Policy question: Inflation

Not like Clinton.. Austerity programs have failed miserably every time they are tried. Ask the UK how that worked out for them. A complete fail. Tax increases should be targeted to have the smallest possible impact on consumer spending and that means taxing the richest, not everyone. Almost all of the pain would be felt by the bottom quintiles. A wealth tax is ltge most effective in targeting those dollars least likely to be spent. The impact on the markets would also be minimal.
There is no plan that would eliminate the debt short term. Not possible. The deficit yes, the debt, no.
It is not possible for the United States to pay off the debt. It's broke and has been for many decades.
OH running a pipeline that is known to leak all over the place
Pipelines don't leak. It's a waste or product to have them leak.
right over and near some of our MOST IMPORTANT Aquifers
Won't be affected by any pipeline leak, should one ever occur.
shouldn't be something the President shouldn't stick his nose into,
Do you have any idea of just what went on back then?
What are you referring to??
Hello ASSHOLE go back and actually do some research on the Keystone XL pipeline back about 2009 or just after when all this BS started.
The company that was building the Keystone pipeline submitted to the DEC the route they wanted to run this pipeline through and it was over and near some of our most used and most IMPORTANT AQUIFERS in the country. ( you do know what an AQUIFER is don't you ? you moronic POS , the under ground storage areas for a LOT of our DRINKING WATER .) water MILLIONS and MILLIONS of Americans depend on every day.
and with the really great safety records for leaks Trans Canada pipeline company has the DEC said NO .
and the DEC asked how about running your new pipeline right next to the one you already have , and TRY to keep an eye on both of them, and not let thousands of barrels of Tar sand oil leak out before you shut your leaky pipeline down.
YES the DEC did their job and didn't let the Canadian pipeline builders DESTROY several of our most important AQUIFERS.
YES to some people unlike you apparently CLEAN drinking water is more important then shipping Tar sand oil to China.
I for one want people that live in the mid west to have clean drinking water over China getting oil to make plastics
Have a nice day
No aquifers were destroyed.
Exactly. I really don’t mind ‘dumbing down’ economic discussions, but I refuse to make them simplistic. And the idea that inflation would have been lower if we drilled more is so utterly simplistic that it would be derided in a 101 class. There is an impact on prices, but that impact has s muted when we measure core inflation. And it is somewhat measurable and quantifiable. ‘Drill baby, drill’ isn’t just uneducated, it is intellectually lazy and sloppy, and there is no excuse for someone who wants to participate in these discussions that they don’t even BOTHER to educate themselves.

They're not here to discuss, exchange ideas, learn new things. They're merely here to pop their rage pimples and spread RW propaganda and division. Sometimes I bother to reply in the hopes that we have silent lurkers who might pick up something new to ponder. But for sure there is no teaching those who cannot learn.
Nah, you two cunts are just sophist lying assholes.

You don't know shit but pretend that you do and insult others and piss them off, because you're sophist lying assholes.

Just remember it's people just like you that are going to propel Trump right into The White House as a big "FUCK YOU"

to your smarmy-ass dishonest assholishness. :clink:
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Number of Trump supporters who were able to give a serious answer = 0

Number of Trump trolls = 12

Just as expected.
Number of Trump supporters who were able to give a serious answer = 0

Number of Trump trolls = 12

Just as expected.
CuntFart looking around for answers:
Nah, you two cunts are just sophist lying assholes.

You don't know shit but pretend that you do and insult others and piss them off, because you're sophist lying assholes.

Just remember it's people just like you that are going to propel Trump right into The White House as a big "FUCK YOU"

to your smarmy-ass dishonest assholishness. :clink:
A thesis is not required for all Master’s degrees.

Of course Concarty would need to complete his primary and undergraduate degree before pursuing a Master’s.
A thesis is not required for all Master’s degrees.

Of course Concarty would need to complete his primary and undergraduate degree before pursuing a Master’s.
Cool, so debating economics should be no problem for you. So let's give it a go, shall we? To what extent does a change in oil prices impact the inflation rate? Is this a question you think you can answer? Quantify the impact, and cite your sources. You want a debate/discussion, I am a willing participant. Are YOU Earl? Begin.

Posit: The increase in oil prices at its peak only added around two percent to overall inflation, and even less to core inflation. This is according to a study conducted by the Federal Reserve. That means that Trumps policy, even if it drastically reduced the price of oil (which it won't, but we can discuss that as well) would only have a minor impact on inflation.

Your turn, Earl.
Cool, so debating economics should be no problem for you. So let's give it a go, shall we? To what extent does a change in oil prices impact the inflation rate? Is this a question you think you can answer? Quantify the impact, and cite your sources. You want a debate/discussion, I am a willing participant. Are YOU Earl? Begin.

Posit: The increase in oil prices at its peak only added around two percent to overall inflation, and even less to core inflation. This is according to a study conducted by the Federal Reserve. That means that Trumps policy, even if it drastically reduced the price of oil (which it won't, but we can discuss that as well) would only have a minor impact on inflation.

Your turn, Earl.
You have to understand the importance of oil and its byproducts which are necessary for manufacturing goods and services that affect the daily lives of everyone walking the earth.

Have an over-the-road truck driver explain the cost of moving goods across the country.
or maybe a family after your government has fucked them by putting regulations on the type of fuel they must use while trying to cook or heat their homes,
or a Farmer who buys fertilizer and runs his machinery in his fields all day.

Shove your fake college economics degree up your ass. If you actually had a degree in economics you would have joined the other actual "economists" that warned about inflation caused by fucking with the price of energy and then printing money to get out the problem they themselves created.
You have to understand the importance of oil and its byproducts which are necessary for manufacturing goods and services that affect the daily lives of everyone walking the earth.

Have an over-the-road truck driver explain the cost of moving goods across the country.
or maybe a family after your government has fucked them by putting regulations on the type of fuel they must use while trying to cook or heat their homes,
or a Farmer who buys fertilizer and runs his machinery in his fields all day.

Shove your fake college economics degree up your ass. If you actually had a degree in economics you would have joined the other actual "economists" that warned about inflation caused by fucking with the price of energy and then printing money to get out the problem they themselves created.
I remember my best professor in college was an over the road truck driver. They are brilliant on economic theory. Thanks for the reminder.

Not one thing you said quantifies the impact. Because you can't. You and your socks are all too stupid. Stick to what you do best. Trolling and providing yourself support in the form of your other socks. You aren't very good at that either, but at least you possess a few skills. You know absolutely nothing about economics. Nothing.