Patriot and Trump Supporter

First, here's the economy under Obama. It was far from broken.


Next, here's unemployment under Obama.


It's clear from the graphs that trump inherited a rising economy and a lowered rate of unemployment; he didn't create them.

Next, OPIC was not launched by trump and it wasn't committed to specifically help women. It started in 1971 and its mission statement reads:

"The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) is a self-sustaining U.S. Government agency that helps American businesses invest in emerging markets. Established in 1971, OPIC provides businesses with the tools to manage the risks associated with foreign direct investment, fosters economic development in emerging market countries, and advances U.S. foreign policy and national security priorities. OPIC helps American businesses gain footholds in new markets, catalyzes new revenues and contributes to jobs and growth opportunities both at home and abroad. OPIC fulfills its mission by providing businesses with financing, political risk insurance, advocacy and by partnering with private equity investment fund managers."

Finally, I asked what a liberal white woman could say about trump and you posted a list of conservative women who all got jobs in the trump administration. (I'm assuming Rachel Brand, not Heather Brand, is also a republican and she worked under G.W. bush and Barack Obama before she worked for trump.) Furthermore, many of these women have already left their positions in the administration.

trump's daughter-in-law Lara falsely claimed that trump appointed more women to his administration than any other president. The facts are:

  • Knight-Ridder News Services found in 1993 that 37 percent of the first 512 appointees in the Bill Clinton administration were women.
  • The Brookings Institution determined that 26 percent of George W. Bush’s first 264 nominations were women.
  • The New York Times found about 43 percent of Barack Obama’s appointments were women at the start of his second term. Some departments, such as Health and Human Services, Education, Labor, and Housing and Urban Development had 50 percent or more female appointments under Obama.

As for Trump, we have two measures, indicating a range of 22 percent to 27 percent for female appointments. But the trend line may be getting worse.

  • A Bloomberg analysis, using data obtained by ProPublica, found 27 percent of administration hires through March of 2017 were female.
  • The Washington Post appointment tracker, run with the Partnership for Public Service, shows that 22 percent of Trump’s Senate-confirmed nominees so far are women. The tracker was updated as of March 9, 2017.

Under no metric has Trump appointed more women than any previous president. In fact, he currently lags behind Obama and Clinton and possibly George W. Bush in terms of the percentage of female appointments.

It's indisputable that trump has a cruel and misogynistic viewpoint toward women, especially those who cross him. And this is not limited to liberal women. We all got our first glimpse of this when he insulted Carly Fiorina during the campaign. Then he went on to insult and scorn more women than I can count over the last three years. Indisputable.
^ This is how libs ignore reality. The ObamaEconomy sucked so bad that people stopped looking for jobs.
I don't recall that but it wasn't the electoral vote "massive landslide" that he claimed.

I wanted to further expand my answer to your question regarding what Trump has done for women since taking office...

[FONT=&quot]President Trump has prioritized the economic empowerment of women.[/FONT]
  • The women’s unemployment rate recently reached its lowest rate in 65 years.
  • The Small Business Administration lent approximately $500 million more in capital to women-owned businesses in 2017 compared to 2016.
  • The Administration helped launch the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative, which could leverage more than $1 billion to support women entrepreneurs.
Mason's Jew Trump loving sock,is fooling the right-wing losers!:)

The only "losers" around here are the liberal left, of which you are likely well acquainted. You lost in 2016 and you will lose again in 2020. Not sure why my race is important here, but the liberals sure do like to make wild suppositions based on my star of David avatar.
I wanted to further expand my answer to your question regarding what Trump has done for women since taking office...

[FONT="]President Trump has prioritized the economic empowerment of women.[/FONT]
  • The women’s unemployment rate recently reached its lowest rate in 65 years.
  • The Small Business Administration lent approximately $500 million more in capital to women-owned businesses in 2017 compared to 2016.
  • The Administration helped launch the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative, which could leverage more than $1 billion to support women entrepreneurs.

It's a shame he HATES women like some claim.
The only "losers" around here are the liberal left, of which you are likely well acquainted. You lost in 2016 and you will lose again in 2020. Not sure why my race is important here, but the liberals sure do like to make wild suppositions based on my star of David avatar.
Don't bother responding to Beaski, Mike. This one appears to be PDD, Pretty Damn Dumb.
I don't recall that but it wasn't the electoral vote "massive landslide" that he claimed.
But you have to admit 304 to 227 is a respectable margin of victory.

While not a total "landslide" its safe to say that Donald J Trump throttled Hillary R Clinton.

And Trump will make good on his "landslide" claim in 2020... just wait for it!
The only "losers" around here are the liberal left, of which you are likely well acquainted. You lost in 2016 and you will lose again in 2020. Not sure why my race is important here, but the liberals sure do like to make wild suppositions based on my star of David avatar.

I'm not a Democrat,Mason!
I wanted to further expand my answer to your question regarding what Trump has done for women since taking office...

