Pedo Joe declares Easter to be “Transgender Day of Visibility.”

You fucking little idiot. I have always condemned the riots so stop with the deflections. And your attempt to justify the J6 insurrection by bringing up the civil rights protests is a losing argument.
J6 was an insurrection whose purpose was to prevent the peaceful transfer of power and your attempt to whitewash it just shows you don't give a shit about democracy or the constitution. You will never win the J6 debate. It was an illegal insurrection where Capitol police were injured and killed by Trump's goons. He even said "These are my people" and "We love you. You're very special".

The more you try to gaslight J6, the more anti-American and anti-democratic you look. Your choice.

The highlighted part... Really? How many capitol police were killed during that riot? What portion of the people involved simply walked into the Capitol unopposed and even ushered in by the same police?

It is YOU who are doing the gaslighting. It is YOU that doesn't give a shit about "democracy" or individual rights.

I have never tried to justify the J6 riot, any more than any other riot. They are all riots and equally reprehensible. It is, again, YOU who are singling out the J6 riot for special emphasis and treatment compared to the hundreds of other political riots that took place during Trump's term in office. It is YOU that wants to focus only on J6 because that one was by the Right, while you downplay or ignore the hundreds of riots by the Left, because those tar you in a negative light.
No we just don't want the disrespect. TG Day has only been a thing since 2009. Easter has been around for a couple thousand years.

So what?

The only people who "care" if one has been around longer are thin-skinned Righties who believe celebrating two separate events on the same day is somehow "disrespecting" Christians.
Absurdity; the last desperate refuge for the ignorant, the dishonest and the stupid.

Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.

<sigh> I told you, I don't converse with socks. Why are you trumptard forum members so insecure?
That's all you've got? A single three-hour riot? That's the extent of your claim? Compare that to four years of coast-to-coast riots (sporadic but continuous) injuring thousands, causing deaths (plural v. your singular one during that riot), and damaging billions in property while destroying the lives of thousands of people--like burning their businesses down, etc.

You ignore the massive hate and insurrection on the left and call a three-hour riot somehow an insurrection.

Not a SINGLE ONE of those "coast-to-coast riots" tried to overturn the legitimate results of the previous November's election.

That is the one significant difference.
Religion needs to be destroyed.

If there had never been religion, much if not most of the violence and wars in history would never have happened.

Fuck religion.

Religion was just an excuse for warfare. The most dangerous and in terms of body count, ideas have all come from the Left. Communism / Socialism has killed somewhere north of 250 million people just in the 20th Century alone. The most successful empires weren't based on religion either:

Greek (Alexander)

To name a few.
Religion was just an excuse for warfare. The most dangerous and in terms of body count, ideas have all come from the Left. Communism / Socialism has killed somewhere north of 250 million people just in the 20th Century alone. The most successful empires weren't based on religion either:

Greek (Alexander)

To name a few.

You missed the American one on the list.
"The board notes?" Holy shit! You're TDAK's sock!

More likely Anymouse is copycat.

The board notes your demand that all conservatives who say pedo joe is using doubles should be censored.
The board notes your demand for total censorship of conservatives.
HAHAHA. The board notes all you have is namecalling. Even in intellectual sports, the brainless bimbos can't compete with men and even a sub-60 IQ negro like you knows it.
HAHAHAHA. The board notes your demand for more censorship of conservatives for telling the truth. If you think blacks are equal to whites explain why.
The board notes you support both black on white violence and the censorship of it. Please go back to africa.
HAHAHAHA. The board notes that all you have is namecalling. Thanks for admitting i'm right.
The highlighted part... Really? How many capitol police were killed during that riot? What portion of the people involved simply walked into the Capitol unopposed and even ushered in by the same police?

It is YOU who are doing the gaslighting. It is YOU that doesn't give a shit about "democracy" or individual rights.

I have never tried to justify the J6 riot, any more than any other riot. They are all riots and equally reprehensible. It is, again, YOU who are singling out the J6 riot for special emphasis and treatment compared to the hundreds of other political riots that took place during Trump's term in office. It is YOU that wants to focus only on J6 because that one was by the Right, while you downplay or ignore the hundreds of riots by the Left, because those tar you in a negative light.

If you can't see the difference between the J6 riot and any other riot then you're too deep in the cult to reason with.
I just hope one day you see the light and aren't blinded by the right. But I doubt that'll ever happen. You're too deep...