Petition to Ban Hate Speech

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ila you really need to stop the hate. Even if it's for your own selfish purposes. It'll just make you miserable, it'll make you age quicker.. it's unhealthy. Seriously.
ila you really need to stop the hate. Even if it's for your own selfish purposes. It'll just make you miserable, it'll make you age quicker.. it's unhealthy. Seriously.

If that's the case, I say keep it up ILA. The faster you die horrifically, the better.
There are really only two problems here, and they don't have to be a problem. Obviously the most obnoxious offender is ILA. There are people here who insist on answering his posts. They are the only reason he remains here. It's so easy with IA and thread banning to avoid all of that. But there are people who get off on outrage. They need to be outraged, and ILA gets off on outraging them. It's a symbiotic relationship. I opted out.

Put the worst offenders on ia and ban them from your threads. Everyone here should be thread banning ILA, but if you don't then that's on you. I am blissfully unaware of most of what he and a couple of other rage infested losers here have to say. If you can't stomach it at all you have to take the final step...IA the few who engage him even if you like that person. I haven't had to do that but I would if it were bothering me.

I hope you're not IA'ing me Darla. I'll engage the troll, ILA, not to feed his frenzy, but to point out his insanity. He's just not worth getting upset over, and as I've pointed out before, he "can't quit me". :)
I hope you're not IA'ing me Darla. I'll engage the troll, ILA, not to feed his frenzy, but to point out his insanity. He's just not worth getting upset over, and as I've pointed out before, he "can't quit me". :)

Nah. If it were bothering me to the point I wanted to leave I would. But it doesn't bother me at all. Ever since forced IA I am as insulated from that nonsense as I want to be. Added benefit; I know they were incensed. :)
Grind, that illustration you provided is easily the best post you've ever made about mod duties. No joke.Now, back to March Madness, which is fast becoming a joke. Go Creighton!
Why do newbies always want to "fix" JPP? Why not come here, look around, and then decide whether you want to stay.

And as for hate speech, banning it accomplishes nothing. Grind, that was an great explanation as to the result of banning certain words.

But it also ignores that there is plenty of hate speech aimed at other groups. Southerners have typically been treated rather brutally on these forums. As a lifelong southerner, I was offended that my geographic location automatically made me ignorant and racist. But it didn't take long to realize that those attacking southerners were attacking stereotypes and not reality. Problem solved.

Also, is the constant negative reference to people from Ohio going to be hate speech? How about when DY wants to "ax" someone a question? It is obvious what he means, but will we ban someone for that?

This forum, unlike most online, lets people be adults. Some abuse it. In my mind, demanding that we change to fit YOUR rules is as big an abuse as any.
True, WB, but by allowing forum members to be adults, it also allows some to degenerate to being schoolyard children.

Neener neener, indeed!
I want to add something to what I said in case there is any misunderstanding...IMO ILA should be banned. But you can't really ban "hate speech" because as we can see, right away whitey wants in on it. And by whitey, yeah, I mean white men. It'd never work. It would lead to a lot of whitey whining and who really needs to hear that?

You could ban a few words, but I guess grind is right about that - they would find a way around it.

But ILA should be banned and that's just plain common sense. I would never allow such a hateful person, whose only purpose in being here is hatefulness, to be involved in anything. However, I don't have a board, I don't want a board. So I have used the tools given to me here to pretty much make him invisible. If everyone else did it'd be a better board, but that's not my call either.
I want to add something to what I said in case there is any misunderstanding...IMO ILA should be banned. But you can't really ban "hate speech" because as we can see, right away whitey wants in on it. And by whitey, yeah, I mean white men. It'd never work. It would lead to a lot of whitey whining and who really needs to hear that?

You could ban a few words, but I guess grind is right about that - they would find a way around it.

But ILA should be banned and that's just plain common sense. I would never allow such a hateful person, whose only purpose in being here is hatefulness, to be involved in anything. However, I don't have a board, I don't want a board. So I have used the tools given to me here to pretty much make him invisible. If everyone else did it'd be a better board, but that's not my call either.

You love me
The attacks against homosexuals being posted on this forum are especially overt, and I thusly won't go so far to quote them. There's no effort to hide them. And they mimic what was done by the opposition to civil rights, and the strategies currently employed by hate groups. It's grotesque, offensive and not suited to any public forum. Personally, I don't feel comfortable posting on a forum that allows it. So I've created this petition to ban hate speech on the forums. If it doesn't go through, I prompt you to just pick up and leave. If JPP wants to become the next Stormfront, let it. But I won't be along for the ride.

This just isn't okay anymore.

From SPLC which categorizes organizations employing such rhetoric as hate groups.

i have objected to the profanity on the site (which is why i mainly post on app), but damo firmly believes in free speech, so i put people that swear at me on ignore

so i suggest that you do the same for people who use hate speech

the current events forum is rather free wheeling which is what the owner of the site prefers

of all the forums, the app forum is the only one that is monitored for inappropriate speech (see the rules posted at the beginning of the forum)

pm damocles about the rules for each forum
I will come to the defense of syc. I don't think his proposal is an ill sighted one, and people shouldn't be discouraged from speaking up on things like this. It's good to have dialogue on this stuff and see where other people are at. I wasn't trying to beat up on syc. I agree in principle with some of the things he is saying.
I will come to the defense of syc. I don't think his proposal is an ill sighted one, and people shouldn't be discouraged from speaking up on things like this. It's good to have dialogue on this stuff and see where other people are at. I wasn't trying to beat up on syc. I agree in principle with some of the things he is saying.

i agree, i was disagreeing based on damo's policy

the comments he talked about do nothing to further debates
I will come to the defense of syc. I don't think his proposal is an ill sighted one, and people shouldn't be discouraged from speaking up on things like this. It's good to have dialogue on this stuff and see where other people are at. I wasn't trying to beat up on syc. I agree in principle with some of the things he is saying.

I wonder if he or she left?