Poll: Conservatives still largest ideological group

why do you avoid answering a simple question?

are you suggesting that when you posted:

that you were NOT implying that those passages could be found in the new testament in Mark and Romans?????
My previous post should be self-explanatory. *shrug*
The Midianites and Moab had led Israel into idolatry and immorality and therefore had to be destroyed. It was convenient of you to not quote the next few lines of Numbers 31: Your assertion that God had Israeli soldiers molest the young girls is purely from your ripe imagination.



That's the most idiotic bullshit ever heard outside of Mother Goose.

"Take of your clothes and purify yourself" .. which will make your murder, rape, and plunder all go away.

I'm sure they had big fun "purifying" 12 year-old girls.

Take your ignorant mysticism somewhere else. I've already exposed you as a fraud who doesn't know what the fuck you're talking about. Too fucking late to try to cover it up now.

That's the most idiotic bullshit ever heard outside of Mother Goose.

"Take of your clothes and purify yourself" .. which will make your murder, rape, and plunder all go away.

I'm sure they had big fun "purifying" 12 year-old girls.

Take your ignorant mysticism somewhere else. I've already exposed you as a fraud who doesn't know what the fuck you're talking about. Too fucking late to try to cover it up now.

Again, your assertion that the soldiers were child molesters, especially during a time when their God commanded them to purify themselves because of the military victory that He gave them, is an obvious projection of your perverted imagination. *shrug*
What I posted was not my interpretation, it was the actual words of the bible depicting the "actual" deeds of your so-called God of Love.

You can save the mysterious context for someone who doesn't know what rape, murder, and plunder is .. which is EXACTLY what is depicted in the passages I posted.

What I posted is just a glimpse into the character of the God of the bible. A venegeful God who would leave the bodies of non-believers rotting in the sun like manure. The bible is filled with horror, slavery, rape, homosexuality, and all assorted fairy-tales that are designed to control really stupid people.

Go away .. sell your snake-oil somewhere else.

Leave it you to ignore context in order to distort the historical realities. You have NO IDEA about who the God of the bible is and like ALL ignorant knee jerks who assert knowledge based on a few scriptures purposefully selected to skew to their own agenda, you act the pompous fool.
Leave it you to ignore context in order to distort the historical realities. You have NO IDEA about who the God of the bible is and like ALL ignorant knee jerks who assert knowledge based on a few scriptures purposefully selected to skew to their own agenda, you act the pompous fool.

Are you insane?

What "context" can you put the mass slaughter of innocents, plunder, and the rape of virgins that will make it anything else but the slaughter of innocents, plunder, and the rape of virgins?

Go ahead .. put it in proper context. I'm listening.
Are you insane?

What "context" can you put the mass slaughter of innocents, plunder, and the rape of virgins that will make it anything else but the slaughter of innocents, plunder, and the rape of virgins?

Go ahead .. put it in proper context. I'm listening.

Read the link B. I posted a Theoligical response to the VERY critisism you posted to SM...To relate it all in this thread is ridiculous...GO READ the CONTEXT if that is indeed your interest. I suspect however it is just to use an "easy shot" God hater slam.
wow... you can't man up and admit that you screwed up and thought you were quoting two new testament passages.

how sad.
You can't admit that you made a false accusation that that was my intention. Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of the Bible would know it was not, preacher. *shrug*
Read the link B. I posted a Theoligical response to the VERY critisism you posted to SM...To relate it all in this thread is ridiculous...GO READ the CONTEXT if that is indeed your interest. I suspect however it is just to use an "easy shot" God hater slam.

Do you think I run from your CONTEXT/EXCUSES?

Not only had I READ your CONTEXT .. BEFORE YOU POSTED THE LINK .. but the very post of mine that you responded to WITH the link contained language from YOUR OWN EVIDENCE.

How is it that you didn't recognize that language BEFORE you posted the link .. and why would I need a link to something I had OBVIOUSLY already READ?

Serious people not only digest information they agree with, but also information they don't. One of the reasons I'm here is to listen to the other side of the arguments to better ascertain if what I believe is the most logical and intelligent position. I've heard your side of the argument and I've heard the mysterious context that people like you try to shroud God in.

The most telling and glaringly evident incredible and almost childish failing in your evidence is that it attempts to make what would be God into a man. Are we talking about the force behind the creation of the universe or are we talking about a man? What kind of universal force of creation would have anything to do how humans conduct their lives? Or, how humans have sex and who they have sex with .. and your evidence REEKS of sex.

I mean, what the fuck is this?

"This last step—a ‘yoking’—is likely an ancient cultic term, but we don’t have much indication of its meaning from history. It could mean something as formal as “joining in a covenant” (in violation of the exclusive Mosaic one they were already in!), or something as vivid as “sexual union” with the God, through ritual intercourse (a standard fertility motif)."

The Israelite men immediate start having ‘regular’ sex with them--the Hebrew indicates extreme lustful abandon. (“The verb used to describe the action of the men is one normally used to describe the behavior of a loose woman, a harlot. Here the people, as a man, bewhore themselves with foreign, pagan women. Always in the ancient Near Eastern context, references to sexual imagery such as this suggest interconnecting circles of sexual immorality tied to sacral rites of prostitution, essential parts of pagan religious systems of the day.”

