Policy question: Inflation

NO asshole Obama did NOT DOUBLE the National debt.
when his first budget took effect in Sept. 2009 the debt was 11.91 Trillion dollars and in Sept 2017 when his last budget ran out it was 20.24 Trillion . IF he had DOUBLED IT it would have been 23.82 Trillion it was OVER 3.58 Trillion LESS then doubling it. ( 11.91 X 2 = 23.81 just SIMPLE MATH. )
SO stop spreading your right wing LIE. OBAMA did NOT double the debt.
ONLY Presidents that ever have doubled the debt were REPUBLICANS , Reagan and Bush II .
Have a nice day
lots of lib'ruls ignorant of the facts today.......so here it is again......

and Obama spent money over and above the budget between January 2020 and September 2020 which is included in the deficit for that year.....
lots of lib'ruls ignorant of the facts today.......so here it is again......

and Obama spent money over and above the budget between January 2020 and September 2020 which is included in the deficit for that year.....
I thought Trump was President in 2020.
wow I guess I must have been mistaken.
and people should be saving for the things they want and pay for it when you can afford it, that is what I did.
Have a nice day
I thought Trump was President in 2020.
wow I guess I must have been mistaken.
and people should be saving for the things they want and pay for it when you can afford it, that is what I did.
Have a nice day
oh shucks....you win seven points for a gotcha.......now adjust for the right years......sorry you needed instructions.......most 5th graders wouldn't have......
lots of lib'ruls ignorant of the facts today.......so here it is again......

and Obama spent money over and above the budget between January 2020 and September 2020 which is included in the deficit for that year.....
and I see YOU can't admit the FACT it has ONLY been Republican Presidents that ever doubled / tripled the debt. ( Bush II and Reagan )
and Obama did run it up a lot, he got us out of one of the deepest recessions we ever had , one that was almost a depression,
and he did it in 8 years it took Trump just 4 years to run it up almost as much and he didn't change anything Obama was doing except his great tax cut for the rich. but NOT a word from you about that.
Have a nice day
and I see YOU can't admit the FACT it has ONLY been Republican Presidents that ever doubled / tripled the debt. ( Bush II and Reagan )
and Obama did run it up a lot, he got us out of one of the deepest recessions we ever had , one that was almost a depression,
and he did it in 8 years it took Trump just 4 years to run it up almost as much and he didn't change anything Obama was doing except his great tax cut for the rich. but NOT a word from you about that.
Have a nice day
given that fact that Obama doubled the national debt I can't see why it surprises you that I wouldn't "admit" your lie.......read the link I gave you before you post stupid shit again.......

now I will admit W and Obama had to cope with the housing crisis caused by Clinton's advisors......(some of whom Obama put on his cabinet as a reward for their good work).......but why do you deny that $5T of Trump's $8T deficit was the Nancy Pelosi budget for his fourth year and was spent dealing with Covid?
given that fact that Obama doubled the national debt I can't see why it surprises you that I wouldn't "admit" your lie.......read the link I gave you before you post stupid shit again.......

now I will admit W and Obama had to cope with the housing crisis caused by Clinton's advisors......(some of whom Obama put on his cabinet as a reward for their good work).......but why do you deny that $5T of Trump's $8T deficit was the Nancy Pelosi budget for his fourth year and was spent dealing with Covid?
can you post any link that shows Obama DOUBLED the national debt, besides the right wing lying site?
OBAMA did NOT double the debt,
it was 11.9 Trillion when he took over and was something like 19 Trillion when he left and if you need go get a third grader to do the math for you.
11.9 plus 11.9 would be 23.8 and as I said it was in the 19 Trillion area NOT 23 trillion
stop lying
given that fact that Obama doubled the national debt I can't see why it surprises you that I wouldn't "admit" your lie.......read the link I gave you before you post stupid shit again.......

now I will admit W and Obama had to cope with the housing crisis caused by Clinton's advisors......(some of whom Obama put on his cabinet as a reward for their good work).......but why do you deny that $5T of Trump's $8T deficit was the Nancy Pelosi budget for his fourth year and was spent dealing with Covid?
and did YOU FORGET that the President takes the blame for the debt? you seen to know that when it is a DEM President but NOT when it is a Republican President .
Trump could have vetoed the budget and sent it back till he was happy with it, HE did NOT, do it is ALL on him.
STOP putting the Blame for what happened under Trump on the DEMS
have a nice day
NO asshole Obama did NOT DOUBLE the National debt.
The debt roughly doubled during the Obama administration.
when his first budget took effect in Sept. 2009 the debt was 11.91 Trillion dollars and in Sept 2017 when his last budget ran out it was 20.24 Trillion.
Roughly double. Apparently you have difficulty with math. Are you one of those people that think 2+2=4 is racist?
IF he had DOUBLED IT it would have been 23.82 Trillion it was OVER 3.58 Trillion LESS then doubling it. ( 11.91 X 2 = 23.81 just SIMPLE MATH. )
It is roughly doubled.
SO stop spreading your right wing LIE. OBAMA did NOT double the debt.
The debt roughly doubled under the Obama administration.
ONLY Presidents that ever have doubled the debt were REPUBLICANS , Reagan and Bush II .
Dead wrong. Lying won't help you. Presidents can't double or even add to the debt.
why wouldn't it pay it off asshole?
Not enough money.
first of all it would be a dedicated sales tax to be used ONLY to pay the national debt off and it would NOT be suspended till it was paid off.
Not enough money. It is not possible to tax your way out of this debt.
and as I said first we would need a balanced budget Amendment where we could NOT and I mean NOT spend one cent more then we take in, and we could ONLY
The debt is not the deficit. Redefinition fallacy.
HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ASSHOLE.
I am talking DEBT wake up.

