Patriot and Trump Supporter

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Okay, let's try it from another angle: You can make supposition, conjecture all day long.....PROVING IT requires valid, documented, comprehensive facts to support such. Here's what you said, and all I and the objective readers want is for you to document your allegations and assertions. Doubling down with MORE opinions, supposition, conjecture, allegations and assertions ARE NOT SUPPORTIVE FACTS.

If you don't understand, get an adult to explain it to you, or put on your socks and shoes and toddle over to your local library for help. We'll wait.

You need to watch this one all the way through...


Dude, this is the BEST you can do? This guy?!!?:laugh:

It doesn't even address the baloney you shoveled previously that you have YET to prove.

:rolleyes: You are demonstrating tactics right out of the Limbaugh, Levin, Malkin, Hannity, Trump, etc., handbook....throw anything up against the wall and hope innuendo and suggestion will pass off as supportive facts. GMAFB! You can't be this dumb! You're just a pitiful, 3rd rate right wing troll, who's not worth further attention.
there is tape pf Trump bragging about assaulting women

but the right doesn t care ABOUT facts
You need to watch the video all the way through. Just play it in the background while you go about your business on the forum. I want you to understand --- this guy is not lying. Thats what very powerful people want you to think. The reality is that Larry Sinclair is telling the truth about Obama and the media hid most of this stuff to shape the "Obama" image that was palatable for American Voters.

Dude, this is the BEST you can do? This guy?!!?:laugh:

It doesn't even address the baloney you shoveled previously that you have YET to prove.

:rolleyes: You are demonstrating tactics right out of the Limbaugh, Levin, Malkin, Hannity, Trump, etc., handbook....throw anything up against the wall and hope innuendo and suggestion will pass off as supportive facts. GMAFB! You can't be this dumb! You're just a pitiful, 3rd rate right wing troll, who's not worth further attention.

2nd Murder confirmed --- Another member of Obama's church was murdered approx one month before Donald Young. His name is Larry Bland and he was shot in the same way. There is a lot of good information here that you can dig through
You need to watch the video all the way through. Just play it in the background while you go about your business on the forum. I want you to understand --- this guy is not lying. Thats what very powerful people want you to think. The reality is that Larry Sinclair is telling the truth about Obama and the media hid most of this stuff to shape the "Obama" image that was palatable for American Voters.

there is no proof this convict and known liar was telling the truth

you are a shit bag russo bot hole
Right .... you really are a true liberal! You cant deal with facts or the truth so you must undercut the OPs credibility.

It's a pattern that most liberals follow: Insult the conservative... is all you have in your play book?

I thought this was a debate forum? Hello?

Liberal Buzzword of the day: degeneracy

I don’t need to insult you RW tards, Stupidest Motherfucker. You do enough to embarrass yourselves without my help. I just do it out of enjoyment. Does that bother you, Stupidest Motherfucker? Tough shit.

You love it when Trump insults anybody who criticizes him. Suck it up, buttercup. You can’t have it both ways.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Okay, let's try it from another angle: You can make supposition, conjecture all day long.....PROVING IT requires valid, documented, comprehensive facts to support such. Here's what you said, and all I and the objective readers want is for you to document your allegations and assertions. Doubling down with MORE opinions, supposition, conjecture, allegations and assertions ARE NOT SUPPORTIVE FACTS.

If you don't understand, get an adult to explain it to you, or put on your socks and shoes and toddle over to your local library for help. We'll wait.

I can also confirm the death of Larry Bland, ALSO a member of Obama's church (You must remember the Jeremiah Wright controversy?) - This guy was murdered approx one month before Donald Young. Read here for more information and get back to me.

You don't "confirm" anything, you simpleton...all you are doing is parroting right wingnut conspiracy theories that have LONG since been disproved and discounted. GTFU, will ya please?

You're just a pathetic 3rd rate right wing propagandist seeking attention. I hope they're at least paying you scale.

Say goodnight Gracie.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal

Dude, this is the BEST you can do? This guy?!!?

It doesn't even address the baloney you shoveled previously that you have YET to prove.

You are demonstrating tactics right out of the Limbaugh, Levin, Malkin, Hannity, Trump, etc., handbook....throw anything up against the wall and hope innuendo and suggestion will pass off as supportive facts. GMAFB! You can't be this dumb! You're just a pitiful, 3rd rate right wing troll, who's not worth further attention.

2nd Murder confirmed --- Another member of Obama's church was murdered approx one month before Donald Young. His name is Larry Bland and he was shot in the same way. There is a lot of good information here that you can dig through
“What was the cause of my son’s death?” Norma Jean Young asked in the Globe interview. “I’m very suspicious that it may have been related to Obama. Donald and Obama were very close friends. Whatever went on with this is very private. I am suspicious of a cover-up!”

