Poll: Conservatives still largest ideological group


Thee who didn't know the story of the Midianites, doesn't know the fucking bible you preach, doesn't know shit but the insecurity and smallness of your own existence.

In Numbers 31:15-18, after his soldiers had killed all of the men among the Midianites, Moses ordered his army officers to kill all of the male children, kill all of the nonvirgin females but to save alive all of the virgin girls for his troops. Prior to this, the Israelites had taken all of the animals and goods of the Midianites and then burned all of their towns. If genocide or "ethnic cleansing" is a war crime, then this act of Moses was clearly a war crime…What possible reason could Moses have given in order to justify this horrendous act of genocide? After all, wasn't he the great "law giver"? He claimed that Yahweh, the God of Israel, ordered him to do this, because the Midianites worshiped a deity named Baal Peor. The Midianites felt that Baal Peor was nature's god, the creator of the universe, whereas the Israelites believed that their god Yahweh was the creator. .. So, in effect, what we have here is a demonization of those people who refer to the creator by a different name. These people are accused of worshiping a false god.

Moses then encourages his men to use the female children for (presumably) sexual pleasure: But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

Thus, in the 31st Chapter of Numbers, your God-sanctioned murder, rape, enslavement, and child abuse.

Now you come back with an excuse.


And you like the typical God hater don't understand what you read. The time and manner in which the people and tribes behaved was via war. If your desire is to understand the cultural and relevent context read the biblical response to your out of context and wrong-headed and culrurally irrelevent application of meaning.

And you like the typical God hater don't understand what you read. The time and manner in which the people and tribes behaved was via war. If your desire is to understand the cultural and relevent context read the biblical response to your out of context and wrong-headed and culrurally irrelevent application of meaning.


What I posted was not my interpretation, it was the actual words of the bible depicting the "actual" deeds of your so-called God of Love.

You can save the mysterious context for someone who doesn't know what rape, murder, and plunder is .. which is EXACTLY what is depicted in the passages I posted.

What I posted is just a glimpse into the character of the God of the bible. A venegeful God who would leave the bodies of non-believers rotting in the sun like manure. The bible is filled with horror, slavery, rape, homosexuality, and all assorted fairy-tales that are designed to control really stupid people.

Go away .. sell your snake-oil somewhere else.

wrong. the scripture readings listed in your website are meant to be read in conjunction with the repeated thought. They are NOT the scriptural citations for those quotes. I gave you the passages in their entirety. Your phrases are not contained therein.

from your own link:

"The plan is to pray for seven consecutive days using Ecclesiastes 3:2-8 as our meditation and prayer guide, with a specific emphasis and parallel Scripture for each day. On the eighth day of each cycle, we are going to fast, asking for God's blessing on our world and asking for His help to be His faithful people. We will use this format for 5 cycles, or 40 days. May God bless us all, and bless others through us, as we seek His wisdom and will for us."

oh...and here IS the scriptural source for your quotes:

Ecclesiastes 3:2-8
2a time to be born, and a time to die;
a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
3a time to kill, and a time to heal;
a time to break down, and a time to build up;
4a time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
5a time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
6a time to seek, and a time to lose;
a time to keep, and a time to throw away;
7a time to tear, and a time to sew;
a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
8a time to love, and a time to hate;
a time for war, and a time for peace.

clearly, you don't know what in the world you are even linking to....

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1. Americans wanted a competant leader and not an inept conservative ideologue like Bush.
2. Republicans ran a true conservative, not a right wing reactionary, which is what the right wing ideolgues like you wanted.
Its pretty funny when a democrat tries to tell a conservative what's really going on in the GOP. :rolleyes:

Thee who didn't know the story of the Midianites, doesn't know the fucking bible you preach, doesn't know shit but the insecurity and smallness of your own existence.

In Numbers 31:15-18, after his soldiers had killed all of the men among the Midianites, Moses ordered his army officers to kill all of the male children, kill all of the nonvirgin females but to save alive all of the virgin girls for his troops. Prior to this, the Israelites had taken all of the animals and goods of the Midianites and then burned all of their towns. If genocide or "ethnic cleansing" is a war crime, then this act of Moses was clearly a war crime…What possible reason could Moses have given in order to justify this horrendous act of genocide? After all, wasn't he the great "law giver"? He claimed that Yahweh, the God of Israel, ordered him to do this, because the Midianites worshiped a deity named Baal Peor. The Midianites felt that Baal Peor was nature's god, the creator of the universe, whereas the Israelites believed that their god Yahweh was the creator. .. So, in effect, what we have here is a demonization of those people who refer to the creator by a different name. These people are accused of worshiping a false god.

Moses then encourages his men to use the female children for (presumably) sexual pleasure: But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

Thus, in the 31st Chapter of Numbers, your God-sanctioned murder, rape, enslavement, and child abuse.

Now you come back with an excuse.


The Midianites and Moab had led Israel into idolatry and immorality and therefore had to be destroyed. It was convenient of you to not quote the next few lines of Numbers 31:
"19 All of you who have killed anyone or touched anyone who was killed must stay outside the camp seven days. On the third and seventh days you must purify yourselves and your captives. 20 Purify every garment as well as everything made of leather, goat hair or wood."
Your assertion that God had Israeli soldiers molest the young girls is purely from your ripe imagination.

wrong. the scripture readings listed in your website are meant to be read in conjunction with the repeated thought. They are NOT the scriptural citations for those quotes. ....
Right. The quoted text lists Biblical references, not quoted sections. Nice straw man though preacher. *shrug*
Right. The quoted text lists Biblical references, not quoted sections. Nice straw man though preacher. *shrug*

the notation used by you clearly indicates that you felt that those passages were from the sections noted.

I KNEW you wouldn't have the grace to admit your mistake.... you never do.

New Testament:

A time to kill and a time to heal;
A time to tear down and a time to build up. (Mark 10:32-45)

A time to love and a time to hate;
A time for war and a time for peace. (Romans 12:9-21)


are you going to suggest that, in this post, you were NOT saying that those passages came from Mark and Romans?

wiggle away.... coward.:pke:
the notation used by you clearly indicates that you felt that those passages were from the sections noted.

I KNEW you wouldn't have the grace to admit your mistake.... you never do.

Citations to quoted sections occur before the quote, references occur after. I'm beginning to question again your training as a preacher, if any. Perhaps that is why you are merely an "interim" pastor, never to be a real one. *shrug*
Again, according to the author of those posts, that is the references to his writing. *shrug*

why do you avoid answering a simple question?

are you suggesting that when you posted:

Originally Posted by Southern Man
New Testament:

A time to kill and a time to heal;
A time to tear down and a time to build up. (Mark 10:32-45)

A time to love and a time to hate;
A time for war and a time for peace. (Romans 12:9-21)

that you were NOT implying that those passages could be found in the new testament in Mark and Romans?????