and IF we had a balanced budget Amendment with teeth in it as I said we could ONLY run a Deficit in times of a war like WWII or a really deep recession / depression.
and what country do you live in we are NOT in a DEPRESSION , not even in a recession.
Have a nice night ASSHOLE
The debt is not the deficit. Redefinition fallacy. We are currently in an economic depression, started by Democrats.
They drilled during the trump admin because it was advantageous for them to do so, it had nothing to do with what that jackass said.
Blatant lie. The government does not drill for oil. Biden (acting for The Oligarchy) banned a lot of drilling activity and banned pipeline extensions.
Yep. Corporations make business decisions based on a lot of factors, including market conditions, supply/demand, available workers, etc. There is very little that any POTUS can do to force them into whatever action they want them to take. That takes legislation.
Ignoring what Biden did won't work.
The US oil producers did hit a high output of 13 MBPD for one month then stayed in the high 11 MBPD to mid 12 MBPD area under Trump.
then the Saudi Russian oil price war started, that is when the US producers and drillers went to Trump and asked him to step in and stop it.
1974 is not 2021. Russia is not in the mid-east.
will Trump didn't do anything. that is when the Saudis drove the price of futures into the negative,
Saudi Arabia does not control the price of oil or oil futures.
and over 100 US oil drilling and producing companies went Bankrupt and a lot of them out of business for good.
You are hallucinating.
The US oil industry went back to Trump and asked him again for help.
1974 is not 2017 either.
Trump finally went to the Saudis and told them to CUT their production and RAISE prices or he was going to stop ALL military aid, and they did and the price has never come down.
Saudi Arabia does not control the price of oil or oil futures.
the Refineries bought billions of barrels of oil and stored them
Not enough storage and no point to it.
and were using them up as they went along and were finally running out of that cheep oil about the end of Dec. 2020, and when Biden took over they were done using it up and naturally prices went up.
Ignoring what Biden did won't work.
it was then with the price higher the US oil drilling and producing companies could compete again and started rebuilding the US oil industry.
Shutting down drilling and pipelines is not 'rebuilding the US oil industry'.
it took several years but they have come back and now have been producing over 13 MBPD for a year or so ( every month except one and that was in the high 12 MBPD area.)
Not due to Biden nor the Democrats. You don't get to take credit for what the courts did.
in Feb. 2021 US oil production was only 9.9 MBPD so under Biden the US oil industry is doing a lot better then under Trump.
Have a nice day
You are hallucinating again. Ignoring what Biden did won't work.
can you post any link that shows Obama DOUBLED the national debt, besides the right wing lying site?
OBAMA did NOT double the debt,
it was 11.9 Trillion when he took over and was something like 19 Trillion when he left and if you need go get a third grader to do the math for you.
11.9 plus 11.9 would be 23.8 and as I said it was in the 19 Trillion area NOT 23 trillion
stop lying
The debt roughly doubled during the Obama administration.
and did YOU FORGET that the President takes the blame for the debt?
The President has no authority over the debt.
you seen to know that when it is a DEM President but NOT when it is a Republican President .
The President has no authority over the debt.
Trump could have vetoed the budget and sent it back till he was happy with it, HE did NOT, do it is ALL on him.
The President does not develop the budget.
STOP putting the Blame for what happened under Trump on the DEMS
have a nice day
LIF. Grow up.
The debt roughly doubled during the Obama administration.

Roughly double. Apparently you have difficulty with math. Are you one of those people that think 2+2=4 is racist?

It is roughly doubled.

The debt roughly doubled under the Obama administration.

Dead wrong. Lying won't help you. Presidents can't double or even add to the debt.
again it did NOT DOUBLE under OBAMA . I have posted links from the Federal government and it shows it.
again get a third grader to help you add 11.9 and 11.9 ,
11.9 Trillion is the amount of debt we had when Obama took over and if he had doubled as YOUR lie says ti would have been 23.8 Trillion when he left office and it was NOT it was in the 19 Trillion area.
and YOU say Obama doubled the debt then go on to say " Presidents can't double or even add to the debt."
what is it ?
it CAN'T be both ways
it makes you look like the asshole you are.
Have a nice day