Pelosi calls on Bush to release reserve oil

Water is better for you. Yes, coffee may not be as bad as previously thought, but without water you die. Without water, you would be chewing coffee beans.

I win.

You're body needs about four eight ounce cups of water a day. You get that much water from the food you eat. You could literally live just fine not drinking any water at all. And you keep 2/3rds of the weight of coffee in water too.
You always say that about me, too; but I don't go to or dailykos. I don't get daily talking points. I really don't know what you're talking about.

I opposed ANWR because I believe strongly that we're really f**king with nature, and that it's important to fight for what little true wilderness is left out there. I am not anti-development; I just want to see it done in a way that takes the local ecology into consideration, and that is not something we see a lot of.

If there is a proposal out there that involves aggressive new tax breaks & funding for R & D on alternatives, as well as domestic drilling in places like ANWR, I will support it. I understand that we're in a real pickle right now, and the first priority is to get off of foreign oil as much as possible. But if it's just ANWR, it's a band-aid. It has to be part of a comprehensive solution, and I don't want to see a quick influx of domestic oil (which I realize won't happen anyway) diminish our commitment to making wind, solar, geothermal & the rest more viable, cheaper & readily available for American consumers.

He "watched a commercial" and now he knows exactly what Picket's position is? Right.

AS for you ANWR point.... yes, it has potential environmental issues that have to be addressed. But our not drilling did nothing to change our use of oil. It simply changes who produced the oil that we used. Because of your position we shipped jobs and money overseas to countries like China, Russia, the Mid east etc... countries that were willing to drill new oil.

Who has the better environmental protections? The U.S.???? OR is it Russia, China etc...????

So which would have been more likely to enforce the higher environmental standards?

As for the ecology... I do agree with you on that. Currently they are proposing the use of land for ANWR that is equivalent to the amount of land being used by LAX. Which is a tiny tiny tiny piece of AK. I don't know if you have been up to AK, but I would highly recommend it if you have not. Take the train from Anchorage to Fairbanks. Let me know how often you spot the wildlife and ecology being infringed upon by the pipeline or drill sites.

As for "just ANWR".... I agree 100%. It alone will be nothing more than a stop-gap five to ten years from now. As I have stated before, it is only through the domestic production of oil and nat gas coupled with a massive effort into alt energy (especially solar and wind... which are the two most economically viable alternatives at this point) that will reduce our dependency on foreign oil/nat gas.
still over 20% in a 200 yr period basically. so in another 100 yrs where will we be ?

A second rate power. With China in #1 spot and probably the former USSR right behind them. They still have vast untapped resources. We will likely be on a par with India.
Drilling in ANWR will not make any difference on that.
Ohh yes we will drill, ANWR, FL coast, CA coast, east coast. Beach tar ball feet will become as common as on the TX coast. But it will not effect the longterm outcome but very little.
The only question is how far down we go how fast.
You're body needs about four eight ounce cups of water a day. You get that much water from the food you eat. You could literally live just fine not drinking any water at all. And you keep 2/3rds of the weight of coffee in water too.

yeah coffee is just flavored water.
You're body needs about four eight ounce cups of water a day. You get that much water from the food you eat. You could literally live just fine not drinking any water at all. And you keep 2/3rds of the weight of coffee in water too.

Um.... sure water... So no matter what a persons size, four eight ounce cups is all they need? That makes little sense. Try to drink about an ounce per pound. You will find yourself with more energy and a cleaner system.

Side note... you get 32 ounces of water in the food you eat???? Please show me where you obtained that gem of a statistic as I have not heard that anywhere before.
still over 20% in a 200 yr period basically. so in another 100 yrs where will we be ?

A second rate power. With China in #1 spot and probably the former USSR right behind them. They still have vast untapped resources. We will likely be on a par with India.
Drilling in ANWR will not make any difference on that.
Ohh yes we will drill, ANWR, FL coast, CA coast, east coast. Beach tar ball feet will become as common as on the TX coast. But it will not effect the longterm outcome but very little.
The only question is how far down we go how fast.

