Policy question: Inflation

I am going to throw in another thing that is in the experimental stage, they do have some really small ones ( AA/ AAA ) already but need to improve their efficiency , get the cost down and that is the Diamond Nuclear battery.
if they can improve them and get them to do what they think they can the DNB will change the world.
a battery that will never need charging , will last over 2000 years and as I said IF they can get them perfected run a electric car for millions of miles.
get them perfected and the price down the DNB will change the world.
and it will help get rid of the Nuclear waste we have accumulated besides.
Time will only tell.
Have a nice day
The Heritage Foundation? The one that thinks we have too many dog parks?

ROTFLMFAO!!!! You are a featherweight. Stick to your weight class, son.

If you weren't a low IQ halfwit, you would read the Heritage Foundations research. But your attention span is that of a ferret and therefore, brain dead soundbites from MSNBC are all you are capable of comprehending and parroting here.

Never an argument or coherent debate, just whiny drivel about sources. You give new meaning to the term moron. :laugh:
well Like I said IF they get the NDB perfected it is going to change everything.
a battery that doesn't need to be charged, will last something like 2500 years. and is efficient that would be great, just give them time, I hope the guys in Cal get it before the guys in China do.
Have a nice day
OH running a pipeline that is known to leak all over the place right over and near some of our MOST IMPORTANT Aquifers shouldn't be something the President shouldn't stick his nose into,
Do you have any idea of just what went on back then?
I shouldn't have even asked that question it is clear YOU don't
have a nice day
oh and one more thing there was legislation in Congress to stop it back then too.
He was just trying to help them and they said no.
Lie, lame and stupid like you. They said the same bullshit about the Alaska pipeline.

It takes a certifiable uneducated idiot to argue that transporting oil on rail and in trucks is safer than pipelines.

1974 is not 2021. Russia is not in the mid-east.

Saudi Arabia does not control the price of oil or oil futures.

You are hallucinating.

1974 is not 2017 either.

Saudi Arabia does not control the price of oil or oil futures.

Not enough storage and no point to it.

Ignoring what Biden did won't work.

Shutting down drilling and pipelines is not 'rebuilding the US oil industry'.

Not due to Biden nor the Democrats. You don't get to take credit for what the courts did.

You are hallucinating again. Ignoring what Biden did won't work.
HELLO anybody home?
I guess not.
what the fuck are you rambling about?
what the fuck does 1974 Have to do with anything?
and who the hell said Russia was in the mid-east?
" Saudi Arabia does not control the price of oil or oil futures." LOL I guess you must have been under a rock or still living in your mothers cellar back when the Saudis drove the price of oil so low the US oil industry could not compete and went bankrupt under Trump.
they drove the futures price into the negative area. the FACTS on this point aren't hard to find, I have already posted them on this forum several times.
and the US refineries DID buy up all the cheap oil they could from the Saudis back then they stored it in ever oil tank yard they could , ever empty RR tank car they could get and had full oil tanker ships sitting off shore .
Heck I know several men that work for the RR in southern NY and northern PA and they said there were thousands of oil tank cars full sitting on a lot of sidings , I saw almost 100 tank cars sitting on an unused section of track not 8 miles from where I live.
YES the refineries did stockpile as much as they could they would have been stupid not to when it was that cheep.
have a nice day
Cool, so debating economics should be no problem for you. So let's give it a go, shall we? To what extent does a change in oil prices impact the inflation rate? Is this a question you think you can answer? Quantify the impact, and cite your sources. You want a debate/discussion, I am a willing participant. Are YOU Earl? Begin.

Posit: The increase in oil prices at its peak only added around two percent to overall inflation, and even less to core inflation. This is according to a study conducted by the Federal Reserve. That means that Trumps policy, even if it drastically reduced the price of oil (which it won't, but we can discuss that as well) would only have a minor impact on inflation.

Your turn, Earl.

Link to this dumb study snowflake. The primary cause of inflationary pressure came from the demand side as a result of profligate spending during and after Covid. The biggest impact coming post pandemic from Democrats who desperately wanted to spend several trillions we didn't have.

There's no argument to that fact. Now, when you massively increase demand without a subsequent increase in supply, while piling on trillions in debt, you get high inflation with a corresponding overreaction of the fed to quash it by increasing the costs of borrowing and investing.

Gas prices went from $2 a gallon to over $3.50 in my state. That is a significant increase in the cost of doing business. What caused this spike? Massive increases in demand that the supply could not keep up with. It is an upward spiraling issue.

Now, as demand slows due to high costs, so does supply increase. This in turn causes prices to come down. That stated, once prices achieve that higher plateau, they never come back to where they were without pain and time.

Arguing that fuel costs have little to do with inflation is about as moronic as claiming Biden isn't a senile, corrupt, grifting dumbass.
I remember my best professor in college was an over the road truck driver. They are brilliant on economic theory. Thanks for the reminder.


Not one thing you said quantifies the impact. Because you can't. You and your socks are all too stupid. Stick to what you do best. Trolling and providing yourself support in the form of your other socks. You aren't very good at that either, but at least you possess a few skills. You know absolutely nothing about economics. Nothing.

Link to this dumb study snowflake. The primary cause of inflationary pressure came from the demand side as a result of profligate spending during and after Covid. The biggest impact coming post pandemic from Democrats who desperately wanted to spend several trillions we didn't have.

There's no argument to that fact. Now, when you massively increase demand without a subsequent increase in supply, while piling on trillions in debt, you get high inflation with a corresponding overreaction of the fed to quash it by increasing the costs of borrowing and investing.

Gas prices went from $2 a gallon to over $3.50 in my state. That is a significant increase in the cost of doing business. What caused this spike? Massive increases in demand that the supply could not keep up with. It is an upward spiraling issue.

Now, as demand slows due to high costs, so does supply increase. This in turn causes prices to come down. That stated, once prices achieve that higher plateau, they never come back to where they were without pain and time.

Arguing that fuel costs have little to do with inflation is about as moronic as claiming Biden isn't a senile, corrupt, grifting dumbass.
Thank you for admitting that 'drill baby drill' is a bumper sticker, not a strategy to deal with inflation. Trump decided everyone should get two grand instead of the six hundred that Congress wanted. So stop whining about Bidens spending. His deficits are far smaller than Trumps.

I linked to the study. Twice. Learn to fucking read, dipshit.

As for your bullshit claim about spending, Trumps last two budgets both exceeded anything during the Biden administration. You are are an uninformed troll. Nothing more, nothing less.
