Pew Study: Atheists Sometimes More Religious Than Christians ...

If you consider the klan , the southern baptists and jim crow,the inquisition and crusades a higher form of morality. then you really have problem with reality

Driven out by rising extremism, more Israelis are leaving ...

‘I wanted no more of it’ Driven Out by Rising Extremism, More Israelis Are Leaving Orthodox Judaism . Religious Zionists leaving the fold say they are increasingly accepted by their families, as community’s push for stricter observance and hard-line views leads more young people to become secular
Driven out by rising extremism, more Israelis are leaving ...

‘I wanted no more of it’ Driven Out by Rising Extremism, More Israelis Are Leaving Orthodox Judaism . Religious Zionists leaving the fold say they are increasingly accepted by their families, as community’s push for stricter observance and hard-line views leads more young people to become secular

Any chance that will be occurring in your home country of Saudi Arabia?
Any chance that will be occurring in your home country of Saudi Arabia?

Well, Its been about 12 years ago that young Islamic scholars announced that a lot of what passes for Islam is really ancient tribal practices... You have to remember that during the Ottoman Empire the whole Arabian peninsula stagnated and literacy suffered.

So to answer your question .. yes..

Saudi Arabia took a giant step backward in 1979 when Iran had its revolution and there was the siege of the Grand mosque. It scared them.. They weren't that strict before.. They even had movie theaters.
Any chance that will be occurring in your home country of Saudi Arabia?

Well, Its been about 12 years ago that young Islamic scholars announced that a lot of what passes for Islam is really ancient tribal practices... You have to remember that during the Ottoman Empire the whole Arabian peninsula stagnated and literacy suffered.

So to answer your question .. yes..

Saudi Arabia took a giant step backward in 1979 when Iran had its revolution and there was the siege of the Grand mosque. It scared them.. They weren't that strict before.. They even had movie theaters.
"Saudi Arabia has had no written ban on women driving, but Saudi law requires citizens use a locally issued license while in the country. Such licenses have not been issued to women, making it effectively illegal for women to drive." wiki

Any chance your country will let you drive soon?
Will KSA allow the distribution and teaching of the Scofield Bible?
(I know you support the importation and teaching of the Koran in the USA)
first of all I want to thank you for saying that being "Christian" implies a higher level of morality.....however, "Christian" is a description for someone who believes in Jesus Christ, not for a person who has achieved what you have chosen for your own standards for action.........being "nice" doesn't make you a believer.....especially when you think being "nice" includes encouraging people to kill their children, do drugs and have casual sex........
So, you just proclaim yourself a follower of Jesus and bam, that’s it, I alway thought when you truly accepted Jesus you became like him, highly moral, and the standards you should follow are Biblical, according to what you have said.

Ohhhh, casual sex, how horrible! drugs as in alcohol? Don’t you embibe?
Pew Study: Atheists Sometimes More Religious Than Christians ...

May 30, 2018 · According to The Atlantic, American atheists are more religious than Christians in a lot of European countries, a Pew Research Center study showed.

American atheists are more religious than Christians in a lot of European countries, a new study shows.

Researchers compared a Pew Research Center study of Christian identity in Western Europe, with data previously gathered in the United States, The Atlantic reported.

Their findings included that Americans are much more religious than Western Europeans, and American "nones" — those who identify as atheist, agnostic, or nothing in particular—are more religious than European "nones."

But the third finding was the stunner: American "nones" are as religious as — or even more religious than — Christians in several European countries, including France, Germany, and the U.K.

"That was a surprise," Neha Sahgal, the lead researcher, told The Atlantic. "That's the comparison that's fascinating to me."

According to Sahgal, 23 percent of European Christians say they believe in God with absolute certainty; 27 percent of American "nones" say that. The survey also found 11 percent of Western Europeans now call themselves "spiritual but not religious."

Joseph Blankholm, a professor at UC Santa Barbara who focuses on atheism and secularism, told The Atlantic the Cold War is key to understanding why the United States has not secularized as profoundly as Europe has.

"The 1950s were the most religious America has ever been," he told the outlet. "'In God We Trust' becomes the official national motto. 'Under God' is entered into the pledge of allegiance. That identity is being consciously formed by specific actors like [Presidents Harry] Truman and [Dwight D.] Eisenhower, who are promoting a Christian identity at home and abroad, over against a godless communism. It's the Christianization of America — as a Cold War tool."

In the new Pew study, 27 percent of Americans call themselves "spiritual but not religious," praying regularly and believing in God, The Atlantic reported.

How can one with no religion be more religious. The statement makes no sense.
Perhaps they mean to say more moral.
I could buy that.
If you consider the klan , the southern baptists and jim crow,the inquisition and crusades a higher form of morality. then you really have problem with reality

Pastor PmP thinks he is going to live forever.

I thought that was YOUR spend enough time telling me I'm not moral enough for you and Christianity.......
You just seem to think you know the mind of God and yes, you are a fake Christian, you would never act in church the way you act here. That make you a faux Christian.
not hard when he wrote it down......

as usual you blame the messenger.......
Sorry, you’re a horrible messenger and God wrote nothing down, it was humans believing they were inspired by God. This is where my doubt comes in because there are many text written by humans claiming to be inspired by God, all believing they have the truth.
You just seem to think you know the mind of God and yes, you are a fake Christian, you would never act in church the way you act here. That make you a faux Christian.
Let me try to understand how and why you judge some so harshly here....yet completely excuse the vile words and actions of others who are clearly more fake, immoral, faux than PostmodernProphet...just curious...
Sorry, you’re a horrible messenger and God wrote nothing down, it was humans believing they were inspired by God. This is where my doubt comes in because there are many text written by humans claiming to be inspired by God, all believing they have the truth.

and you have made your choices.......see?.......yet you still blame me........