Russia is going to surpass us economically and we will be equal to India? When might this occur?
Ohh you idiots, if I had the eloquence of words that Darla does, you would all just shrivel up in embaressment for your stupidity.

Even with an education, I don't think I could equal the writing skills of Darla though. So much I will never be able to properly express...

I understand most of it, you guys just have little bits and think you understand.
The details I do not worry about, I see the scope of it.

Very few people can write like Darla, that's why she's a writer. Trust me, if I could play basketball like Michael Jordan I would be playing basketball. To state why people don't believe we should drill in ANWAR as part of an overall energy plan does not take being a professional writer.
Um.... sure water... So no matter what a persons size, four eight ounce cups is all they need? That makes little sense. Try to drink about an ounce per pound. You will find yourself with more energy and a cleaner system.

Side note... you get 32 ounces of water in the food you eat???? Please show me where you obtained that gem of a statistic as I have not heard that anywhere before.

An ounce per a pound.

That's the most goddamn retarded thing I've ever heard. Water doesn't give you energy, that's a stupid rumor. It's another made up paneca. If you drank an ounce per a pound, you would die of water poisoning. We are an over hydrated nation. We get enough water from the food we eat.

Eight Glasses

Claim: The average person needs to drink eight glasses of water per day to avoid being "chronically dehydrated."

Status: False.
Russia is going to surpass us economically and we will be equal to India? When might this occur?

Not Russia, the area formerly known as the USSR. sometime in the next hundred years.
Their potential for growth is great and they will be selling lots of raw materials to China and other developing countries.
Not Russia, the area formerly known as the USSR. sometime in the next hundred years.
Their potential for growth is great and they will be selling lots of raw materials to China and other developing countries.

So their raw materials are worth enough to catch up with the U.S.? And how is India going to catch us?
education, determination and plenty of cheaper labor.

cheap labor is going to make India pass us economically? I'm not trying to be argumentative I don't understand how that works. And are you saying India's education system is better than ours or is going to be? If it's going to be how do you figure that?
cheap labor is going to make India pass us economically? I'm not trying to be argumentative I don't understand how that works. And are you saying India's education system is better than ours or is going to be? If it's going to be how do you figure that?

The education system is as good as the peoples determination to make it better.
We are as a nation pretty lazy. Indians seem to have more drive and determination to succeed. At least the ones I have come into contact with.

And cheap labor. The goods of the world will be made in the cheap labor places with an educated workforce. Therfore our wages will drop to compete and our economy will silde downward as a result. That is inevitable in a global economy/marketplace. It is known as free market and competition.
Trog do you know the difference between proved reserves and probable reserves???
Absolutely. The number I gave you is the figure OPEC quotes for Saudi "proven" reserves. (See table 33 of the 2006 statistical abstract.) During this same time period, they lifted 90 billion barrels. In order for the proven reserve to not move downward, they would have to prove out that much reserve during the same time frame to compensate. This is the equivalent of locating and proving an ANWR every other year for 20 years.

Do you now understand why I am asking your opinion of the true situation?
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Absolutely. The number I gave you is the figure OPEC quotes for Saudi "proven" reserves. (See table 33 of the 2006 statistical abstract.) During this same time period, they lifted 90 billion barrels. In order for the proven reserve to not move downward, they would have to prove out that much reserve during the same time frame to compensate. This is the equivalent of locating and proving an ANWR every other year for 20 years.

Do you now understand why I am asking your opinion of the true situation?

Trog, no experts doubt that Saudi has the most oil by a long shot. What's unkwon is their unproven reserves. Lots of fields can add proven reserve just by drilling on structure. Yes I believe their numbers it would be childs play for them to drill enough reserves for what they have produced.
The education system is as good as the peoples determination to make it better.
We are as a nation pretty lazy. Indians seem to have more drive and determination to succeed. At least the ones I have come into contact with.

And cheap labor. The goods of the world will be made in the cheap labor places with an educated workforce. Therfore our wages will drop to compete and our economy will silde downward as a result. That is inevitable in a global economy/marketplace. It is known as free market and competition.

Says the guy still to lazy to go to college. BRILLIANT!!!!