Pelosi calls on Bush to release reserve oil

I am doin fine.

Don't have to worry about having a job, my 401k, even about the price of gas.
How about you ?
I don't have to worry about being to lazy to get an education I have a 4yr degree and and advanced degree.
The education system is as good as the peoples determination to make it better.
We are as a nation pretty lazy. Indians seem to have more drive and determination to succeed. At least the ones I have come into contact with.

And cheap labor. The goods of the world will be made in the cheap labor places with an educated workforce. Therfore our wages will drop to compete and our economy will silde downward as a result. That is inevitable in a global economy/marketplace. It is known as free market and competition.

In my experience working in San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Los Angeles & Boston here for a few months I see people that work extremely hard, are very driven and the entrepreneurial spirit is strong.

While low paying jobs are leaving our shores the good/high paying jobs such as the ideas, sales and marketing are all taking place in the U.S. and that trend will continue.