Petition to Ban Hate Speech

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The attacks against homosexuals being posted on this forum are especially overt, and I thusly won't go so far to quote them. There's no effort to hide them. And they mimic what was done by the opposition to civil rights, and the strategies currently employed by hate groups. It's grotesque, offensive and not suited to any public forum. Personally, I don't feel comfortable posting on a forum that allows it. So I've created this petition to ban hate speech on the forums. If it doesn't go through, I prompt you to just pick up and leave. If JPP wants to become the next Stormfront, let it. But I won't be along for the ride.

This just isn't okay anymore.

From SPLC which categorizes organizations employing such rhetoric as hate groups.

I'm curious where is this stuff actually banned? Do DP and USM ban the use of gay, sexist, and racial slurs?
These are the rules on USMB, I don't see any mention of hate speech pe se. It is interesting that they don't allow multiple accounts.

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I just don't think it's acceptable. These views should be marginalized and shut out from public debates. They aren't some kind of ideology. They serve no purpose but to belittle and disempower the homosexual community.

These are direct, hateful attacks and they're vulgar.

You are not going to get any support on here, just thought you ought to know.
I've got a rule on my forum that won't allow any of the stupid retarded fuckers call each other names.

Howey, is there ever a day that goes by when you do not mention your forum? I am assuming then that Bijou would be banned from calling people needledicks over there?
The attacks against homosexuals being posted on this forum are especially overt, and I thusly won't go so far to quote them. There's no effort to hide them. And they mimic what was done by the opposition to civil rights, and the strategies currently employed by hate groups. It's grotesque, offensive and not suited to any public forum. Personally, I don't feel comfortable posting on a forum that allows it. So I've created this petition to ban hate speech on the forums. If it doesn't go through, I prompt you to just pick up and leave. If JPP wants to become the next Stormfront, let it. But I won't be along for the ride.

This just isn't okay anymore.

From SPLC which categorizes organizations employing such rhetoric as hate groups.

Fuck you fag
Yeah, that's a good point. So if the petition doesn't go through, I'd like to be publicly banned from the "Political Forums" sub-forums, if only to make a point.

Howey won't take a stand against this, but I will. This garbage isn't suited for any public forum.

Homo Howey the Hiney Humpin Harbinger of STDs thrives on it and trolls for it like he trolls for cock at a transvestite whorehouse
I've got a rule on my forum that won't allow any of the stupid retarded fuckers call each other names.

Yet here you are on a forum that allows it. Can only mean a couple of things fagboy

1) you are the only one on your loser fag forum
2) you love it here bitch
The thing that many of you don't understand is that while words are easy to police, intentions and meanings behind them become almost impossible to deal with. Or it starts opening up everything up to interpretation, political foes take advantage of grey areas, etc.

Here is how the idealists thinks it works:

Mods: "Don't say racist words like 'nigger'"

*poof, no more racism on JPP*

Here is how it actually happens:

Step 1:

"Don't say 'nigger'"

Asshole: "FINE!"

Step 2:

*asshole proceeds to start calling people 'nigerians' instead*

Mods: "ok seriously, knock it off, we know what you are doing

Asshole: "wtf? I thought that was his actual ancestral nationality! People call people irish and italian on here, what's wrong with calling someone nigerian?"

Mods: Stop.

Asshole: "FINE!"

Step 3:

*asshole starts calling out certain people as being excessively niggardly, gets reported*

Mods: *facepalm*

Asshole: "niggardly has NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING, it's a term for being cheap! I can't even call people cheap on here???"

Mods: *stfuuuuuuuuu*

Asshole: FINE!

Step 4:

Asshole: "I am sick of all you fucking naggers. We have the biggest nagger in the whitehouse, always nagging republicans. And we have some true naggers on this board, always nagging the mods to get my posts deleted and get me banned"

*asshole gets reported*

* Mods now make an announcement to the board *

"Ok guys, we have been having some real problems with people using words implying other words. From now on if you try to use certain words to imply something else, you will be banned"

Step 5:

* reports start coming in *

Lots of people: "this user said X, he's clearly implying Y, please ban."

Other people: "WOW so you banned user A for saying N, but you don't ban User B for saying Z? You guys are so fucking biased! It's CLEAR they meant to imply C!!!!"

Now you guys may say, if you know the guy is an asshole, why not ban the person outright? Well, it's never that obvious on it's face. The above example was obviously a bit exaggerated, but that's how things tend to go. Maybe they start right at step 4.

Yes you can take a sledgehammer to the really awful words, but it's much harder to police peoples intentions without loophole after loophole coming up.

So we can do all of the above... or:

We can be adults, and continue to foster a good community and get the good people to isolate the bad
Put the assholes on ignore, SO NOTHING THEY SAY WILL EVER BE SEEN
Thread ban assholes, and get other people to threadban assholes as well

Also I am not inherently opposed to eliminating problem words and language being used (if that's what the community wanted) I am just saying that for those thinking it's a final solution or that it will solve everything, that they are wrong.

It's like cancer, you might be able to cut out a big lump of it, but there will still be cancer particles floating all over the place.
Also I am not inherently opposed to eliminating problem words and language being used (if that's what the community wanted) I am just saying that for those thinking it's a final solution or that it will solve everything, that they are wrong.

It's like cancer, you might be able to cut out a big lump of it, but there will still be cancer particles floating all over the place.

There are really only two problems here, and they don't have to be a problem. Obviously the most obnoxious offender is ILA. There are people here who insist on answering his posts. They are the only reason he remains here. It's so easy with IA and thread banning to avoid all of that. But there are people who get off on outrage. They need to be outraged, and ILA gets off on outraging them. It's a symbiotic relationship. I opted out.

Put the worst offenders on ia and ban them from your threads. Everyone here should be thread banning ILA, but if you don't then that's on you. I am blissfully unaware of most of what he and a couple of other rage infested losers here have to say. If you can't stomach it at all you have to take the final step...IA the few who engage him even if you like that person. I haven't had to do that but I would if it were bothering me.
There are really only two problems here, and they don't have to be a problem. Obviously the most obnoxious offender is ILA. There are people here who insist on answering his posts. They are the only reason he remains here. It's so easy with IA and thread banning to avoid all of that. But there are people who get off on outrage. They need to be outraged, and ILA gets off on outraging them. It's a symbiotic relationship. I opted out.

Put the worst offenders on ia and ban them from your threads. Everyone here should be thread banning ILA, but if you don't then that's on you. I am blissfully unaware of most of what he and a couple of other rage infested losers here have to say. If you can't stomach it at all you have to take the final step...IA the few who engage him even if you like that person. I haven't had to do that but I would if it were bothering me.

I love your selective poutrage. You ignore Homo Howeys trolling. You just don't like when someone dishes it back to his queer ass