Jeremiah Wright was running a matchmaking service:

In 2003, the New York Times reported on a growing underground subculture in the black community known as Down Low, comprised largely of men who secretly engage in homosexual activity while living “straight” lives in public.

It’s within that subtext that opposition researchers for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign began investigating rumors that Rev. Jeremiah Wright was running a “matchmaking service” for members of his Trinity United Church of Christ known as the Down Low Club, which included Barack Obama.
WND investigators interviewed a number of members of the church who claim the president benefited from Wright’s efforts to help black men who engage in homosexual activity appear respectable in black society by finding them a wife.
The 2003 New York Times story, “Double Lives on the Down Low,” said that though many black men reject “a gay culture they perceive as white and effeminate,” they “have settled on a new identity, with its own vocabulary and customs and its own name: Down Low.
The Times said that while “there are black men who are openly gay, it seems that the majority of those having sex with men still lead secret lives, products of a black culture that deems masculinity and fatherhood as a black man’s primary responsibility – and homosexuality as a white man’s perversion.”
The Down Low Club at Trinity “doesn’t have meetings, and it isn’t like the Rotary Club,” a source identified for this article as “Carolyn” explained to a WND investigator in Chicago.
It was more that Wright served as a matchmaker,” said Carolyn, a 20-year member of Trinity who has played a role in church administration and knows the Obamas personally.
He kept his eye on the young guys coming up in Trinity,” she said, “and if he spotted someone that acted or looked gay, then Wright would give them kind of a guidance counselor-type direction on how to keep down low – how to do the things they wanted to do, but then also getting married and looking ‘respectable’ – being part of black society.
Yes, when Trump wins I will revive this thread and then we will see who the stupidest Motherfucker on the forum is, okay?

When domer 76 realizes I was right all along and he we was wrong, well... you get the idea...


I mean seriously, has this clown even challenged any of the points I've made?

LOL what a delusional bastard...

10 counts obstruction of justice- Mueller
Refer to the Ukraine phone call - solicitation of political favors from a foreign entity.
Denial of congressional subpoenas-more obstruction of justice.
Refer to the request on camera for China to investigate Biden. Soliciting of political favors from a foreign entity.
Toss in an abuse of power when he stole funds allocated for the military for his wall.

Then, you launch into some verbose word salad bullshit that doesn’t refute a single one of those FACTS.

Keep floundering, lemming. It’s hilarious, Stupidest Motherfucker

10 counts obstruction of justice- Mueller
Refer to the Ukraine phone call - solicitation of political favors from a foreign entity.
Denial of congressional subpoenas-more obstruction of justice.
Refer to the request on camera for China to investigate Biden. Soliciting of political favors from a foreign entity.
Toss in an abuse of power when he stole funds allocated for the military for his wall.

Then, you launch into some verbose word salad bullshit that doesn’t refute a single one of those FACTS.

Keep floundering, lemming. It’s hilarious, Stupidest Motherfucker


I've already put this jackass to shame and dumped him in the IA bin. He just seeks attention, like all the intellectually impotent right wing wonks do.
Absolutely. There will be little bits of blue here and there, but nothing substantial. And keep in mind my prediction above is for the county to county result, NOT state to state.

Here is the 2016 County result (Trump won 2,649 to Hillary Clinton’s 503)


This is just like trump to claim land mass is equal to the number of voters.
You don't "confirm" anything, you simpleton...all you are doing is parroting right wingnut conspiracy theories that have LONG since been disproved and discounted. GTFU, will ya please?

You're just a pathetic 3rd rate right wing propagandist seeking attention. I hope they're at least paying you scale.

Say goodnight Gracie.

Im sorry if you want to reject the facts and ignore Larry Sinclairs testimony...

Your links do nothing to disprove his testimony. Nor his connection to two murders that happened at his church, and he was linked closely to these people.

Im sorry that you are so deluded as to think that all Trump supporters are paid off by the russian government. It's just sad.

Absolutely. There will be little bits of blue here and there, but nothing substantial. And keep in mind my prediction above is for the county to county result, NOT state to state.

Here is the 2016 County result (Trump won 2,649 to Hillary Clinton’s 503)



Showing counties through the midwest that have more cattle than people.

3,000,000 more for the other side in 2016, stupid fuck.

What’s the trend now? Still 52% for impeachment and removal?

No wonder you’re the Stupidest Motherfucker on the Forum.

