PiMP lies, Judge did not find M-A-L only worth 18 Million.


Well-known member
based on the judge's finding that the property is only worth $18M.......ibviously not meeting the reasonableness test used on appeal of a finding of fact.......sucks to be as stupid as you and the judge.....

obviously no......I don't expect the appeals court to find any statement of Trump to be fraudulent.....because Trump's statement of the value on the loan application is obviously more reasonable than the one the trial judge decided to be "fact".......

I challenge anyone to post where the Judge found that Mar-A-Lago was "only worth 18M"
There is no finding that Mar-A-Lago was "only worth 18 million"

These Trumppers just lie all the time.
I’m gonna try and keep this thread in my memory, so I can post as many of the Trumper lies as I can keep track up