PiMP lies, Judge did not find M-A-L only worth 18 Million.

Sure but you are stupid so there is that.

Projection from an uneducated, boorish leftist moron. :palm:

If the judge found the property was at Trumps highest claimed value, the fraud still exists due to him ALSO filing the lower value for tax purposes.

Wrong and moronic. No matter how many times you repeat the same moronic bullshit, it is still moronic bullshit. Read the link moron.


If the Judge found the property was at Trumps lowest claimed value,. the fraud still exists due to him ALSO filing the higher value for loan and insurance purposes.

Once again, a moronic claim.

Be less stupid.

You should take your own advice. But alas, morons also lack any basic common sense or self-awareness. :palm:
And they were false. trump did not have the right to tear down mar-a-lardo and replace it with condos. This is not subjective. It is completely objective.

A moronic and patently false claim. MSNBC viewer no doubt.

There you go being subjective. It really does not matter. Objectively trump lied.

Property valuation is a subjective business halfwit. Trump didn't lie. Look up the definition of a lie. Watch Biden if you want to see what a serial liar looks like.

You can introduce as much evidence as you want that had he been telling the truth, how much it would be worth. But he was not telling the truth. That is why no one is willing to testify about the value of the land. They are willing to go on TV, but if they testify, they will go to jail.

Trump doesn't have to produce evidence. That is the job of the prosecutor. So far, all we have is hyper partisan ventilating, hyperbole and innuendo.

Once again, for the morons on the left in the room who don't have the slightest clue what fraud is:

In civil litigation, allegations of fraud might be based on a misrepresentation of fact that was either intentional or negligent. For a statement to be an intentional misrepresentation, the person who made it must either have known the statement was false or been reckless as to its truth. The speaker must have also intended that the person to whom the statement was made would rely on it. The hearer must then have reasonably relied on the promise and also been harmed because of that reliance.


This Judge and AG are typical hacks with a complete disregard for the law. The ends NEVER justify the means even when it comes to Trump.
There is nothing to agree on. Trump said he had nothing to do with the company's financial statements.

And morons who do are patently stupid and uneducated.

Previous emails were produced, in court, showing his deep involvement in preparation of those statements.

Again, this is an outright falsehood. But even if it were true, there is no crime here shit-for-brains.

Fraud requires knowingly false statements, harm and reliance on those statements. None of these conditions exist in this case as there is no victim. Now shut your dumb piehole. We already know you're a moron. No need to prove it every damned day. :palm:
Judge Engoron relied on: the county tax assessor’s appraisal value.

County Assessor appraised the market value of Mar-a-Lago at between $18 million and $27.6 million


Judge Engoron's was not adjudicating a Tax Assessment appraisal dispute, which can and do happen.

Judge Engoron WAS adjudicating Trumps STATEMENTS OF FRAUD.

Trump STATED in filings that the Tax Assessment of $18-26MM was TOO HIGH, and he gave numerous reasons, such as the 'property value was forever reduced and limited by him contracting away all future development rights'

Trump then STATED in another filing (to banks and insurers) that the Property was worth several hundred millions to over $1b based on future development right.

That is the fraud Trump committed and you guys repeating a lie will never change that.
you'll have to remind Jarhead again in his next thread......he won't come back to this one again......look for a thread titled something like "none of you have provided any evidence the judge decided the place was only worth $18M"...........

Why would you want to remind him of a lie and something only derps believe?

Judge Engoron's was not adjudicating a Tax Assessment appraisal dispute, which can and do happen.

Judge Engoron WAS adjudicating Trumps STATEMENTS OF FRAUD.

Trump STATED in filings that the Tax Assessment of $18-26MM was TOO HIGH, and he gave numerous reasons, such as the 'property value was forever reduced and limited by him contracting away all future development rights'

Trump then STATED in another filing (to banks and insurers) that the Property was worth several hundred millions to over $1b based on future development right.

That is the fraud Trump committed and you guys repeating a lie will never change that.

Once again, educate yourself on the definition of fraud before making yourself look like an uneducated, arrogant dumb fuck.
And morons who do are patently stupid and uneducated.

Again, this is an outright falsehood. But even if it were true, there is no crime here shit-for-brains.

Fraud requires knowingly false statements, harm and reliance on those statements. None of these conditions exist in this case as there is no victim. Now shut your dumb piehole. We already know you're a moron. No need to prove it every damned day. :palm:

The young Trump child knew well that the financial statements were fraudulent. He was deeply involved in changing property values.
Trump did not offer to pay the back taxes on Mira Lago when he said it was worth a billion or a billion and a half. I see it, that Trumpys are saying they would have done the same things he did. But they are not running for the highest office in the land. I want more from the president.
The guy who wants to run the economy of America should not be the one who cheats the government.
Trump did not offer to pay the back taxes on Mira Lago .

there were no back taxes.....the local tax assessor set that value......those of us who own real estate know that the assessed value is not actual value......you folks who don't own real estate will just have to take our word for it.....
there were no back taxes.....the local tax assessor set that value......those of us who own real estate know that the assessed value is not actual value......you folks who don't own real estate will just have to take our word for it.....

If Trump can prove his property is worth hundreds of millions, he will owe a shitload of taxes.
Trump will lose Colorado anyway so what is the point other than pissing off and motivating MAGA voters elsewhere.
Property values are ALL a matter of opinion.


BUt the same person cannot write on contractual legal doc's two vastly differing opinions on the same property using one set of reasons for the low value and then saying those same reasons do not exist to then justify a much higher value.

That is FRAUD.