Patriot and Trump Supporter

Truth be told it's your ignorance of Trump that causes lack of foresight.

And when you are living in a delusion it's very difficult to see even one day ahead.

In 2016 Trump capitalized on the American Dream and restoring our nation to its former glory while Hillary was running on late term abortions, abolishing the 2nd amendment, and transgender rights and restroom access.

And this time around? Well, lets just say the democrats are still living in that same delusional universe. They have not learned anything from the loss of 2016, and neither have you. I predicted a win for Donald Trump in 2016 an I predict a landslide victory in 2020. Matter of fact I won a bet for the 2016 election result. The liberal handing me that crisp $100 with an angry frown on his face was the most satisfying moment....

Anyone else up for a bet for 2020? Come on now, dont be shy!

Here is about what 2020 is going to look like:

I'd say your map is close to correct. I believe the Dems will win California, New York and Hawaii, no matter WHO they have against Trump. And maybe Oregon and Washington, but that's about it.
I'd say your map is close to correct. I believe the Dems will win California, New York and Hawaii, no matter WHO they have against Trump. And maybe Oregon and Washington, but that's about it.
Absolutely. There will be little bits of blue here and there, but nothing substantial. And keep in mind my prediction above is for the county to county result, NOT state to state.

Here is the 2016 County result (Trump won 2,649 to Hillary Clinton’s 503)

Truth be told it's your ignorance of Trump that causes lack of foresight.

And when you are living in a delusion it's very difficult to see even one day ahead.

In 2016 Trump capitalized on the American Dream and restoring our nation to its former glory while Hillary was running on late term abortions, abolishing the 2nd amendment, and transgender rights and restroom access.

And this time around? Well, lets just say the democrats are still living in that same delusional universe. They have not learned anything from the loss of 2016, and neither have you. I predicted a win for Donald Trump in 2016 an I predict a landslide victory in 2020. Matter of fact I won a bet for the 2016 election result. The liberal handing me that crisp $100 with an angry frown on his face was the most satisfying moment....

Anyone else up for a bet for 2020? Come on now, dont be shy!

Here is about what 2020 is going to look like:


Get back on those meds, ignorant dumbfuck. Or take off those red shades.

I believe you have taken over first place as the stupidest motherfucker on the forum.


Get back on those meds, ignorant dumbfuck. Or take off those red shades.

I believe you have taken over first place as the stupidest motherfucker on the forum.


Like I said, liberals love their delusions. I will let you keep yours intact. That way you'll be all the more disappointed when Trump wins in 2020.

Trump inherited s broken economy?

Now that we're in the midst of a booming economy — which kicked in after Trump reversed almost all Obama's economic policies — we're supposed to believe that it's Obama who deserves all the credit.
Yes, Trump inherited Obama's broken economy. Of course democrats are quick to give the credit to Obama, but the reality is, Obama's economy was slowly bleeding america dry. Obama hated this nation, and this is no doubt that he took a number of actions that further crippled the US economy, intentionally, in an effort to destroy Americas standing in the world and let China rise to the #1 economy in the world. Those plans were supposed to continue with Hillary Clinton in charge.

Growth: Barack Obama is on the road attempting to claim credit for the booming economy under President Trump. But the only thing Obama deserves credit for is making it easy for Trump to undo Obama's anti-growth policies.
By adopting policies that put our nation first, such as cutting taxes to make businesses more competitive and allow workers to keep more of their paychecks, eliminating wasteful regulations, and protecting our workers from unfair foreign competition by renegotiating outdated trade deals, President Trump has been the polar opposite of his predecessor. President Obama heavily regulated the financial industry in an attempt to reduce economic risk, but this strategy of punishing bankers only ended up dragging down growth. He also championed poorly negotiated trade deals that put our workers at a disadvantage, such as the Trans Pacific Partnership that President Trump wisely scrapped after taking office.

