PiMP lies, Judge did not find M-A-L only worth 18 Million.

Judges put lots of words in rulings that are not part of their findings. Especally when they are summarizing the evidence.

You asked where the amount came from. Then, when you get it and it makes you look like an uneducated moron, you flail.
You asked where the amount came from. Then, when you get it and it makes you look like an uneducated moron, you flail.

I did not ask where the amount came from. I asked where the finding came from... also 18 to 27 is not the same as 18.
I gave it to you. God, can anyone be this stupid?

You just went from stupid to retard. God, keep going. This is priceless. :laugh:

wrong, you posted part of the back ground that comes before a finding. It was a summary of what was presented to the judge, the judge did not find that the property was worth 18 million dollars.
wrong, you posted part of the back ground that comes before a finding. It was a summary of what was presented to the judge, the judge did not find that the property was worth 18 million dollars.

WTF is wrong with you. Jesus man, let it go. You sound like a spoiled child.
Still hiding from the chance to prove me wrong?

Come on, one of you Trumppers post the Judges finding that Mar-A-Lago was only worth 18 million dollars? Anyone?

why....the minute we do you will leave this thread and start another, denying the same thing.....after all, that's what you did in this thread when I posted it in the last one......
That was not the point. He used the evaluation to show that Trump was using crooked evaluations for his nefarious purposes. The judge does not have to prove the evaluation was correct. The entire point is that it was not an honest appraisal.

dude.....Trump's appraisal is more honest than the judges.......
A judge does not have to know a thing about a property or its value to determine that fraud occurred based on the below.

of course, he DOES have to know he can't just ignore relevant evidence......such as the appraisels submitted to show what the property was actually worth...
I am pointing out the lies that you guys are telling about the Judge. You only believe he is absurd, because you fell for the lies.

how can you do things like this and pretend you're a lawyer.......if the judge didn't find the property was only worth what the tax assessment was he had no basis to find Trump had committed fraud?......I explained this all to you in the other thread........you immediately ran away and started another thread.....now that I've done it again what will the name of your third thread be.....we can meet there and discuss the fact you won't acknowledge the truth.......
Trump confessed by saying he had the property way under-evaluated. He did that to escape taxes. When he said it was worth a billion or a billion and a half, he should have paid all the back taxes he owed.

neither tax assessors or loan officers pay attention to the value the property owner puts on his property.......