10 counts obstruction of justice- Mueller
Refer to the Ukraine phone call - solicitation of political favors from a foreign entity.
Denial of congressional subpoenas-more obstruction of justice.
Refer to the request on camera for China to investigate Biden. Soliciting of political favors from a foreign entity.
Toss in an abuse of power when he stole funds allocated for the military for his wall.

Then, you launch into some verbose word salad bullshit that doesn’t refute a single one of those FACTS.

Keep floundering, lemming. It’s hilarious, Stupidest Motherfucker

Seriously this guy refuses to respond to my ANSWER TO HIS ORIGINAL QUESTIONS.... ALL HE DOES IS POST THE QUESTIONS AGAIN.............SUCH BS

Liberal delusion #234 (repeat the question twice paradox)

I will reframe the question. Why is Trump NOT a patriot for wanting to secure our border? For wanting to reduce violent crime? For respecting the American flag? For delivering on is promises? For supercharging the economy? For record low unemployment? For defending the second amendment? For defending the constitution? For praising the NRA and being endorsed by them? For respecting our law enforcement community? For putting America first? For fixing broken trade deals that attack America like a parasite? For example, 50 Billion investment from the Chinese.. our farmers are going to need bigger tractors!

Trump is not a patriot? LOL

10 counts obstruction of justice- Mueller
1) The special counsel's report on Russian interference does not come to a conclusion as to whether President Trump obstructed justice. If Mueller couldnt find anything after picking and prodding for years, nobody will. (liberal delusion #951)

2) you have this totally backwards. Trump didnt even pocket the presidential salary, a selfless act - during his time in office, the president donated his quarterly portions of his $400,000 salary to the National Park Service, Small Business Administration, Department of Interior, Department of Transportation, Department of Education, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Veterans Affairs, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, and other agencies. (liberal paradox # 432)

Refer to the Ukraine phone call - solicitation of political favors from a foreign entity.
You must be thinking of Joe Biden? And looking into corruption is a presidents duty! He promised to drain the swamp and this exactly what he is doing. And to be clear: He is not "digging up dirt" he is rooting out corruption, big difference.

Denial of congressional subpoenas-more obstruction of justice.
Im willing to bet, if the leftists get rid of the kangaroo court proceedings the WH would cooperate. Dems are being VERY dishonest! House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) said House Democrats won’t hold a vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry into Mr. Trump despite pressure from the GOP to do so. When the dems play ball instead of soviet style bullying, I have a feeling the WH will comply. You have to remember this entire impeachment is a total hoax parisan hack job hail mary attempt from the left to take Trump out before the election. Because they know they have no candidate who can compete with him.

Refer to the request on camera for China to investigate Biden. Soliciting of political favors from a foreign entity.
Investigating for corruption is the duty of the president. He is doing his job by having China look into Biden corruption (and there is some funny business going on there) Joe and Hunter are stone cold corrupt and everyone knows that. This isnt about "favors" this is about "corruption" and the Obama administration was no stranger to underhanded tactics and lies. Trump promised to drain the swamp and thats exactly what he is doing. Dems know they are going down. Fulfilling yet another campaign promise.

Toss in an abuse of power when he stole funds allocated for the military for his wall.
Trump had to appropriate funds from the military because he faced major obstruction in government from the democrats
He was correct in building the wall as we do have a national crisis going on down there. By building the wall he is fulfilling yet another campaign promise.

If you stand against Trump (which you clearly do) you generally stand against most if not all of his policy and that includes the wall... And if you frame a picture questioning the appropriation of funds, it is clear you are not very keen on that idea. Trump is building the wall, and illegal immigration has been drastically reduced in the past few months. Yet another campaign promise he has delivered on.

Mulvaney said that Trump was concerned about corruption in Ukraine, including its efforts in the 2016 election during a press briefing with reporters on Thursday afternoon. So once again, Trump is found as being concerned about corruption in the ukraine. After all, they donated over $10 million to the Clinton Foundation. Wonder if there is any corruption in the Clinton foundation?

Showing counties through the midwest that have more cattle than people.

3,000,000 more for the other side in 2016, stupid fuck.

What’s the trend now? Still 52% for impeachment and removal?

No wonder you’re the Stupidest Motherfucker on the Forum.


Dude your words are so empty. You cant even respond to my rebuttal. Do you know how utterly DENSE this makes you look?


Showing counties through the midwest that have more cattle than people.

3,000,000 more for the other side in 2016, stupid fuck.

What’s the trend now? Still 52% for impeachment and removal?

No wonder you’re the Stupidest Motherfucker on the Forum.


Brilliant rebuttal. Absolutely brilliant!