"Afterward they sat down to eat and drink and got up to indulge in revelry." The verb translated "to indulge in revelry" (lesaheq Piel infinitive construct of sahaq; meaning "to laugh" in the Qal--the word that forms the base for the name "Isaac") sometimes speaks of sexual involvement. It is a euphemism for "caressing" in sexual play (as in Gen 26:8). So in this chapter Israel engages in sexual acts of the worship of a god of Canaan.” [EBCOT, at Num 25]"

“Among the Israelites, then, the Midianite and Moabite women continued to prostrate themselves in Baal worship, imitating fertility rituals. And one day, as all the Israelites were gathered in front of the tabernacle confessing their sin, the son of one of the leaders in the tribe of Simeon paraded before them with a Moabite [sic] woman, headed for his tent…Reading the situation clearly, Phinehas swung into action. By the time he reached them in the back (bedroom) part of the tent, the couple were already involved in sexual intercourse.”

"A chief leader of both the Israelites and of the Midianites are involved—in broad daylight—in this sexually-inspired fiasco [25.14-18]"

"And it is here at this point that the treachery of the Midianites becomes visible in the narrative: this was deliberate strategy on the part of the Midianite leadership to use ‘sex’ as a weapon, and have Israel abandon the protection and life-source of their God."

"Either the women agreed with Balaam’s plan, and then talked their husbands into letting them commit wholesale, pre-meditated, and government-facilitated adultery (for the sake of Balak’s paranoia, and Midianite anti-Israel sentiment) [the wording of the text suggests that THIS is the most probable historical reconstruction];

Or the men agreed with Balaam’s plan and then talked their wives into committing wholesale, pre-meditated, and government-facilitated adultery (for the sake of Balak’s paranoia, and Midianite anti-Israel sentiment);

Or the men agreed with Balaam’s plan and then forced their wives into committing wholesale, pre-meditated, and government-facilitated adultery (for the sake of Balak’s paranoia, and Midianite anti-Israel sentiment)

Or the chiefs/elite of Midian forced both men and women to agree on committing wholesale, pre-meditated, and government-facilitated adultery (for the sake of Balak’s paranoia, and Midianite anti-Israel sentiment);

Fathers and mothers may have talked their unmarried daughters into (or forced them into) committing wholesale, pre-meditated, and government-facilitated adultery (for the sake of Balak’s paranoia, and Midianite anti-Israel sentiment);

That's just a sampling of the multitude of references to sex in YOUR EVIDENCE .. which I would be embarrassed as hell to ever think about offering as some intellectual response.

To sum it up in a NUTshell .. Your God gets mad at the Midianites because the Israelis are listening to them instead of him. He was completely incapable of demonstrating his realness to the Israelis that would keeo them loyal to him .. so HE GETS ANGRY .. and decides to slaughter the Midianites, plunder their goods, and have his armies make off with the virgins.

The force behind the creation of the universe .. GETS ANGRY .. straight out of Mother Goose.

The bible demonstrates that humans created God in their image and made "him" into a man and assigned to "him" human frailities like anger, jealousy, and a need to be praised.

Feel free to believe that bullshit if you choose .. but your time would be better served trying to sell that snakeoil to someone else.
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Republican affiliation is down in almost every major demographic. A majority of Americans say there's no clear leader for the GOP. And its top House Republican, John Boehner of Ohio, acknowledges that his party is in a "deep hole" right now.

Despite all the bad news for the country's right, here's one good: conservatives remain the largest ideological group in the U.S.

Today's Gallup Poll reports that 40% of Americans identify their political views as conservative, while 35% say they're moderate and 21% call themselves liberal. And though Dems won control of Congress and the White House last November, the percentage of self-identified conservatives is actually up from last year, when 37% of Americans put themselves in the conservative bracket.

"While these figures have shown little change over the past decade, the nation appears to be more polarized than it was in the early 1990s," pollster Lydia Saad noted.

Another note: Republicans tend to be more ideologically unified, with 73% of the GOP calling themselves conservative, while Dems are more split -- 40% say they're moderate, while 38% identify themselves as liberal and 22% say they're conservative.

Click Here

I could have told you that...America is a nation of mostly pea brains...
that is old testament stuff not new testament Christian stuff.
The old testament also ok's slavery and such.

New Testament:

A time to kill and a time to heal;
A time to tear down and a time to build up. (Mark 10:32-45)

A time to love and a time to hate;
A time for war and a time for peace. (Romans 12:9-21)


what is "New Testament" in that post of yours?

and why did you feel the need to post Old Testament verses as a rebuttal to uscitizen's post?
what is "New Testament" in that post of yours?

and why did you feel the need to post Old Testament verses as a rebuttal to uscitizen's post?
Read post 36, dummy. USC was whining that war wasn't "Christ-like".

If you insist on stalking me then you should at least read the entire discussion to understand the context and maybe avoid looking like a fool next time. *shrug*
Read post 36, dummy. USC was whining that war wasn't "Christ-like".

If you insist on stalking me then you should at least read the entire discussion to understand the context and maybe avoid looking like a fool next time. *shrug*

please show me then, where, in those two NT passages you list, where Christ or Paul talked about war.