Politico’s Hit On Neil Gorsuch Is Another Transparent Attempt To Delegitimize SCOTUS


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Once again the Democrat run media lie and deceive about conservative Supreme court members. Shows how desperate the Democrats are to make the court corrupt with Democrat Justices so they can once again make laws illegally with the court


As with ProPublica’s recent smear of Clarence Thomas, there’s a lot of excitement across the left-wing Twittersphere over a Politico hit on Neil Gorsuch. But even as a transparent piece of partisan propaganda, it is poorly conceived.

Politico kicks off the piece, “Law firm head bought Gorsuch-owned property,” with a purposefully deceptive claim: “For nearly two years beginning in 2015, Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch sought a buyer for a 40-acre tract of property he co-owned in rural Granby, Colo.”

No. For nearly two years before he was even nominated as a Supreme Court justice, a group that included Gorsuch tried to sell a Colorado property they owned together since 2005. And nine days after Gorsuch was confirmed, but before he ruled on any cases, the property was sold to a lawyer who runs Colorado’s biggest law firm. Gorsuch netted between $250,000 and $500,000 on the sale.

The reason Politico’s Heidi Przybyla is aware of Gorsuch’s supersecret arrangement is that it’s listed right there on his publicly available federal disclosure form from 2017 alongside every other income — stock sales, etc.

Yet, one of Politico’s central insinuations is that Gorsuch was trying to conceal this transaction because he “did not report the identity of the purchaser.” And it’s true that the nominee didn’t fill out the “Identity of buyer/seller” column for the estate transaction — or, for that matter, on any other income. I went back and looked at all the disclosure forms of Supreme Court Justices in 2017, and none of them made a single notation in that column for any transaction. And, as far as I can tell, that line has never seen as much as a scribble from any justice in any year. Politico is holding Gorsuch to a completely new standard.

The piece also goes on to claim that Gorsuch “didn’t indicate that there had been a real estate sale or a purchaser.” This is just false. On the very first page of the disclosure, Gorsuch notes that he was a member of the “Walden Group, LLC,” right next to the words “mountain property.” On the next page, he lists the specifics.

This seems like pretty important context for a professional journalist to share with readers. Of course, Przybyla, who put in a yeowoman’s work smearing Brett Kavanaugh by spreading the uncorroborated claims of Julie Swetnick and Deborah Ramirez, is not any kind of real journalist.

The other central accusation of the piece is that the sale of the property created a conflict of interest for Gorsuch. But the lawyer who bought the property, Brian Duffy, says he’s never met or spoken to Gorsuch. And Politico offers no evidence to the contrary. Nor does Politico offer evidence that Gorsuch has ever deviated from his long-held legal philosophy to help anyone at Duffy’s huge law firm, Greenberg Traurig. (Duffy, incidentally, sends most of his contributions to Democrats — including Raphael Warnock, Hillary Clinton, Charles Schumer, and Barack Obama.)

It takes only a few paragraphs to figure out that Gorsuch broke no law and did nothing that a good-faith observer could deem unethical. So the piece, much like the coverage of Thomas’s friendship with Harlan Crow, tries to cover up its lack of substantiation with a veneer of vaguely journalistic-sounding verbiage. Przybyla then gives the floor to Dick Durbin and other left-wing anti-court activists, as one does when writing an unbiased piece insinuating that a Supreme Court is corrupt. “Without decisive action, the conservatives on the Supreme Court will forever tarnish its reputation in our public life,” one of these activists explains.
Once again the Democrat run media lie and deceive about conservative Supreme court members. Shows how desperate the Democrats are to make the court corrupt with Democrat Justices so they can once again make laws illegally with the court

Sir! Do you have no shame? Do you understand what ethics are? Does any Republican these days?

the liberals are disgusting. This will eventually be settled in war - we just are too far apart to actually live together
The Roberts court will go down in history as the one that broke it. I hope it can be fixed. You cannot expect a fair-minded honest decision from the right-wing slanted judges. Thomas has not recused himself from cases he or his wife are connected to. Now we know he was cheating on his financial reports. he seemed to forget his wife was making almost 700 K a year on her right-wing political organizing job.
The Roberts court will go down in history as the one that broke it. I hope it can be fixed. You cannot expect a fair-minded honest decision from the right-wing slanted judges. Thomas has not recused himself from cases he or his wife are connected to. Now we know he was cheating on his financial reports. he seemed to forget his wife was making almost 700 K a year on her right-wing political organizing job.

what a complete crock of unadulterated and biased horseshit statement from you. The simple fact is that BOTH the left and the right have broken the courts, politicizing them from both sides to be used as weapons against the people. YOU should be fucking ashamed of your totally unabashed and unapologetic attacks against freedom
What ethics violations is Gorsuch guilty of? Be specific

Property records from Grand County, Colorado, show that the Walden Group LLC – a limited-liability company in which Gorsuch was a partner – sold a 40-acre property for $1.8 million dollars, on the Colorado River to Brian Duffy, chief executive officer of the prominent law firm Greenberg Traurig.

Duffy and his wife, Kari Duffy, paid $1.8 million for the property on May 12, 2017 – just one month after Gorsuch was sworn in as an associate justice of the Supreme Court.

