People Who've had their Political Opponents Arrested

Living, I think.

I understand that you are OK with TRUMP doing something that many other Americans have died for doing, but unfortunately we are still a nation of laws. Maybe if Trump gets re-elected as President for Life you'll get the country you want, but until then we're stuck with laws.

No, I'm rational in my view of Trump. You and many other radical Leftist nutjobs have TDS so bad that you see Trump as evil incarnate to the point that anything the guy says or does is wrong, evil, bad, to be fought against, overturned, etc. ANYTHING.

Hillary Clinton's private e-mail server is on the level of what Trump did. Easily so. If you or I did that as a government employee we'd have gotten 10 to 20. A sailor on a Trident sub got two years for taking photos inside the sub, and even though he turned over the negatives and photos was still charged. I had to go aboard a Trident up at Bangor WA to take pictures of parts for a dry food storage locker (seems the prints for those parts no longer existed). The film (yes, I used actual film) was developed by the Navy, classified, then sent to my command where it was kept in a safe. I could access the pictures to design the parts needed which surprisingly weren't classified even though the pictures were! No, I didn't get that either...

Think about it. The e-mail server scandal popped up as Hillary was running for President against Trump. How would that have looked for Obama's justice department to go after her? After the election she became a political nobody so the whole thing ended up being moot politically and it just got dropped--unfairly in my opinion she should have been charged at that point. Obama wasn't about to ruin his party's candidate for president either.
Now you have the likely Democrat presidential candidate tossing a case on Trump a highly likely opponent for the office right as campaigning begins. That's what you see in Third World countries with sham elections and strongmen rulers.

Trump, as President at the time he took these documents, had the authority to declassify them unilaterally. That is going to create a problem for the prosecution. Although he didn't follow the normal procedure for declassification, technically he could declassify them on a whim. That isn't true of Hillary, Pence, or Biden and the notion they turned them over--well two out of three, Hillary had classified documents on her server for months and years as SoS illegally and those were both hacked repeatedly and copied and given to others-- anyway, simply turning them over does not absolve either Pence or Biden of responsibility for mishandling those documents.

So, Hillary's case was worse than Trumps, while Biden and Pence are not as bad. All four to some degree mishandled classified documents, but Trump alone had the authority at the time he acquired them to declassify the ones he had.
They are foreign bot hole disinformation programs

They can’t be arrested

Sane people are not fooled by disinformation programs.

Those who are would normally be institutionalized

but we have far too many of them.

At this point, any optimism for our future is beyond unrealistic.

No matter to me,
but I do feel sorry for our young.
No, I'm rational in my view of Trump. You and many other radical Leftist nutjobs have TDS so bad that you see Trump as evil incarnate to the point that anything the guy says or does is wrong, evil, bad, to be fought against, overturned, etc. ANYTHING.

Hillary Clinton's private e-mail server is on the level of what Trump did. Easily so. If you or I did that as a government employee we'd have gotten 10 to 20. A sailor on a Trident sub got two years for taking photos inside the sub, and even though he turned over the negatives and photos was still charged. I had to go aboard a Trident up at Bangor WA to take pictures of parts for a dry food storage locker (seems the prints for those parts no longer existed). The film (yes, I used actual film) was developed by the Navy, classified, then sent to my command where it was kept in a safe. I could access the pictures to design the parts needed which surprisingly weren't classified even though the pictures were! No, I didn't get that either...

Trump, as President at the time he took these documents, had the authority to declassify them unilaterally. That is going to create a problem for the prosecution. Although he didn't follow the normal procedure for declassification, technically he could declassify them on a whim. That isn't true of Hillary, Pence, or Biden and the notion they turned them over--well two out of three, Hillary had classified documents on her server for months and years as SoS illegally and those were both hacked repeatedly and copied and given to others-- anyway, simply turning them over does not absolve either Pence or Biden of responsibility for mishandling those documents.

So, Hillary's case was worse than Trumps, while Biden and Pence are not as bad. All four to some degree mishandled classified documents, but Trump alone had the authority at the time he acquired them to declassify the ones he had.

LOLOLOLOL. Hillary Hillary Hillary. Hillary derangement syndrome. LOL.

You had your shot. You guys did investigation after investigation after investigation. If you didn't take your chance when you had it or you couldn't find anything that isn't my problem.

I get it, though, "Whataboutism" is your only defense.

I LOVE how you justify actions that got countless other Americans thrown into prison for life or worse. Just because you love you some Trump.
Sane people are not fooled by disinformation programs.

Those who are would normally be institutionalized

but we have far too many of them.

At this point, any optimism for our future is beyond unrealistic.

No matter to me,
but I do feel sorry for our young.

You underestimate the young
LOLOLOLOL. Hillary Hillary Hillary. Hillary derangement syndrome. LOL.

You had your shot. You guys did investigation after investigation after investigation. If you didn't take your chance when you had it or you couldn't find anything that isn't my problem.

I get it, though, "Whataboutism" is your only defense.

I LOVE how you justify actions that got countless other Americans thrown into prison for life or worse. Just because you love you some Trump.

Ad hominem. Got anything useful to add? Or, can't you refute a reasonable rebuttal?



Pol Pot





What's that we see there, no Righties, no Republicans and no Conservatives on that list. I've posted a couple of times here as to
the obvious communist ideology of today's democrat party. Well, here's just another one that puts them in the same bed. Anti
American to the max.

It truly is a sad day in America. Halfwits and fools will cheer. Everyone else is saddened by this Banana Republic Presidency.

And repeatedly in other contexts as well. Trump seemed to really like Putin.

Which makes it troubling that he kept and bragged about holding onto nuclear secrets and ally vulnerabilities so much more troubling. America has historically been quite brutal to those who steal nuclear secrets.

Hallucination. Never happened.
An indictment was handed down by a jury of citizens who viewed the evidence.

You know that saying, you can indict a ham sandwich. The charged are not present. They are not given any of the evidence. They cannot cross examine. It is a very different matter once it goes to trial.

So tell us, should Biden be arrested? If not, why not? He committed REAL crimes with his illegal document handling.