PiMP lies, Judge did not find M-A-L only worth 18 Million.

wrong, you posted part of the back ground that comes before a finding. It was a summary of what was presented to the judge, the judge did not find that the property was worth 18 million dollars.

he found that Trump committed fraud because the property was only worth $18M......I know that, you know that, the entire fucking world knows that......
of course, he DOES have to know he can't just ignore relevant evidence......such as the appraisels submitted to show what the property was actually worth...

You are commenting on law. Something you know you are not to do.

You are wrong again.

A judge DOES NOT have to know the value of a thing if you have two legal forms saying an item is worth '$X for these reasons' and then in separate declaration documents they say the same item is 'worth 2000x for the same reasons'.

The Fraud, PmP, you simpleton, is NOT tied to the actual value but to the FACT that both disparite claims cannot be true and one or the other or both must be fraudulent by default.

It is IMPOSSIBLE for the property to be worth 'less than $16MM because i contracted away all redevelopment rights' and that the property is worth 'more than half a billion, because of the very valuable redevelopment rights'.

When Trump makes those two filings, REGARDLESS of what the property is actually worth, he has committed fraud.
how can you do things like this and pretend you're a lawyer.......if the judge didn't find the property was only worth what the tax assessment was he had no basis to find Trump had committed fraud?......I explained this all to you in the other thread........you immediately ran away and started another thread.....now that I've done it again what will the name of your third thread be.....we can meet there and discuss the fact you won't acknowledge the truth.......

Sure but you are stupid so there is that.

If the judge found the property was at Trumps highest claimed value, the fraud still exists due to him ALSO filing the lower value for tax purposes.

If the Judge found the property was at Trumps lowest claimed value,. the fraud still exists due to him ALSO filing the higher value for loan and insurance purposes.

Be less stupid.
sorry Quepee.....the issue is whether Trumps claims were false.....evidence of independant appraisers show the value was higher than what was stated on the application. The judge will be overturned and the case will be remanded for trial......
sorry Quepee.....the issue is whether Trumps claims were false.

And they were false. trump did not have the right to tear down mar-a-lardo and replace it with condos. This is not subjective. It is completely objective.

evidence of independant appraisers show the value was higher than what was stated on the application. The judge will be overturned and the case will be remanded for trial......

There you go being subjective. It really does not matter. Objectively trump lied.

You can introduce as much evidence as you want that had he been telling the truth, how much it would be worth. But he was not telling the truth. That is why no one is willing to testify about the value of the land. They are willing to go on TV, but if they testify, they will go to jail.
if prosecuting attorney agrees with you he'll be indicted......if not, you'll be standing on Main Street with your penis in your hand.......like you have for the last six years.....

There is nothing to agree on. Trump said he had nothing to do with the company's financial statements.
Previous emails were produced, in court, showing his deep involvement in preparation of those statements.
I challenge anyone to post where the Judge found that Mar-A-Lago was "only worth 18M"

Judge Engoron relied on: the county tax assessor’s appraisal value.

County Assessor appraised the market value of Mar-a-Lago at between $18 million and $27.6 million
There is nothing to agree on. Trump said he had nothing to do with the company's financial statements.
Previous emails were produced, in court, showing his deep involvement in preparation of those statements.

there you go then.......you can sit back and wait for a prosecuting attorney tp prove you're right........while you wait we will laugh at you.......like we have for the last six years.......
Judge Engoron relied on: the county tax assessor’s appraisal value.

County Assessor appraised the market value of Mar-a-Lago at between $18 million and $27.6 million
you'll have to remind Jarhead again in his next thread......he won't come back to this one again......look for a thread titled something like "none of you have provided any evidence the judge decided the place was only worth $18M"...........
wrong, you posted part of the back ground that comes before a finding. It was a summary of what was presented to the judge, the judge did not find that the property was worth 18 million dollars.

It was from the judge's ruling. What part of the OBVIOUS do mental cases like you not comprehend?? I know this is what the PHONY media fed you, but at some point even a retard knows when they've lost the argument.

“From 2011-2021, the Palm Beach County Assessor appraised the market value of Mar-a-Lago at between $18 million and $27.6 million,” Engoron wrote in his ruling.
You are commenting on law. Something you know you are not to do.

You are wrong again.

A judge DOES NOT have to know the value of a thing if you have two legal forms saying an item is worth '$X for these reasons' and then in separate declaration documents they say the same item is 'worth 2000x for the same reasons'.

Not a crime. Show me the criminal code that states that valuations of RE are based on arbitrary statements from government hacks.

The Fraud, PmP, you simpleton, is NOT tied to the actual value but to the FACT that both disparite claims cannot be true and one or the other or both must be fraudulent by default.

If you had a brain, you would be embarrassed calling anyone a "simpleton" or your statements that are laughably stupid.

The definition of "fraud" has nothing to do with disparate statements moron. There has to be a gain derived from the fraud from a victim. In this case, there is no fraud just because a partisan hack AG says so, and there is no victim. No one brought these claims to the AG, she made them up from thin absurd air.

In civil litigation, allegations of fraud might be based on a misrepresentation of fact that was either intentional or negligent. For a statement to be an intentional misrepresentation, the person who made it must either have known the statement was false or been reckless as to its truth. The speaker must have also intended that the person to whom the statement was made would rely on it. The hearer must then have reasonably relied on the promise and also been harmed because of that reliance.


I do wish you weren't an arrogant moron. :palm:

It is IMPOSSIBLE for the property to be worth 'less than $16MM because i contracted away all redevelopment rights' and that the property is worth 'more than half a billion, because of the very valuable redevelopment rights'.

Not a crime. Moron.

When Trump makes those two filings, REGARDLESS of what the property is actually worth, he has committed fraud.

Wring again moron. Read the definition I provided by Cornell Law. Dunce.