[FONT="]President Trump has prioritized the economic empowerment of women.[/FONT]
  • The women’s unemployment rate recently reached its lowest rate in 65 years.
  • The Small Business Administration lent approximately $500 million more in capital to women-owned businesses in 2017 compared to 2016.
  • The Administration helped launch the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative, which could leverage more than $1 billion to support women entrepreneurs.

Grabbing women by the pussy,hardly counts as a good thing!
You do know Iron -Merc,is just another Mason sock.
He tried this act last year during Passover!

Who is this mason fellow?!!!! Thats the 3rd or 4th reference so far...

Where does this mason fellow live? We can settle this once and for all based on my IP address.

Or you can call me. Yes I will give you my # because I AM NOT MASON! I am a christian that loves ISRAEL! I was conceived in Israel and my family has ties to Jerusalem... And I have been there once my self and loved it... But for the record... I have 100% american blood coursing through these veins!

Or friend me on facebook.

Or PM me here.
Who is this mason fellow?!!!! Thats the 3rd or 4th reference so far...

Where does this mason fellow live? We can settle this once and for all based on my IP address.

Or you can call me. Yes I will give you my # because I AM NOT MASON! I am a christian that loves ISRAEL! I was conceived in Israel and my family has ties to Jerusalem... And I have been there once my self and loved it... But for the record... I have 100% american blood coursing through these veins!

Or friend me on facebook.

Or PM me here.

Some idiots on here claimed I was Mason, as well, when I first joined the site. They changed their tune when they noticed that I'm quite a bit more intelligent than Mason. Just ignore these fools, Mike.
Seriously this guy refuses to respond to my ANSWER TO HIS ORIGINAL QUESTIONS.... ALL HE DOES IS POST THE QUESTIONS AGAIN.............SUCH BS

Liberal delusion #234 (repeat the question twice paradox)

I will reframe the question. Why is Trump NOT a patriot for wanting to secure our border? For wanting to reduce violent crime? For respecting the American flag? For delivering on is promises? For supercharging the economy? For record low unemployment? For defending the second amendment? For defending the constitution? For praising the NRA and being endorsed by them? For respecting our law enforcement community? For putting America first? For fixing broken trade deals that attack America like a parasite? For example, 50 Billion investment from the Chinese.. our farmers are going to need bigger tractors!

Trump is not a patriot? LOL

10 counts obstruction of justice- Mueller
1) The special counsel's report on Russian interference does not come to a conclusion as to whether President Trump obstructed justice. If Mueller couldnt find anything after picking and prodding for years, nobody will. (liberal delusion #951)

2) you have this totally backwards. Trump didnt even pocket the presidential salary, a selfless act - during his time in office, the president donated his quarterly portions of his $400,000 salary to the National Park Service, Small Business Administration, Department of Interior, Department of Transportation, Department of Education, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Veterans Affairs, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, and other agencies. (liberal paradox # 432)

Refer to the Ukraine phone call - solicitation of political favors from a foreign entity.
You must be thinking of Joe Biden? And looking into corruption is a presidents duty! He promised to drain the swamp and this exactly what he is doing. And to be clear: He is not "digging up dirt" he is rooting out corruption, big difference.

Denial of congressional subpoenas-more obstruction of justice.
Im willing to bet, if the leftists get rid of the kangaroo court proceedings the WH would cooperate. Dems are being VERY dishonest! House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) said House Democrats won’t hold a vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry into Mr. Trump despite pressure from the GOP to do so. When the dems play ball instead of soviet style bullying, I have a feeling the WH will comply. You have to remember this entire impeachment is a total hoax parisan hack job hail mary attempt from the left to take Trump out before the election. Because they know they have no candidate who can compete with him.

Refer to the request on camera for China to investigate Biden. Soliciting of political favors from a foreign entity.
Investigating for corruption is the duty of the president. He is doing his job by having China look into Biden corruption (and there is some funny business going on there) Joe and Hunter are stone cold corrupt and everyone knows that. This isnt about "favors" this is about "corruption" and the Obama administration was no stranger to underhanded tactics and lies. Trump promised to drain the swamp and thats exactly what he is doing. Dems know they are going down. Fulfilling yet another campaign promise.

Toss in an abuse of power when he stole funds allocated for the military for his wall.
Trump had to appropriate funds from the military because he faced major obstruction in government from the democrats
He was correct in building the wall as we do have a national crisis going on down there. By building the wall he is fulfilling yet another campaign promise.

If you stand against Trump (which you clearly do) you generally stand against most if not all of his policy and that includes the wall... And if you frame a picture questioning the appropriation of funds, it is clear you are not very keen on that idea. Trump is building the wall, and illegal immigration has been drastically reduced in the past few months. Yet another campaign promise he has delivered on.

Mulvaney said that Trump was concerned about corruption in Ukraine, including its efforts in the 2016 election during a press briefing with reporters on Thursday afternoon. So once again, Trump is found as being concerned about corruption in the ukraine. After all, they donated over $10 million to the Clinton Foundation. Wonder if there is any corruption in the Clinton foundation?

"If we had confidence that the president did not commit a crime, we would have said so," Mueller said. They did not say so, did they? Ever read Volume 2, asswipe? Of course not. The 10 counts are outlined in detail.

Not taking a salary has ZERO to do with Emoluments, you fucking moron. Try to educate yourself rather than continually demonstrating your stupidity.

Not only was that phone call extortion, it wa a violation of 11CFR 110.2 AND 11CFR 300.2

Pelosi calling for a vote or not is, once again, irrelevant, stupid fuck. Preventing Congress from carrying out their constitutional duties is obstruction.

He isn't investigating for corruption. That's just a smokescreen for you ignorant and gullible Trumptards. Same thing as asking for Ukraine and dirt on a political opponent. Abuse of power.

Congress carried out their constitutional duties and funded the wall with a certain amount, as well as the military funds that Trump stole. That's an end run on the Constitution and separation of powers. Abouse of office. Why do you hate the Constitution?

Mulvaney also said there was a quid pro quo. Whatever Trump tells you is a fucking lie, dumbshit. That's what he does best. Yet, you're too fucking gullible and stupid to recognize that.

I stand against Trump because he's a traitorous, pathologically lying, incompetent sociopathic piece of human shit. He routinely commits crimes and violates the Constitution for his own personal gain.

You just got taken to the cleaners on every point, moron.

How sad it must be, believing that scientists, scholars, historians, economists and journalists have devoted their entire lives to deceiving you, while a reality TV star with decades of fraud and exhaustively documented lying is your only beacon of truth an honesty.


BTW, suck this one in on the phone call. Pure extortion.

Well it is very nice of you to say that. I will say that we do a lot for Ukraine. We spend a lot of effort and a lot of time. Much more than the European countries are doing and they should be helping you more than they are. Germany does almost nothing for you. All they do is talk and I think it's something that you should really ask them about. When I was speaking to Angela Merkel she talks Ukraine, but she ·doesn't do anything. A lot of the European countries are the same way so I think it's something you want to look at but the United States has been very very good to Ukraine. I wouldn't say that it's reciprocal necessarily because things are happening that are not good but the United States has been very very good to Ukraine.

I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you're surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it's very important that you do it if that's possible.

Good because I heard you had a prosecutor who was very good and he was shut down and that's really unfair. A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved. Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor of New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General. Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great. The former ambassador from the United States, the woman, was bad news and the people she was dealing with in the Ukraine were bad news so I just want to let you know that. The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me.

Well, she's going to go through some things. I will have Mr. Giuliani give you a call and I am also going to have Attorney General Barr call and we will get to the bottom of it. I'm sure you will figure it out. I heard the prosecutor was treated very badly and he was a very fair prosecutor so good luck with everything. Your economy is going to get better and better I predict. You have a lot of assets. It's a great country. I have many Ukrainian friends, their incredible people.
Last edited:
Dude your words are so empty. You cant even respond to my rebuttal. Do you know how utterly DENSE this makes you look?



I just finished kicking your ass, Stupidest Motherfucker.

Well it is very nice of you to say that. I will say that we do a lot for Ukraine. We spend a lot of effort and a lot of time. Much more than the European countries are doing and they should be helping you more than they are. Germany does almost nothing for you. All they do is talk and I think it's something that you should really ask them about. When I was speaking to Angela Merkel she talks Ukraine, but she ·doesn't do anything. A lot of the European countries are the same way so I think it's something you want to look at but the United States has been very very good to Ukraine. I wouldn't say that it's reciprocal necessarily because things are happening that are not good but the United States has been very very good to Ukraine.

I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you're surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it's very important that you do it if that's possible.

Good because I heard you had a prosecutor who was very good and he was shut down and that's really unfair. A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved. Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor of New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General. Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great. The former ambassador from the United States, the woman, was bad news and the people she was dealing with in the Ukraine were bad news so I just want to let you know that. The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me.

Well, she's going to go through some things. I will have Mr. Giuliani give you a call and I am also going to have Attorney General Barr call and we will get to the bottom of it. I'm sure you will figure it out. I heard the prosecutor was treated very badly and he was a very fair prosecutor so good luck with everything. Your economy is going to get better and better I predict. You have a lot of assets. It's a great country. I have many Ukrainian friends, their incredible people.
Brilliant rebuttal. Absolutely brilliant!


The truth hurts, Stupidest Motherfucker. If you took the time to look at the county populations in the strip through the middle, it's laughably low.

This is why you're the Stupidest Motherfucker on the Forum
It's just so commonplace for liberal democrats to say they are not democratic, it's almost a given when you try to pin them down.

And yet you find out later they are just another cookie cutter liberal trying to deny accountability.

True accountability is a very difficult thing for a true liberal. It's almost always last on their list and they avoid it like the plague... That goes without saying if you are a member of the democratic elite or just the average democrat walking the streets.

Just look at Hillary Clinton, for example.

What a load of Nazi bullshit! :)