Poll: Conservatives still largest ideological group

I think that was the pep talk before Jericho.
Kill all who don't flee before you, women and children included.

Nice bunch.

come in and murder all and take their land. Does sound kind of American though.
So you hate America; what else is new? *shrug*
This poll must burn a lot of lefty liberals ass...who continually lie and say conservatives and conservatism are "in the wilderness, and liberalism is now the majority...:)
No one says that about conservatives. We say that about you wingnut reactionaries cause you and Dixie and Bravo and Webbway and ID and your ilk are in no way shape or form conservatives.
No one says that about conservatives. We say that about you wingnut reactionaries cause you and Dixie and Bravo and Webbway and ID and your ilk are in no way shape or form conservatives.

and you are in no way a liberal Democrat..you are a left wing extremist..so far left you could be close to a commie...
It doesn't make a snail's ass bit of difference what you believe .. nor does it matter what you believe is "immoral."

The Republican Party and right-wing conservative ideology appeals to "Angry" white men specifically. It's a numbers game you cannot win.

It's just that simple.

I fixed that for you. ;-)
I fixed that for you. ;-)

blah blah blah.

and your party is the party of angry, uncouth, always a victim, hateful, vengeful, ugly hearts, that obsesses over the color of peoples skin....

just look at your liberal so called comedians, that is YOU..
Wow, this is surprising.

The Republicans have always been an ideological group, and the Democrats have always been something of a split liberal-moderate alliance.
That's just not true. You're just not old enough to remember Republicans before Reagan. Gerald Ford was a typical Republican in 1975, not Reagan. The republicans embracement of the Southern Strategy and the Reagain conservative ideological revolution changed all that.
Two reasons:
1. Americans wanted desperately to elect a black.
2. The Republicans didn't run a conservative.

1. Americans wanted a competant leader and not an inept conservative ideologue like Bush.
2. Republicans ran a true conservative, not a right wing reactionary, which is what the right wing ideolgues like you wanted.
Do you know why God required destruction of the males and women who had been intimate with males of this tribe? They were descendants of Canaan.



Thee who didn't know the story of the Midianites, doesn't know the fucking bible you preach, doesn't know shit but the insecurity and smallness of your own existence.

In Numbers 31:15-18, after his soldiers had killed all of the men among the Midianites, Moses ordered his army officers to kill all of the male children, kill all of the nonvirgin females but to save alive all of the virgin girls for his troops. Prior to this, the Israelites had taken all of the animals and goods of the Midianites and then burned all of their towns. If genocide or "ethnic cleansing" is a war crime, then this act of Moses was clearly a war crime…What possible reason could Moses have given in order to justify this horrendous act of genocide? After all, wasn't he the great "law giver"? He claimed that Yahweh, the God of Israel, ordered him to do this, because the Midianites worshiped a deity named Baal Peor. The Midianites felt that Baal Peor was nature's god, the creator of the universe, whereas the Israelites believed that their god Yahweh was the creator. .. So, in effect, what we have here is a demonization of those people who refer to the creator by a different name. These people are accused of worshiping a false god.

Moses then encourages his men to use the female children for (presumably) sexual pleasure: But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

Thus, in the 31st Chapter of Numbers, your God-sanctioned murder, rape, enslavement, and child abuse.

Now you come back with an excuse.

and you are in no way a liberal Democrat..you are a left wing extremist..so far left you could be close to a commie...
No, actually I'm a center right moderate if you want to apply labels. I'm liberal on many social issues, conservative on most fiscal issues. I have little tolerance for political extremist like you and those on the far left. The problem is, there are very few extremist on the far left in this country and a whole hell of a lot of dangerous right wing extremist, i.e. Von Burn, Tim McVeigh. No liberal activist in recent years has blown up clinics, open fired on church congregations, assasinated physicians or blown up Federal buildings killing innocent men, women and babies as right wing extremist have. So your marginalization of those on the left is meaningless as those on the far left don't represent the threat to peace and tranquility that right wing extremist do nor do they represent the threat of violence that right wing extremist do. So lets be clear on that. I have the utmost respect for conservative politics but right wing extremist and ideologues like you are demonstrably a greater threat and danger to this nation then liberal extremist.
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