The economic confidence that Trump has inspired among voters isn’t a fluke, either. For more than two years, he has fought hard to repair America’s economic engine, implementing pro-growth policies to restore the prosperity lost from the Great Recession through Obama’s presidency. That approach has paid tremendous dividends, with nearly five million new jobs created in just over two years.
In a recent interview with Breitbart News, Trump explained that he considers the economic recovery his biggest accomplishment, arguing that his effort to deregulate the private sector paved the way for economic growth across America. “Regulations were killing the country,” he said, referring to the draconian bureaucratic state established under President Obama. “We were going down.”

Trump’s policies have sparked the greatest economic renaissance America has seen in decades, and no amount of political spin can conceal that fact from the millions of Americans who are better off today thanks to his efforts.

The tax cuts are allowing American families to keep more of their hard earned money. Real disposable personal income increased by $2,300 from the end of 2017 to the fourth quarter of 2018. Business investment and productivity are on the rise thanks to the tax cuts. Capital Expenditures are up $300 billion from 2017. Private nonresidential fixed investment by nonfinancial businesses is up 9.2 percent. Business sector productivity grew at an annual rate of 1.9 percent, nearly twice the rate of the expansion prior to the tax cuts.

Turnaround on GDP Growth
There's more. The rate of GDP growth was decelerating in Obama's last year. It went from 2.3% in Q2, to 1.9% in Q3 to 1.8% in Q4 of 2016. Under Trump, GDP growth has averaged 2.9%. It was 4.2% last quarter and might be higher in the current one. The stock market also was stuck in neutral the year before the November 2016 elections. The Dow is up by some 45% since then. Real median family income didn't budge from August 2015 to November 2016, according to Sentier Research. It's up more than 4% since Trump came into office. Wages are on the upswing.
In Obama's last year, unemployment rate remained basically unchanged — it was 4.9% in Jan 2016, and 4.8% when Trump took office in Jan. 2017. Now it's down to 3.9%

Regulations: Over 4000 EPA regulations issued under Pres. Obama
Since President Obama assumed office in 2009, the EPA has published over 3,900 rules, averaging almost 500 annually, and amounting to over 33,000 new pages in the Federal Register.The compliance costs associated with EPA regulations under Obama number in the hundreds of billions and have grown by more than $50 billion in annual costs since Obama took office. Such high costs, especially those related to the energy sector, ripple throughout the economy, impacting GDP, killing thousands of jobs, and increasing the cost of consumer goods.
Now that we're in the midst of a booming economy — which kicked in after Trump reversed almost all Obama's economic policies — we're supposed to believe that it's Obama who deserves all the credit.
Yes, Trump inherited Obama's broken economy. Of course democrats are quick to give the credit to Obama, but the reality is, Obama's economy was slowly bleeding america dry. Obama hated this nation, and this is no doubt that he took a number of actions that further crippled the US economy, intentionally, in an effort to destroy Americas standing in the world and let China rise to the #1 economy in the world. Those plans were supposed to continue with Hillary Clinton in charge.

Growth: Barack Obama is on the road attempting to claim credit for the booming economy under President Trump. But the only thing Obama deserves credit for is making it easy for Trump to undo Obama's anti-growth policies.
By adopting policies that put our nation first, such as cutting taxes to make businesses more competitive and allow workers to keep more of their paychecks, eliminating wasteful regulations, and protecting our workers from unfair foreign competition by renegotiating outdated trade deals, President Trump has been the polar opposite of his predecessor. President Obama heavily regulated the financial industry in an attempt to reduce economic risk, but this strategy of punishing bankers only ended up dragging down growth. He also championed poorly negotiated trade deals that put our workers at a disadvantage, such as the Trans Pacific Partnership that President Trump wisely scrapped after taking office.

The economic confidence that Trump has inspired among voters isn’t a fluke, either. For more than two years, he has fought hard to repair America’s economic engine, implementing pro-growth policies to restore the prosperity lost from the Great Recession through Obama’s presidency. That approach has paid tremendous dividends, with nearly five million new jobs created in just over two years.
In a recent interview with Breitbart News, Trump explained that he considers the economic recovery his biggest accomplishment, arguing that his effort to deregulate the private sector paved the way for economic growth across America. “Regulations were killing the country,” he said, referring to the draconian bureaucratic state established under President Obama. “We were going down.”

