Policy question: Inflation

you do know that way back in the Obama times the Government had asked Keystone to move it and gave them a route that they had no problem with , it wasn't longer just went a different way they said NO . so now they don't have it and built the one in Canada.
Have a nice day
why the fuck did Obama stick his nose in something that was none of his business.......was it because he was a communist?......
why the fuck did Obama stick his nose in something that was none of his business.......was it because he was a communist?......
OH running a pipeline that is known to leak all over the place right over and near some of our MOST IMPORTANT Aquifers shouldn't be something the President shouldn't stick his nose into,
Do you have any idea of just what went on back then?
I shouldn't have even asked that question it is clear YOU don't
have a nice day
oh and one more thing there was legislation in Congress to stop it back then too.
He was just trying to help them and they said no.
I wish it were that simple.

Nearly EVERYTHING we touch has an involvement in the God given gift of oil and natural gas. Incredibly stupid tree hugging fools have no concept of the extent these two products affect their daily lives.

I find it ironic some of these cockwonbles glue their body parts to an asphalt road not knowing both the glue and asphalt were by-products of what they protest.
Heavy coping.
no.....it was not.....his EPA had already cleared it.......the courts had already approved it......
Hello ASSHOLE go back and actually do some research on the Keystone XL pipeline back about 2009 or just after when all this BS started.
The company that was building the Keystone pipeline submitted to the DEC the route they wanted to run this pipeline through and it was over and near some of our most used and most IMPORTANT AQUIFERS in the country. ( you do know what an AQUIFER is don't you ? you moronic POS , the under ground storage areas for a LOT of our DRINKING WATER .) water MILLIONS and MILLIONS of Americans depend on every day.
and with the really great safety records for leaks Trans Canada pipeline company has the DEC said NO .
and the DEC asked how about running your new pipeline right next to the one you already have , and TRY to keep an eye on both of them, and not let thousands of barrels of Tar sand oil leak out before you shut your leaky pipeline down.
YES the DEC did their job and didn't let the Canadian pipeline builders DESTROY several of our most important AQUIFERS.
YES to some people unlike you apparently CLEAN drinking water is more important then shipping Tar sand oil to China.
I for one want people that live in the mid west to have clean drinking water over China getting oil to make plastics
Have a nice day
Hello ASSHOLE go back and actually do some research on the Keystone XL pipeline back about 2009 or just after when all this BS started.
The company that was building the Keystone pipeline submitted to the DEC the route they wanted to run this pipeline through and it was over and near some of our most used and most IMPORTANT AQUIFERS in the country. ( you do know what an AQUIFER is don't you ? you moronic POS , the under ground storage areas for a LOT of our DRINKING WATER .) water MILLIONS and MILLIONS of Americans depend on every day.
and with the really great safety records for leaks Trans Canada pipeline company has the DEC said NO .
and the DEC asked how about running your new pipeline right next to the one you already have , and TRY to keep an eye on both of them, and not let thousands of barrels of Tar sand oil leak out before you shut your leaky pipeline down.
YES the DEC did their job and didn't let the Canadian pipeline builders DESTROY several of our most important AQUIFERS.
YES to some people unlike you apparently CLEAN drinking water is more important then shipping Tar sand oil to China.
I for one want people that live in the mid west to have clean drinking water over China getting oil to make plastics
Have a nice day
you sound like the Indian tribe's legal council.......the simple fact is the EPA and the courts had concluded this was not true.......the only thing that shifted between Obama/Trump/Biden's administration were successive executive orders.......at least Trump's was consistent with the scientists and the law.......
you sound like the Indian tribe's legal council.......the simple fact is the EPA and the courts had concluded this was not true.......the only thing that shifted between Obama/Trump/Biden's administration were successive executive orders.......at least Trump's was consistent with the scientists and the law.......
well think what you want, all I can say is they were asked to run it in a different area.
During Trumps news conference he claimed that the cost of oil had caused the spike in inflation.
Inflation has one and only one cause: The Federal Reserve.

What Trump is referring to is the shortages caused by DEMOCRATS, causing oil prices to rise, and the shortage of trucking and transportation as a result, causing other products to rise in price due to shortages.

That is not inflation. It is shortages.
Question: How will a policy of more drilling impact the price of goods and services.
By alleviating the shortages.
To what extent does an increase in oil/energy costs impact the cost of goods.
RQAA. It takes energy to produce and move product, dumbass.
Please be specific regarding your claim and cite sources. Please state specific numbers.
RQAA. Already provided and presented to you.
Trump says he wants to increase oil drilling , so just where is he going to get all the drilling equipment from?
Same place as always. Halliburton.
we at this time have got everything we have already on line. it takes time to build new rigs.
About anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. Meh.
I guess he wants to try and make up for the big mistake he made when he was in office
Which was?
and the US oil industry went to him and asked him to help them stem the tide of the Saudi oil price war,
Who the fuck cares about Saudi oil? The United States doesn't need to import it!
when he did nothing and let OVER 100 US oil drilling and producing companies go bankrupt and a LOT of them out of business for good.
An oil well is still an oil well. They do not go "out of business".
then only AFTER that did he do any thing and finally went to the Saudis and told them to CUT their production and RAISE the price of oil or he was going to STOP ALL Military aid to them, and they did.
The United States doesn't need Saudi oil.
it is a little too late , the US oil industry has come back with NO help from him and have been producing at record levels for some time now.
Not due to Biden! Despite him! You forget the court that threw out his edict.
in Feb 2021 just after Biden took over US oil production was DOWN to 9.7 MBPD and has now been over 13 MBPD for months.
You are forgetting his executive edict again.
you can't " Drill baby drill " unless you have drilling rigs available to do so.
The rigs are available and easily built.
and YES I know they are building them as fast as they can .
Nope. Much of it is still banned.
Have a nice day
I will...when Trump is elected!
and seeing that oil prices are a product of the world economy it won't make a lot of difference , just drive up oil companies profits.
we might want to look into companies that have been making record profits for the last few years, and find out why their prices haven't come back down.
and that is in ALL US industries.
again the US oil industry has been producing oil at record levels for well over a year and Gas prices haven't gone down that much but their profits are way up.
Have a nice day
Not enough. Too much of Biden's ban on oil drilling is still in place.
Marginal utility. Yes, i stand corrected. Increase in supply causes a decrease in price IF demand is constant . As far as “what quantifiable impact would that have on inflation “ that’s impossible to calculate accurately by a layman. But everything else I stated is correct.
My inflation reduction plan would work but it’d hurt and hurt badly for a while. In fact it would be recessionary.
Reduce spending and increase taxes on EVERYONE until the debt is controllable.
Nice try, but the United States has no way to pay it's debt. It's broke and has been for many decades.
No amount of tax revenue is going to pay off the debt. You can't tax your way to prosperity.