Pew Study: Atheists Sometimes More Religious Than Christians ...


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Pew Study: Atheists Sometimes More Religious Than Christians ...

May 30, 2018 · According to The Atlantic, American atheists are more religious than Christians in a lot of European countries, a Pew Research Center study showed.

American atheists are more religious than Christians in a lot of European countries, a new study shows.

Researchers compared a Pew Research Center study of Christian identity in Western Europe, with data previously gathered in the United States, The Atlantic reported.

Their findings included that Americans are much more religious than Western Europeans, and American "nones" — those who identify as atheist, agnostic, or nothing in particular—are more religious than European "nones."

But the third finding was the stunner: American "nones" are as religious as — or even more religious than — Christians in several European countries, including France, Germany, and the U.K.

"That was a surprise," Neha Sahgal, the lead researcher, told The Atlantic. "That's the comparison that's fascinating to me."

According to Sahgal, 23 percent of European Christians say they believe in God with absolute certainty; 27 percent of American "nones" say that. The survey also found 11 percent of Western Europeans now call themselves "spiritual but not religious."

Joseph Blankholm, a professor at UC Santa Barbara who focuses on atheism and secularism, told The Atlantic the Cold War is key to understanding why the United States has not secularized as profoundly as Europe has.

"The 1950s were the most religious America has ever been," he told the outlet. "'In God We Trust' becomes the official national motto. 'Under God' is entered into the pledge of allegiance. That identity is being consciously formed by specific actors like [Presidents Harry] Truman and [Dwight D.] Eisenhower, who are promoting a Christian identity at home and abroad, over against a godless communism. It's the Christianization of America — as a Cold War tool."

In the new Pew study, 27 percent of Americans call themselves "spiritual but not religious," praying regularly and believing in God, The Atlantic reported.
Americans are deeply religious people—and atheists are no exception. Western Europeans are deeply secular people—and Christians are no exception.

These twin statements are generalizations, but they capture the essence of a fascinating finding in a new study about Christian identity in Western Europe. By surveying almost 25,000 people in 15 countries in the region, and comparing the results with data previously gathered in the U.S., the Pew Research Center discovered three things.

First, researchers confirmed the widely known fact that, overall, Americans are much more religious than Western Europeans. They gauged religious commitment using standard questions, including “Do you believe in God with absolute certainty?” and “Do you pray daily?”

Second, the researchers found that American “nones”—those who identify as atheist, agnostic, or nothing in particular—are more religious than European nones. The notion that religiously unaffiliated people can be religious at all may seem contradictory, but if you disaffiliate from organized religion it does not necessarily mean you’ve sworn off belief in God, say, or prayer.

More of our Atheists believe in God than more of their Atheists? At least I know where Hillary Clinton's pollsters found work....
uh dude......if someone says they believe in God, they aren't atheists......

I didn't even read Princess kudzu's post. Thanks PostmodernProphet for pointing this out. I don't usually use the word Idiot, ... but in this case it's fitting. (shaking head)
I didn't even read Princess kudzu's post. Thanks PostmodernProphet for pointing this out. I don't usually use the word Idiot, ... but in this case it's fitting. (shaking head)

I know many atheists who are more christian than so-called "Christians". One does not have to be religious to possess and adhere to moral principles.
I know many atheists who are more christian than so-called "Christians". One does not have to be religious to possess and adhere to moral principles.

Oh. I AGREE with that 100%.

Part of 'Christianity is 'Brotherhood' and 'Compassion'. You see these so-called Christians anything but 'Brotherly' and 'Compassionate'.
first of all I want to thank you for saying that being "Christian" implies a higher level of morality.....however, "Christian" is a description for someone who believes in Jesus Christ, not for a person who has achieved what you have chosen for your own standards for action.........being "nice" doesn't make you a believer.....especially when you think being "nice" includes encouraging people to kill their children, do drugs and have casual sex........
'Religion', like everything else in America, is deeply mixed up with profit, but there are very few Christians there. Because of the business necessity for religion a sizable number of those who reject it keep defining themselves in its terms, as if it mattered. Most Europeans have moved on, because their religion (if they have one) is not profit.
first of all I want to thank you for saying that being "Christian" implies a higher level of morality.....however, "Christian" is a description for someone who believes in Jesus Christ, not for a person who has achieved what you have chosen for your own standards for action.........being "nice" doesn't make you a believer.....especially when you think being "nice" includes encouraging people to kill their children, do drugs and have casual sex........

PMP: "first of all I want to thank you for saying that being "Christian" implies a higher level of morality."
I don't think anyone has said that or is implying that.

PMP: "however, "Christian" is a description for someone who believes in Jesus Christ,"
And it implies someone who has bought into the Christian Philosophy.

PMP: "being "nice" doesn't make you a believer.....especially when you think being "nice" includes encouraging people to kill their children, do drugs and have casual sex........"
Now THAT is being 'Christian'. Making up some lie, some falsehood, some fiction. No one that I know is 'encouraging' people to have abortions or do drugs.
I know many atheists who are more christian than so-called "Christians". One does not have to be religious to possess and adhere to moral principles.

I was going to make the same comment.

I don't think that someone who falls in the category of "none" is necessarily an atheist; it seems to mean only that they don't follow a particular religious sect. Definitely if a person claims to have belief in a god or gods, they are not an a-theist.

Interesting study though.... confirms what many of us have thought regarding our penchant for trying to insert religion into everything including public life.
first of all I want to thank you for saying that being "Christian" implies a higher level of morality.....however, "Christian" is a description for someone who believes in Jesus Christ, not for a person who has achieved what you have chosen for your own standards for action.........being "nice" doesn't make you a believer.....especially when you think being "nice" includes encouraging people to kill their children, do drugs and have casual sex........

If you consider the klan , the southern baptists and jim crow,the inquisition and crusades a higher form of morality. then you really have problem with reality