collar jobs in human resources, or technical ones like computer operators.

Trump never claimed to have started OPIC. He did however, create an incredible Initiative dedicated to helping women realize their full potential through economic opportunities. Investments directly from OPIC total more than one billion dollars. This is all about economic empowerment.

WASHINGTON – Ray W. Washburne, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), the U.S. Government’s development finance institution, issued the following statement after the Trump Administration launched the Women’s Global Development and Prosperity (W-GDP) Initiative:

Through our 2X Women’s Initiative, OPIC will play a critical role in advancing the Administration’s efforts to empower women globally and help them reach their full economic potential. Across the world, women face barriers to full economic participation including access to credit to grow their businesses. OPIC has stepped in with its 2X Women’s Initiative to invest more than $1 billion to support women’s economic empowerment in the developing world. We know that when women can expand their economic opportunity, they invest that money back in their families and communities. Investing in women is a way to extend our impact and bring positive change to the developing world.

OPIC is committed to gender lens investing to support women in the developing world and to unlock the multitrillion dollar investment opportunity they represent. Through 2X, OPIC is directly investing $350 million and has already mobilized over $1 billion in capital supporting women-owned, women-led enterprises and companies that provide a product or service that intentionally empowers women.

I was only thinking ahead for you... when we flip the script and get you on board as a Trump supporter THEN we can talk about getting you into the White House! But no, all kidding aside, I think you and I both know that Trump cares deeply about women in the workplace but also women who are underprivileged or facing abortion, in example. In this case Trumps concern is twofold: First he is fighting for the rights of the unborn baby and fighting for motherhood for the mother. A barren women is incomplete without love and family - its a vain existence. The selfish motives that lead women to have abortions in the first place is what Trump is targeting. We shut down Planned Parenthood and eliminate all federal founding for abortion. With Trumps conservative supreme court judges in place, Trump should be able to revisit Roe v Wade and close the book on that dark chapter of barbarism and baby butchering for good.

First of all I am going to challenge your sources. It sounds to me like you subscribe to the liberal media? Secondly they push a narrative and as a dem they simply want you to follow suit and dont ask questions. But you should be asking some major questions right now, like did the media lie to me about Trump and racism? Yes. Do they misconstrue Trump as a hater of women? Yes they do. Did the media slander Trumps name? Yes they did- almost on a daily basis. Did the media twist Trumps words? ALWAYS. So its all about point of view. And really, thats the only thing you are lacking. Once you have perspective everything becomes clear. You are still in the valley right now but the sun is shining through. Remember, our nation is going to be awesome again, despite what your mainstream media is telling you! Trump is by far the best President Since Lincoln and he is only getting started. DO NOT miss the trump train.

Wonderful post, Mike. And thank you for bringing much needed sanity to these threads.
If Hillary had been President she would have continued in Obama's footsteps and our economy would be second to China right now. Instead, Trump has flipped the script and he's bringing the jobs back in by the thousands. He's bring companies back, he is restoring our manufacturing base. Obama used the EPA to effectively hobble our energy sector and placed bureaucratic red tape just about everywhere, slowing economic development.

But if we get down to brass tacks, he was actually handed both a good economy and a bad one. Some of our trade deals were downright horrible for the American worker. Almost like people wanted to send jobs overseas. The mass migration away from the United States, the big push, was done intentionally to destroy the American manufacturing base.

But for the middle class the scars of the recession still run deep. Federal Reserve survey data show families in the middle fifth of the income scale now earn less and their net worth is lower than when Obama took office. In the middle, the economy has shed positions - whether in traditional trades like machining or electrical work, white-collar jobs in human resources, or technical ones like computer operators.

Trump never claimed to have started OPIC. He did however, create an incredible Initiative dedicated to helping women realize their full potential through economic opportunities. Investments directly from OPIC total more than one billion dollars. This is all about economic empowerment.

WASHINGTON – Ray W. Washburne, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), the U.S. Government’s development finance institution, issued the following statement after the Trump Administration launched the Women’s Global Development and Prosperity (W-GDP) Initiative:

Through our 2X Women’s Initiative, OPIC will play a critical role in advancing the Administration’s efforts to empower women globally and help them reach their full economic potential. Across the world, women face barriers to full economic participation including access to credit to grow their businesses. OPIC has stepped in with its 2X Women’s Initiative to invest more than $1 billion to support women’s economic empowerment in the developing world. We know that when women can expand their economic opportunity, they invest that money back in their families and communities. Investing in women is a way to extend our impact and bring positive change to the developing world.

OPIC is committed to gender lens investing to support women in the developing world and to unlock the multitrillion dollar investment opportunity they represent. Through 2X, OPIC is directly investing $350 million and has already mobilized over $1 billion in capital supporting women-owned, women-led enterprises and companies that provide a product or service that intentionally empowers women.

I was only thinking ahead for you... when we flip the script and get you on board as a Trump supporter THEN we can talk about getting you into the White House! But no, all kidding aside, I think you and I both know that Trump cares deeply about women in the workplace but also women who are underprivileged or facing abortion, in example. In this case Trumps concern is twofold: First he is fighting for the rights of the unborn baby and fighting for motherhood for the mother. A barren women is incomplete without love and family - its a vain existence. The selfish motives that lead women to have abortions in the first place is what Trump is targeting. We shut down Planned Parenthood and eliminate all federal founding for abortion. With Trumps conservative supreme court judges in place, Trump should be able to revisit Roe v Wade and close the book on that dark chapter of barbarism and baby butchering for good.

