Policy question: Inflation

why would we do that?
look back in history the debt has gone up more under Republican President s then Dems / Libs.
Reagan tripled it Bush II just over doubled it, yes Obama ran it up , it took him 8 years to run it up 8 trillion dollars it took Trump only FOUR ( 4 ) YEARS to run it up almost as much.
have a nice day
because no lib'rul will ever agree to cut spending.....perhaps while your busy foisting off your lies perhaps you should recall that Obama doubled the national debt while he was in office, Biden is on track to outspend Trump even without a Covid epidemic and Nancy led the Demmycrats in Congress while we spent $27T of our $35T national debt.......how does the truth about spending make you feel about VP HarmUs who wants to add another $12T in spending just for her illegals?......
Throughout COVID, all we heard from economists was that there was gonna be inflation - pent-up demand, and all of that. Inevitable.

Conservatives are just revealing their predictability. Of course it was Biden's energy policies - that caused global inflation which started before he even took office.
as I recall, those "predictions" began after Bidenlation hit.....
You ain't got no money, motherfucker. Talkin' some commie welfare shit of "rebalancing the distribution of wealth".
Biitch! If you had any money at all you wouldn't be talkin' that shit. Ol' whompa-lip no money mothafucka! :rofl2:
Wrong again. I have more money than you will make in a lifetime. Trumps policies benefit me personally, but are terrible long term. My income from investments is over a half a million dollars a year. My WIFE is a one percenter all on her own. You are probably still making payments on your double wide.
why is it NOT Possible to pay it off?
There is no way for the federal government to tax that much wealth.
there ARE things that can be done,
one of the most important ones is a Constitutional Amendment for a balanced budget,
The debt is not the deficit. Redefinition fallacy.
and it has to have teeth in it to make sure we do not over spend., and the ONLY time we should be able to over spend is in case of a war like WWII , or a really deep recession / depression.
We are currently in an economic depression. It was started by Democrats.
then we could put on a 1 or 2 % national sales tax on EVERYTHING with no exemptions.
Unconstitutional. It's nowhere near enough to pay the debt anyway.
NO exemptions for anybody , not for the poor , not for Businesses NOBODY , we all got some benefit from running it up so everybody should help pay it off.
It won't pay it off.
It would drastically reduce consumer spending, and lead to a deep recession, one that, if a balanced budget was in place, could not be addressed by government spending. These austerity programs have been tried in a number of places, most notably the UK. Those programs absolutely hammered the most vulnerable populations, and had almost no impact on higher incomes.

Economic measures should not be implemented based on fairness. They should be implemented based on ROI. The first step that needs to be taken is to institute a wealth tax to rebalance the distribution of wealth, and it needs to be accompanied by a large increase on taxes for the wealthiest Americans. It is absurd that the long term capital gains tax is so low. It is absurd that we have a social security tax that is regressive. Our entire tax system needs a major overhaul. The wage/wealth gap is unsustainable and poses a far greater threat to our economy than does the debt.

Finally, we need to fix the healthcare system, which costs us more than twice the GDP of other developed countries, and has far worse outcomes. Austerity is not the answer.
It is not possible to collect enough taxes to pay off the debt.
because no lib'rul will ever agree to cut spending.....perhaps while your busy foisting off your lies perhaps you should recall that Obama doubled the national debt while he was in office, Biden is on track to outspend Trump even without a Covid epidemic and Nancy led the Demmycrats in Congress while we spent $27T of our $35T national debt.......how does the truth about spending make you feel about VP HarmUs who wants to add another $12T in spending just for her illegals?......
NO asshole Obama did NOT DOUBLE the National debt.
when his first budget took effect in Sept. 2009 the debt was 11.91 Trillion dollars and in Sept 2017 when his last budget ran out it was 20.24 Trillion . IF he had DOUBLED IT it would have been 23.82 Trillion it was OVER 3.58 Trillion LESS then doubling it. ( 11.91 X 2 = 23.81 just SIMPLE MATH. )
SO stop spreading your right wing LIE. OBAMA did NOT double the debt.
ONLY Presidents that ever have doubled the debt were REPUBLICANS , Reagan and Bush II .
Have a nice day
There is no way for the federal government to tax that much wealth.


The debt is not the deficit. Redefinition fallacy.

We are currently in an economic depression. It was started by Democrats.

Unconstitutional. It's nowhere near enough to pay the debt anyway.

It won't pay it off.
why wouldn't it pay it off asshole?
first of all it would be a dedicated sales tax to be used ONLY to pay the national debt off and it would NOT be suspended till it was paid off.
and as I said first we would need a balanced budget Amendment where we could NOT and I mean NOT spend one cent more then we take in, and we could ONLY spend more in times of a very deep recession / depression or a war like WWII.
so tell us old wise man just why wouldn't it pay the debt off, you know it all so tell us.
Have a nice day
There is no way for the federal government to tax that much wealth.


The debt is not the deficit. Redefinition fallacy.

We are currently in an economic depression. It was started by Democrats.

Unconstitutional. It's nowhere near enough to pay the debt anyway.

It won't pay it off.
HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ASSHOLE.
I am talking DEBT wake up.
and IF we had a balanced budget Amendment with teeth in it as I said we could ONLY run a Deficit in times of a war like WWII or a really deep recession / depression.
and what country do you live in we are NOT in a DEPRESSION , not even in a recession.
Have a nice night ASSHOLE
During Trumps news conference he claimed that the cost of oil had caused the spike in inflation.

Question: How will a policy of more drilling impact the price of goods and services. To what extent does an increase in oil/energy costs impact the cost of goods.

Please be specific regarding your claim and cite sources. Please state specific numbers.
It is self evident to those with an IQ above 70
They drilled during the trump admin because it was advantageous for them to do so, it had nothing to do with what that jackass said.
Yep. Corporations make business decisions based on a lot of factors, including market conditions, supply/demand, available workers, etc. There is very little that any POTUS can do to force them into whatever action they want them to take. That takes legislation.
They drilled during the trump admin because it was advantageous for them to do so, it had nothing to do with what that jackass said.
The US oil producers did hit a high output of 13 MBPD for one month then stayed in the high 11 MBPD to mid 12 MBPD area under Trump.
then the Saudi Russian oil price war started, that is when the US producers and drillers went to Trump and asked him to step in and stop it. will Trump didn't do anything. that is when the Saudis drove the price of futures into the negative , and over 100 US oil drilling and producing companies went Bankrupt and a lot of them out of business for good.
The US oil industry went back to Trump and asked him again for help.
Trump finally went to the Saudis and told them to CUT their production and RAISE prices or he was going to stop ALL military aid, and they did and the price has never come down.
the Refineries bought billions of barrels of oil and stored them and were using them up as they went along and were finally running out of that cheep oil about the end of Dec. 2020, and when Biden took over they were done using it up and naturally prices went up.
it was then with the price higher the US oil drilling and producing companies could compete again and started rebuilding the US oil industry.
it took several years but they have come back and now have been producing over 13 MBPD for a year or so ( every month except one and that was in the high 12 MBPD area.)
in Feb. 2021 US oil production was only 9.9 MBPD so under Biden the US oil industry is doing a lot better then under Trump.
Have a nice day