The financial disclosure report filed by Gorsuch for the calendar year 2017 lists a sale by the Walden Group LLC for a profit of between $250,000 and $500,000. However, the section where a buyer could be listed is blank. That’s a clear-cut violation of ethics rules.

the Greenberg Traurig’s Denver office led the legal team representing state of North Dakota in a dispute over the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority in regulating carbon emissions as part of the Clean Air Act.

Gorsuch was part of a six-member majority on the Supreme Court that ruled last June in favor of North Dakota and other Republican-led states to cut back the EPA’s authority to regulate carbon emissions from existing power plants.

So GORSUCKS is out there accepting bribes in the disguise of Real Estate Deals, in exchange for his vote on the Supreme Court to sway the Court in favor of the Law Firm that argued cases before the Supreme Court and that bribed him for his votes on the Supreme Court.
Property records from Grand County, Colorado, show that the Walden Group LLC – a limited-liability company in which Gorsuch was a partner – sold a 40-acre property for $1.8 million dollars, on the Colorado River to Brian Duffy, chief executive officer of the prominent law firm Greenberg Traurig.

Duffy and his wife, Kari Duffy, paid $1.8 million for the property on May 12, 2017 – just one month after Gorsuch was sworn in as an associate justice of the Supreme Court.

The financial disclosure report filed by Gorsuch for the calendar year 2017 lists a sale by the Walden Group LLC for a profit of between $250,000 and $500,000. However, the section where a buyer could be listed is blank. That’s a clear-cut violation of ethics rules.

the Greenberg Traurig’s Denver office led the legal team representing state of North Dakota in a dispute over the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority in regulating carbon emissions as part of the Clean Air Act.

Gorsuch was part of a six-member majority on the Supreme Court that ruled last June in favor of North Dakota and other Republican-led states to cut back the EPA’s authority to regulate carbon emissions from existing power plants.

So GORSUCKS is out there accepting bribes in the disguise of Real Estate Deals, in exchange for his vote on the Supreme Court to sway the Court in favor of the Law Firm that argued cases before the Supreme Court and that bribed him for his votes on the Supreme Court.

So a blank spot on a form that he likely didn't fill out is the ethics violation. Ok got it. Thanks for clarifying
what a complete crock of unadulterated and biased horseshit statement from you. The simple fact is that BOTH the left and the right have broken the courts, politicizing them from both sides to be used as weapons against the people. YOU should be fucking ashamed of your totally unabashed and unapologetic attacks against freedom

You are wrong as usual. Thomas is doing damage like no other judge ever has and Roberts is protecting him. You should know something before you type. All you do is spout right-wing hate.
You are wrong as usual. Thomas is doing damage like no other judge ever has and Roberts is protecting him. You should know something before you type. All you do is spout right-wing hate.

what I know is that your hate filled bias colors your perceptions in every single aspect. This is easy for anyone to see because those of us who are objective KNOW that it's done on both sides, to no better or worse degree than another. All you do is spout left wing hate.
what I know is that your hate filled bias colors your perceptions in every single aspect. This is easy for anyone to see because those of us who are objective KNOW that it's done on both sides, to no better or worse degree than another. All you do is spout left wing hate.

Hate? I did not know I hated Thomas. Thanks for the help. I actually spent my life thinking no matter how crazy politicians could get, the Supremes would rule according to the law. Now they do not. Thomas has done terrible things that besmirch the court. He should resign. I feel no hate. I want him to live a long happy life on someone's yacht. The anger and hate are yours. The vituperation in your posts is palpable. You are angry and hateful. Sorry bunky, that is not me.
Once again the Democrat run media lie and deceive about conservative Supreme court members. Shows how desperate the Democrats are to make the court corrupt with Democrat Justices so they can once again make laws illegally with the court


The only thing standing between the democrats and total dictatorship is the SCOTUS.

The democrats are desperate to destroy the judiciary so they can complete the subversion of the Constitution and establishment of the fascist dictatorship they seek.

The democrats WILL attempt to murder one of the justices soon. I hope they do not succeed - but banana republic tyrants like the democrats ALWAYS resort to murdering and imprisoning their rivals.
The only thing standing between the democrats and total dictatorship is the SCOTUS.

The democrats are desperate to destroy the judiciary so they can complete the subversion of the Constitution and establishment of the fascist dictatorship they seek.

The democrats WILL attempt to murder one of the justices soon. I hope they do not succeed - but banana republic tyrants like the democrats ALWAYS resort to murdering and imprisoning their rivals.

OMG!!! YOU FOUND US OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the liberals are disgusting. This will eventually be settled in war - we just are too far apart to actually live together

They are not "liberals," they are fascists.

democrats are totalitarian collectivists seeking to end the United State Constitution. They are the vassals of Communist China.

They seek to pacify us just long enough that their Chinese allies are ready to strike.

IF the democrats are able to rig another election and put Quid Pro back in office, China will immediately invade Taiwan. Bought and Paid For will put up some sort of half-assed, incompetent defense. America will be defeated and humiliated and Xi's Biden regime will seek terms with China, making huge concessions, effectively ending America as a world power and leader. Emperor Xi will take control of Taiwan and set policy in the USA.

This WILL happen, unless the traitor democrats are stopped.