People Who've had their Political Opponents Arrested


And repeatedly in other contexts as well. Trump seemed to really like Putin.

Which makes it troubling that he kept and bragged about holding onto nuclear secrets and ally vulnerabilities so much more troubling. America has historically been quite brutal to those who steal nuclear secrets.

:lolup: Stuck on moron.
Ummm, yeah. Because threatening NATO constantly is the best way to show Putin you mean business.
He didn't. Hallucination.
Putin started invading Ukraine YEARS ago and has always had this on his agenda.
Putin invaded Ukraine in 2022.
Trump was great for him in that he destabilized NATO sufficiently for Putin to ramp up his plans.
NATO was not destabilized. Hallucination.
Ummm, yeah. Because threatening NATO constantly is the best way to show Putin you mean business.

He didn't threaten NATO you insufferable lying halfwit. He demanded they carry their weight and stop relying on the USA for all their funding.

You mean the Afghanistan withdrawal that followed the TRUMP PEACE DEAL WITH THE TALIBAN? The one that was done near the Trump schedule? You remember when Trump tried to get the Taliban invited to negotiations at Camp David ON THE ANNIVERSARY OF 9/11? THAT Afghanistan withdrawal?

Nothing shouts moron louder than a leftist halfwit withy a severe case of TDS lying about a deal as if it were etched in stone.

Biden fucked that up badly on his own dumbass. Biden doesn't need help to be a total fuckup. He's been one for decades. What does that say about a moron like you who voted for him?

Putin started invading Ukraine YEARS ago and has always had this on his agenda.

True; and isn't it funny how the ONLY time he has done that is when Obama and then Biden were President.

Trump was great for him in that he destabilized NATO sufficiently for Putin to ramp up his plans.

NATO wasn't destabilized, you willful lying leftist idiot. Putin only invaded when Obama and Biden were in charge? Evidence that Putin saw both as half-witted empty suits.
The evidence in the indictment evidence said it was nuclear capabilities and possible deficits in our and our allies' defenses. I'm willing to wait for the jury's decision (hopefully you will be able to accept it if it goes the way it looks).

Given that the DOJ knows EXACTLY what was found, I'm guessing they didn't just wholesale lie in their indictment as that would quickly become public knowledge. (I know you guys in the great state of Jefferson think everyone but Trump lies, which is ironic to say the least)

Should Biden be arrested? If not, why not?
Living, I think.

I understand that you are OK with TRUMP doing something that many other Americans have died for doing, but unfortunately we are still a nation of laws. Maybe if Trump gets re-elected as President for Life you'll get the country you want, but until then we're stuck with laws.

What did Trump do that other's died for?
The evidence in the indictment evidence
No such thing.
said it was nuclear capabilities and possible deficits in our and our allies' defenses.
I'm willing to wait for the jury's decision (hopefully you will be able to accept it if it goes the way it looks).
A jury is not God. It must conform to the rules of the court, State and federal law, and the Constitution. A jury verdict is not necessarily the final verdict (unless they acquit).
Given that the DOJ knows EXACTLY what was found, I'm guessing they didn't just wholesale lie in their indictment as that would quickly become public knowledge.
It is public knowledge. They lied.
(I know you guys in the great state of Jefferson think everyone but Trump lies, which is ironic to say the least)
Irrelevant. False dichotomy fallacy.
I don't give a fuck about Libhater's opinions, obviously.

I do give a fuck that nobody has arrested him/her/it yet, however.

We've allowed our annoying miscreants far too much latitude.

Devolved mutants shouldn't get the protections afforded to human citizens.

You mean Biden? Absolutely.
Living, I think.
I understand that you are OK with TRUMP doing something that many other Americans have died for doing, but unfortunately we are still a nation of laws.
Unfortunately??? It is YOU ignoring the law here, dope.
Maybe if Trump gets re-elected as President for Life
The President does not serve for life.
you'll get the country you want, but until then we're stuck with laws.
Which you ignore.
Most of the right leaning posters on this site are foreign disinformation bot programs

I call them Russo bot holes for short

The FBI clearly warned of this tactic by our enemies

You failed the Turing test yet again. The FBI never made any such statement.
I don't give a fuck about Libhater's opinions, obviously.

I do give a fuck that nobody has arrested him/her/it yet, however.

We've allowed our annoying miscreants far too much latitude.

Devolved mutants shouldn't get the protections afforded to human citizens.

Arrested for what? War mongering.