PiMP lies, Judge did not find M-A-L only worth 18 Million.

did he believe the valuation was correct?

You idiots fall for this all the time. Trump tells a lie, he repeats it three or four times. Right wing media outlets report it. And you guys fall for it, every fucking time.
You idiots fall for this all the time. Trump tells a lie, he repeats it three or four times. Right wing media outlets report it. And you guys fall for it, every fucking time.

so did the judge believe the valuation was correct?

why can't you answer a simple question?
Anyone ever call you a petty nitpicking troll? If not count this as your first.

I am not nitpicking, he did find ANYTHING like that.

All the Judge did was summarize the evidence that had been presented. One of the pieces of evidence the Judge mentioned said that one expert said Mar-A-Lago was valued at between 18 and 27 million. That is the only place I can find that 18 million is even mentioned. He did not say he believed it was true, or that he found it was true, or that he used that evidence in any ruling. He simply summarized what was presented to him.
he believe the valuation was wrong.

too low in fact.

why are you arguing basic facts?

are you dumb?

I am pointing out that when Trump LIES, you nitwits suck it down despite all evidence to the contrary. It is a sickness that is damaging to our culture.

Trump goes around trying to discredit the judicial system by lying about this Judge, Trumppers swallow without question, and use it as evidence of a huge liberal conspiracy against Trump.

Its harmful to our Nation, and I love our Nation.
Nobody can come up with what the Judge actually wrote? Cant support your lies? Hope this gets buried.

Just admit you are easily duped and tricked.
Still hiding from the chance to prove me wrong?

Come on, one of you Trumppers post the Judges finding that Mar-A-Lago was only worth 18 million dollars? Anyone?
I am not nitpicking, he did find ANYTHING like that.

All the Judge did was summarize the evidence that had been presented. One of the pieces of evidence the Judge mentioned said that one expert said Mar-A-Lago was valued at between 18 and 27 million. That is the only place I can find that 18 million is even mentioned. He did not say he believed it was true, or that he found it was true, or that he used that evidence in any ruling. He simply summarized what was presented to him.

Who gives a shit? If you actually paid attention, the judge brought up the 18 million because that is what the property was valued at for tax purposes. Trump's lawyers tried to make the case it was actually worth far more, (that is up for contention because of building restrictions), but the judge wisely reverted back to Trump's tax value.
It pissed off Trump but as much as I dislike this weird judge, he was correct in doing so.
Now, if you are still bored with nothing to do, keep pushing this chain uphill.
Who gives a shit? If you actually paid attention, the judge brought up the 18 million because that is what the property was valued at for tax purposes. Trump's lawyers tried to make the case it was actually worth far more, (that is up for contention because of building restrictions), but the judge wisely reverted back to Trump's tax value.
It pissed off Trump but as much as I dislike this weird judge, he was correct in doing so.
Now, if you are still bored with nothing to do, keep pushing this chain uphill.

I simply want the lie exposed, we have to stop letting the Trumppers lie without exposing them. I give a shit, because they are falling for the idea that this weird judge made a ridiculous finding and now they claim its evidence of an entire cabal against Trumppers and Trumpism. All based on a lie.
I simply want the lie exposed, we have to stop letting the Trumppers lie without exposing them. I give a shit, because they are falling for the idea that this weird judge made a ridiculous finding and now they claim its evidence of an entire cabal against Trumppers and Trumpism. All based on a lie.


No, you give a shit because you have TDS to the max and nothing but time on your hands.
so did the judge believe the valuation was correct?

why can't you answer a simple question?

That was not the point. He used the evaluation to show that Trump was using crooked evaluations for his nefarious purposes. The judge does not have to prove the evaluation was correct. The entire point is that it was not an honest appraisal.
did he believe the valuation was correct?

What he "believed" or better yet, knew for fact was that Trump made two different FILINGS using the same information in contrary ways that constituted FRAUD.

Trump Day 1 to reduce Tax payments: 'Mar a lago is NOT worth the $16-24MM the tax assessor says it is worth. It is worth LESS because i contracted away all redevelopment rights'.

Trump on Day 2 to maximize loans and get Insurances : ' Mar A Lago is worth way more. It is worth hundreds of millions or billions based on redevelopment rights and the upside value that adds to property.'

^^^ That IS fraud and what the Judge cited Trump did and why he cites the TWO valuations Trump provided.