Pedo Joe declares Easter to be “Transgender Day of Visibility.”

State churches nor State atheism have ever been attractive to me. One of America's true strengths is it's pluralism.

The only reason we still have pluralism is the Constitution won't let the religionists make theirs the state religion. Did you see Gardner's vile post about Islam? If ppl like him had their way, we'd all have to belong to his brand of religion or face consequences.
Well, at least he doesn't bang his head on the floor five times a day while mooning a rock in a box under a tarp at the bottom of a football stadium as a mass of unwashed humanity swirls around it like water going down a toilet bowl...

You are vile. How would you feel about a post comparing Eucharist to cannibalism?
You are vile. How would you feel about a post comparing Eucharist to cannibalism?

Not quite. That's figurative, while my description is literal.

If you're banging your head on the floor in one direction, you're mooning it from the other. And, the rest is an accurate, if coarse description:


It is a really nice tarp though...
Not quite. That's figurative, while my description is literal.

If you're banging your head on the floor in one direction, you're mooning it from the other. And, the rest is an accurate, if coarse description:


It is a really nice tarp though...
Seek help
The only reason we still have pluralism is the Constitution won't let the religionists make theirs the state religion. Did you see Gardner's vile post about Islam? If ppl like him had their way, we'd all have to belong to his brand of religion or face consequences.

There's nothing the constitution can do about the hate he has for Muslims in his heart. But he's going to prison or facing stiff penalities if he incites violence against Muslims, or actively prevents the free excercise of their faith.

The same goes for the posters who have written they want Christianity eradicated, or atheists forced to obey religious tenets
I expect they chose March 31 as Trans-Day because it was followed by April Fool's Day......

It's still amazing all those ChristHitlers suicidal super egos play Klues Klucks duh Klans under color of law where human reproduction medical pseudoscience is Christian Nation SCOTUS precedent for homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming with the despicable & vile taste of Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom as "one nation under God with equal justice under law"....
Easter falls on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the spring equinox.

Maybe God wanted Easter to be on Trans Day of Visibility to show his support?
Yet more proof of my signature and how incredibly STUPID MAGATs are.

In 2025 Easter falls on April 20. In 2026 it falls on April 5th.

Transgender Day falls on March 31.

So lets ask the stupid MAGATS if Easter in 2025 and 2026 will also be Transgender day or not and see if they are smart enough to answer that???

The board notes your demand that easter be permanently cancelled and replaced with Tranny Freak Day.
Next thing the left will do is make tranny freak day a national holiday. That would be even dumber than MLK day. We need days that honor useful people like a henry ford day or thomas edison day. How about a WHITE MAN DAY since only white men have jobs of value.
Not quite. That's figurative, while my description is literal.

If you're banging your head on the floor in one direction, you're mooning it from the other. And, the rest is an accurate, if coarse description:


It is a really nice tarp though...

They don't "bang" their heads on the floor, so you've never actually seen Muslims pray, or you lying your ass off.

Many religions have rituals that involve genuflecting, bowing, kneeling.

If you don't like prayer and ritual, don't involve yourself in it.

The only reason you trolled Muslims is because Rush Limbaugh trained you like a monkey to despise Islam.
The attempts by Stalin, Pol Pot, and revolutionary France's Cult of Reason to eradicate religion were doomed to fail.

I think most people in general want to believe or hope there is some kind of higher meaning and ultimate truth that transcends our basic biological needs.

Agreed on all points. Maslow's idea of a "hierarchy of needs" is apropos and a tool for predicting human behavior since they'll react to that hierarchy as a group.

This is where, when talking about dissent in America, it becomes interesting to me. The MAGAts are genuinely in fear. They are falling for fearmongering.

Are there serious concerns facing America? Of course, but we should face them bravely, not as oath-breaking cowards who need to use violence to advance their autocratic agenda in order to absolve their fears.

IMO, it's because they have no faith. They are in fear of death, angry because they feel they undershot life goals, and, mainly, because they feel they failed in personal relationships with loved ones.
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