Trump’s policies have sparked the greatest economic renaissance America has seen in decades, and no amount of political spin can conceal that fact from the millions of Americans who are better off today thanks to his efforts.

The tax cuts are allowing American families to keep more of their hard earned money. Real disposable personal income increased by $2,300 from the end of 2017 to the fourth quarter of 2018. Business investment and productivity are on the rise thanks to the tax cuts. Capital Expenditures are up $300 billion from 2017. Private nonresidential fixed investment by nonfinancial businesses is up 9.2 percent. Business sector productivity grew at an annual rate of 1.9 percent, nearly twice the rate of the expansion prior to the tax cuts.

Turnaround on GDP Growth
There's more. The rate of GDP growth was decelerating in Obama's last year. It went from 2.3% in Q2, to 1.9% in Q3 to 1.8% in Q4 of 2016. Under Trump, GDP growth has averaged 2.9%. It was 4.2% last quarter and might be higher in the current one. The stock market also was stuck in neutral the year before the November 2016 elections. The Dow is up by some 45% since then. Real median family income didn't budge from August 2015 to November 2016, according to Sentier Research. It's up more than 4% since Trump came into office. Wages are on the upswing.
In Obama's last year, unemployment rate remained basically unchanged — it was 4.9% in Jan 2016, and 4.8% when Trump took office in Jan. 2017. Now it's down to 3.9%

Regulations: Over 4000 EPA regulations issued under Pres. Obama
Since President Obama assumed office in 2009, the EPA has published over 3,900 rules, averaging almost 500 annually, and amounting to over 33,000 new pages in the Federal Register.The compliance costs associated with EPA regulations under Obama number in the hundreds of billions and have grown by more than $50 billion in annual costs since Obama took office. Such high costs, especially those related to the energy sector, ripple throughout the economy, impacting GDP, killing thousands of jobs, and increasing the cost of consumer goods.


You lost me at "Now that". Cut the verbosity, Stupidest Motherfucker on the Forum. I'm not interested in wading through an entire page of your bullshit.
^Stupidest motherfucker on the forum. :rofl2:

You do realize, that when Trump wins 2020 Im going to come back and revive this thread?

And then we will see who the "stupidest motherfucker on the forum" is, okay?

I know one thing for sure: the result is going to wipe the smug grin off your face!
You do realize, that when Trump wins 2020 Im going to come back and revive this thread?

And then we will see who the "stupidest motherfucker on the forum" is, okay?

I know one thing for sure: the result is going to wipe the smug grin off your face!

Sorry, Stupidest Motherfucker, I can't fix stupidity on the level you exhibit it.

You lost me at "Now that". Cut the verbosity, Stupidest Motherfucker on the Forum. I'm not interested in wading through an entire page of your bullshit.

Right .... you really are a true liberal! You cant deal with facts or the truth so you must undercut the OPs credibility.

It's a pattern that most liberals follow: Insult the conservative... is all you have in your play book?

I thought this was a debate forum? Hello?

Liberal Buzzword of the day: degeneracy
Sorry, Stupidest Motherfucker, I can't fix stupidity on the level you exhibit it.
Yes, when Trump wins I will revive this thread and then we will see who the stupidest Motherfucker on the forum is, okay?

When domer 76 realizes I was right all along and he we was wrong, well... you get the idea...

Double standard much? I know truth is to a liberal as kryptonite is to superman so I am not surprised liberals were having melt downs left and right. In fact, I was expecting it. And just look at Adam Schiff, he tells the public an outright fabricated conversation that didnt happen in that sequence... direct lies straight to the american people. And its no problem for Adam because he is a true liberal democrat - a consistent liar. shifty schiff is his nickname.

I understand you like to dish it out but you cant handle the truth, can ya?

So you can dish out all the hate lies and slander against Donald Trump anytime you want (and these shenanigans by the left wing have been going on like this since 2016):


liberals lose their minds when I post an Obama conspiracy theory in the conspiracy forum???

Remember you lost the election in 2016? That means everything you say has to be taken with a grain of salt.

Actually some of the conspiracy theories have been taking root.

-Possible evidence that Obama is gay and implicated in the murder of one of his ex gay lover back in 2007. I have no problem with Obama liking other men. It's just when you've created the portrait of the quintessential American family and it gets shattered in a million pieces that makes me question the mans real identity. Everything becomes a question mark. Like why did it take Obama over 2.5 years to obtain his long form birth certificate?

-Possible evidence that Obama's SSN is dated from 1890 and it was issued in Connecticut, this is a mystery because there is no known connection and Obama never lived there.

-If Obama is in fact gay, which is highly probable, we must then also revisit Michelle Obama's conspiracy theory to tie up any lose ends. The notion of a transgender first lady and a gay president is extremely wild and far fetched. Nahhhh impossible! But we do have sex lies murder and intrigue. Weight the evidence for yourself.

I had bad information (fake news) for Michelle Obamas family when she was young and the questionable account of Benghazi (although I DO NOT trust the liberal media's account either) Considering the talking points getting watered down and the lies that were perpetrated against the American people shortly after the attack made me sick. To have your own government fail you, almost turn on you. Well that will be a bad day for America.

Lets reflect on the words of Clint Eastwood:


Okay, let's try it from another angle: You can make supposition, conjecture all day long.....PROVING IT requires valid, documented, comprehensive facts to support such. Here's what you said, and all I and the objective readers want is for you to document your allegations and assertions. Doubling down with MORE opinions, supposition, conjecture, allegations and assertions ARE NOT SUPPORTIVE FACTS.

If you don't understand, get an adult to explain it to you, or put on your socks and shoes and toddle over to your local library for help. We'll wait.

Майк Тайсон нанял меня практически ко всем либеральным демократам

Ямал - один из российских ледоколов семейства Арктика, самый мощный ледокол в мире. Эти корабли должны плавать в холодной воде, чтобы охладить свои реакторы [чтобы они не могли пройти через тропики, чтобы совершать плавания в Южном полушарии

Дональд Трамп победит в 2020 году

Okay, let's try it from another angle: You can make supposition, conjecture all day long.....PROVING IT requires valid, documented, comprehensive facts to support such. Here's what you said, and all I and the objective readers want is for you to document your allegations and assertions. Doubling down with MORE opinions, supposition, conjecture, allegations and assertions ARE NOT SUPPORTIVE FACTS.

If you don't understand, get an adult to explain it to you, or put on your socks and shoes and toddle over to your local library for help. We'll wait.
Okay, let's try it from another angle: You can make supposition, conjecture all day long.....PROVING IT requires valid, documented, comprehensive facts to support such. Here's what you said, and all I and the objective readers want is for you to document your allegations and assertions. Doubling down with MORE opinions, supposition, conjecture, allegations and assertions ARE NOT SUPPORTIVE FACTS.

If you don't understand, get an adult to explain it to you, or put on your socks and shoes and toddle over to your local library for help. We'll wait.

You need to watch this one all the way through...

Now that we're in the midst of a booming economy — which kicked in after Trump reversed almost all Obama's economic policies — we're supposed to believe that it's Obama who deserves all the credit.
Yes, Trump inherited Obama's broken economy. Of course democrats are quick to give the credit to Obama, but the reality is, Obama's economy was slowly bleeding america dry. Obama hated this nation, and this is no doubt that he took a number of actions that further crippled the US economy, intentionally, in an effort to destroy Americas standing in the world and let China rise to the #1 economy in the world. Those plans were supposed to continue with Hillary Clinton in charge.

Growth: Barack Obama is on the road attempting to claim credit for the booming economy under President Trump. But the only thing Obama deserves credit for is making it easy for Trump to undo Obama's anti-growth policies.
By adopting policies that put our nation first, such as cutting taxes to make businesses more competitive and allow workers to keep more of their paychecks, eliminating wasteful regulations, and protecting our workers from unfair foreign competition by renegotiating outdated trade deals, President Trump has been the polar opposite of his predecessor. President Obama heavily regulated the financial industry in an attempt to reduce economic risk, but this strategy of punishing bankers only ended up dragging down growth. He also championed poorly negotiated trade deals that put our workers at a disadvantage, such as the Trans Pacific Partnership that President Trump wisely scrapped after taking office.

The economic confidence that Trump has inspired among voters isn’t a fluke, either. For more than two years, he has fought hard to repair America’s economic engine, implementing pro-growth policies to restore the prosperity lost from the Great Recession through Obama’s presidency. That approach has paid tremendous dividends, with nearly five million new jobs created in just over two years.
In a recent interview with Breitbart News, Trump explained that he considers the economic recovery his biggest accomplishment, arguing that his effort to deregulate the private sector paved the way for economic growth across America. “Regulations were killing the country,” he said, referring to the draconian bureaucratic state established under President Obama. “We were going down.”

Trump’s policies have sparked the greatest economic renaissance America has seen in decades, and no amount of political spin can conceal that fact from the millions of Americans who are better off today thanks to his efforts.

The tax cuts are allowing American families to keep more of their hard earned money. Real disposable personal income increased by $2,300 from the end of 2017 to the fourth quarter of 2018. Business investment and productivity are on the rise thanks to the tax cuts. Capital Expenditures are up $300 billion from 2017. Private nonresidential fixed investment by nonfinancial businesses is up 9.2 percent. Business sector productivity grew at an annual rate of 1.9 percent, nearly twice the rate of the expansion prior to the tax cuts.

Turnaround on GDP Growth
There's more. The rate of GDP growth was decelerating in Obama's last year. It went from 2.3% in Q2, to 1.9% in Q3 to 1.8% in Q4 of 2016. Under Trump, GDP growth has averaged 2.9%. It was 4.2% last quarter and might be higher in the current one. The stock market also was stuck in neutral the year before the November 2016 elections. The Dow is up by some 45% since then. Real median family income didn't budge from August 2015 to November 2016, according to Sentier Research. It's up more than 4% since Trump came into office. Wages are on the upswing.
In Obama's last year, unemployment rate remained basically unchanged — it was 4.9% in Jan 2016, and 4.8% when Trump took office in Jan. 2017. Now it's down to 3.9%

Regulations: Over 4000 EPA regulations issued under Pres. Obama
Since President Obama assumed office in 2009, the EPA has published over 3,900 rules, averaging almost 500 annually, and amounting to over 33,000 new pages in the Federal Register.The compliance costs associated with EPA regulations under Obama number in the hundreds of billions and have grown by more than $50 billion in annual costs since Obama took office. Such high costs, especially those related to the energy sector, ripple throughout the economy, impacting GDP, killing thousands of jobs, and increasing the cost of consumer goods.

Reality check:

So while the White House can certainly point to some yardsticks that indicate a meaningful turnaround on Trump's watch — including small business sentiment, business investment and goods-producing job growth — broader measures of the overall job market and wages show the economy continues to follow the steady, upward glide path that began under Obama.

And here's some objective reporting that STILL puts the kibosh on Trump lies and the flunkies that repeat them:
Okay, let's try it from another angle: You can make supposition, conjecture all day long.....PROVING IT requires valid, documented, comprehensive facts to support such. Here's what you said, and all I and the objective readers want is for you to document your allegations and assertions. Doubling down with MORE opinions, supposition, conjecture, allegations and assertions ARE NOT SUPPORTIVE FACTS.

If you don't understand, get an adult to explain it to you, or put on your socks and shoes and toddle over to your local library for help. We'll wait.

I can also confirm the death of Larry Bland, ALSO a member of Obama's church (You must remember the Jeremiah Wright controversy?) - This guy was murdered approx one month before Donald Young. Read here for more information and get back to me.