First of all I am going to challenge your sources. It sounds to me like you subscribe to the liberal media? Secondly they push a narrative and as a dem they simply want you to follow suit and dont ask questions. But you should be asking some major questions right now, like did the media lie to me about Trump and racism? Yes. Do they misconstrue Trump as a hater of women? Yes they do. Did the media slander Trumps name? Yes they did- almost on a daily basis. Did the media twist Trumps words? ALWAYS. So its all about point of view. And really, thats the only thing you are lacking. Once you have perspective everything becomes clear. You are still in the valley right now but the sun is shining through. Remember, our nation is going to be awesome again, despite what your mainstream media is telling you! Trump is by far the best President Since Lincoln and he is only getting started. DO NOT miss the trump train.

“If Hillary......?”

Hypothesis Contrary to Fact. You don’t know if from shit

You’re a moron
I deleted my posting on the 3rd page. In order to get everything down I need you to go ahead and delete your quote that includes the picture.

thanks, I read the rules again so hopefully I can keep forum edict from here on out.

I removed the image in the quote for you.
And thank you, domer, for bringing much needed comic relief to these threads. I really DO think some of your posts ARE funny, but in a good way. I've literally laughed out loud at some of your posts. Thank you for that.

It’s almost a full time job trying to bring reality to the lives of you idiots. It is an exercise in futility considering the massive stupidity of you morons.
So you are not a liberal? What is your political lean? Can I ask you some questions to make a better determination?

1) What is your stance on abortion?
2) Stance on gay marriage? Do you support the legalization of same sex marriage (we know Obama does)
3) Big government or small government?
4) Stance on Obama and why?
5) Stance on Trump and why?
6) Should the U.S. accept refugees from other nations?
7) Do you believe Hitler was a socialist?
8) Do you support the building of a wall along our southern border?
9) Should illegal immigrants have access to government-subsidized healthcare?
10) Should there be more restrictions gun control?
11) Do you support the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)?
12) Do you believe climate change is real?
13) Should the government continue to fund Planned Parenthood?
14) Should the government require children to be vaccinated for preventable diseases?
15) Do you support the use of nuclear energy?
16) Should the government increase environmental regulations to prevent climate change?
17) Should the US assassinate suspected terrorists in foreign countries?
18) Should illegals, currently residing in the United States, have the right to vote?
19) Should the electoral college be abolished?
20) Do you believe in the redistribution of wealth?
21) Are you a patriotic citizen of the USA?
22) Do you think the United States is a Christian nation?
23) Do you believe the people should exist for the government?
24) Or do you believe the government should work for the people?
25) Do you think moral law supersedes the laws of man?
26) Do you believe that the God of the Bible is real?
27) Do you think Russians colluded with Trump?
28) Do you think socialism can be a good method of governance?
29) Do you believe free market capitalism is the best economic system in the world?
30) Do you have a problem using the phrase "Radical Islamic Terrorism"?

Thank you! Obviously you dont have to do this, but to get to know you a little better, I'd really like to see how you frame your own personal political aspirations.

I'm a member of Plaid Cymru, and McCarthy has been dead rather a long time now! :)
I'm a member of Plaid Cymru, and McCarthy has been dead rather a long time now! :)

It's just so commonplace for liberal democrats to say they are not democratic, it's almost a given when you try to pin them down.

And yet you find out later they are just another cookie cutter liberal trying to deny accountability.

True accountability is a very difficult thing for a true liberal. It's almost always last on their list and they avoid it like the plague... That goes without saying if you are a member of the democratic elite or just the average democrat walking the streets.

Just look at Hillary Clinton, for example.
It’s almost a full time job trying to bring reality to the lives of you idiots. It is an exercise in futility considering the massive stupidity of you morons.

Like the fact that Trump is going to win again in 2020??? most democrats have a very difficult time accepting that reality!

Obama endorsed Hillary for a reason. LOL

So clueless.

You don't know what Hypothesis Contrary to Fact is, do you, ignorant fuck?

It means your hypothetical premise, which never happened, is presented as fact and then argued from there. Usually and "if/then" or a "would/could/should".It's a logical fallacy that you lame fucks use because you can't argue from reality.

Here's a clue bitch. Never in the history of mankind has an "if/would/could/if" ever happened. Only "is and was".

"if Hillary had been President" is just one of those. She wasn't, was she? So, you have no fucking idea abut the "would" that follows.

Keep manufacturing your own reality, punk. It's priceless!
It’s almost a full time job trying to bring reality to the lives of you idiots. It is an exercise in futility considering the massive stupidity of you morons.

I gave you a compliment, domer. And you respond with "you idiots" and "you morons"? You KNOW that I'M no idiot or moron. I don't think you are, either.
How can something that hasn't happened yet be reality?

Are you off your meds again, shitstain?


Truth be told it's your ignorance of Trump that causes lack of foresight.

And when you are living in a delusion it's very difficult to see even one day ahead.

In 2016 Trump capitalized on the American Dream and restoring our nation to its former glory while Hillary was running on late term abortions, abolishing the 2nd amendment, and transgender rights and restroom access.

And this time around? Well, lets just say the democrats are still living in that same delusional universe. They have not learned anything from the loss of 2016, and neither have you. I predicted a win for Donald Trump in 2016 an I predict a landslide victory in 2020. Matter of fact I won a bet for the 2016 election result. The liberal handing me that crisp $100 with an angry frown on his face was the most satisfying moment....

Anyone else up for a bet for 2020? Come on now, dont be shy!

Here is about what 2020 is going to look like: