Pedo Joe declares Easter to be “Transgender Day of Visibility.”

Religion was just an excuse for warfare. The most dangerous and in terms of body count, ideas have all come from the Left. Communism / Socialism has killed somewhere north of 250 million people just in the 20th Century alone. The most successful empires weren't based on religion either:

Greek (Alexander)

To name a few.

World Wars 1 & 2 were not fought for the causes of communism or socialism or religion.

The escalation of hostility in Vietnam was caused by a capitalist country trying to stem the spread of socialism and Communism.
World Wars 1 & 2 were not fought for the causes of communism or socialism or religion.

The escalation of hostility in Vietnam was caused by a capitalist country trying to stem the spread of socialism and Communism.

A radical Leftist socialist started WW 1 by assassinating the Arch Duke of Austro-Hungary. WW 2--in Europe was started by the radical Leftist Nazis--who were Socialists.

Vietnam was started by communists who wanted to end French colonial rule.
World Wars 1 & 2 were not fought for the causes of communism or socialism or religion.

The escalation of hostility in Vietnam was caused by a capitalist country trying to stem the spread of socialism and Communism.

What was the ChiCom invasion of South Korea ten years earlier? The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in the 80s? The Soviet crushing of the Czechs in the "Prague Spring"? The Cuban invasion of Grenada?
World Wars 1 & 2 were not fought for the causes of communism or socialism or religion.
It was about alliances. History is repeating itself now w/ Ukraine. Imagine that .
The escalation of hostility in Vietnam was caused by a capitalist country trying to stem the spread of socialism and Communism.
After visiting Vietnam ( a beautiful country) I read an extensive biography on Ho. Even Robert McNamara admitted we miscalculated our reason for invading VN in a documentary, The Fog of War.
Ho actually asked for help from F. Roosevelt to free VN from French colonialism (who treated the Vietnamese as slaves). He was denied so he turned to the Soviets. Aside, Ho was fluent in English, Russian and French and did not need a translator. Quite impressive.
All Johnson had to do was study a little history of VN and he could have actually empathized w/ Ho.
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A radical Leftist socialist started WW 1 by assassinating the Arch Duke of Austro-Hungary. WW 2--in Europe was started by the radical Leftist Nazis--who were Socialists.

Vietnam was started by communists who wanted to end French colonial rule.

You forgot to blame the Boogeyman!!!! :laugh:

Religion needs to be destroyed.

If there had never been religion, much if not most of the violence and wars in history would never have happened.

Fuck religion.

Both Stalin and Mao attempted to destroy religion. The Chinese are still trying, but appear to be failing. What's your plan?
Nobody cancelled Easter and nobody declared Easter Sunday as Transgender Day of Visibility.

In 2009 March 31 was declared the Transgender Day of Visibility. It was just continued.

When will Trumpers start checking facts before they believe misleading social media posts?
Oh, that’s rich, Trumpers checking facts :laugh: