Petition to Ban Hate Speech

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I will come to the defense of syc. I don't think his proposal is an ill sighted one, and people shouldn't be discouraged from speaking up on things like this. It's good to have dialogue on this stuff and see where other people are at. I wasn't trying to beat up on syc. I agree in principle with some of the things he is saying.

Personally, I think hate speech should be encouraged. Except for a few morons who join in trying to look tough and cool, almost all those spewing that filth look like idiots when they do. Most of that hate is based on pure ignorance. The more they say the more ignorant they look.

But then, I have some strange views on a lot of stuff. I mean, I think Grind does a good job here.
I don't know if I should correct this and point out I'm almost 30, or if I should ignore that awful truth as long as possible.

I wish I was turning 30...though I can see the sadness in retrospect. My 20's were just too good, to the point they were perfect. I wasn't upset when I turned 30, but I have to admit, things were different in my 30's. I settled down and all of that crap. You are still very young and some people have their best years in their 30's. It just so happens for me my 20's were too good to top, and then, you know, I got hooked up with a man so all I can say is don't do that! It's all downhill from there! Though, you do have better clothes. Sometimes, a lot of times actually, I look in my closet and am like, holy shit those are all mine? And they are awesome clothes too.

Maybe you will have a baby soon Grind. That would be interesting.
Though, you do have better clothes. Sometimes, a lot of times actually, I look in my closet and am like, holy shit those are all mine? And they are awesome clothes too.

seems like the longer you type the odds of you bringing up clothes approaches 1.

Maybe you will have a baby soon Grind. That would be interesting.


If I ever have kids, I'm holding off to 40. No effing way before that.
I'm 28 so I've still got a few good years left. I also look young for my age so I can easily still pull off college aged/ 22-25 range.
I remember in youngins pwn we had ladyt in our group... We had to keep changing the max age rule so she could be in. I remember she was 27 ( or claimed to be) and i thought that was old as fuuuck. Lollll
I remember in youngins pwn we had ladyt in our group... We had to keep changing the max age rule so she could be in. I remember she was 27 ( or claimed to be) and i thought that was old as fuuuck. Lollll

She probably lied, I remember when she convinced me she was Halle Berry...twice!
Get a grip. Do you even know what communism is? And hate speech is hate speech, no matter who points it out.
I know what Communism was meant to be, and I can tell you right now, I wouldn't trust it in the hands of anyone. Hate speech is your speech, and I'll be the one to point that out. ;)
I saw Lady T's picture once and she was hot. I have no idea about her age but she was a good looking woman. She must have lied about being from New Jersey.