Pondering Palin

The Bare Knuckled Pundit

Grand Inquisitor
To paraphrase the old Oldsmobile commercial, Sarah Palin ain't your daddy's politician.

If there were any doubts about the credibility of Palin's claim to being an unconventional pol, they were laid to rest this past Friday. Surrounded by family and friends with a picturesque Alaskan lake as her backdrop, the self-styled maverick announced not only would she not seek re-election to a second term, she would resign as Governor of Alaska with 18 months left in her freshman one.

Catching the political world completely off-guard while turning in a classic Palinesque performance, the former beauty pageant queen-cum-mother of five-cum-Governor-cum-former Republican vice presidential nominee-cum-grandmother of one cheerfully interlaced sports metaphors with condemnations of her detractors and antagonists. In a meandering and disjointed statement, Palin assured supporters that while she was leaving public office, she would nonetheless continue to fight for the issues near and dear to her heart - energy independence, family values, minimal government and a strong national security. Serving not only as the foundation of her policy agenda, they were also the focal points of her stump speeches during her ultimately unsuccessful run for the vice presidency alongside Republican presidential hopeful John McCain.

Many view McCain's choice of Palin as his running mate as the political equivalent of raising Lazarus from the dead. Though many in the media and punditocracy dismissed the mother of five as an inarticulate rube and hapless hillbilly, her selection solidified the Republican base while reestablishing McCain's bona fides as an independent-minded maverick. In the process, the resulting media and internet frenzy sparked by McCain's unexpected choice temporarily put the Republican ticket back into the electoral game. A game that up until then had been dominated by Democratic nominee Barack Obama's political home runs accompanying what appeared to be a pitching shut out of his Republican rival. Having unified the conservative base, Palin then proceeded to electrify it with her magnetic personality, brilliant smile, gleeful combativeness and unapologetic defense of family, God and country. Proudly on display during her resignation announcement, these qualities have underpinned her ability to remain in the media spotlight and the hearts of Conservative activists since the November electoral loss.

Covering a laundry list of reasons for her unexpected departure, Palin highlighted mounting legal and administrative expenses for both taxpayers and her family. Incurred in the defense of a series of seemingly unending ethics complaints against the first term Republican governor, the Palin family's legal bills are estimated at roughly $500,000. Many speculate that the economic and emotional costs of repeatedly fending off allegations of impropriety and corruption were major factors in Palin's decision to leave office 18 months before the completion of her term.

Prior to her announcement, Palin was considered to be among a rapidly dwindling pack of contenders for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. Subsequent to it, the media, blogosphere and punditocracy have been a buzz with speculation that the erstwhile beauty pageant queen was less than completely candid about the reasons for her abrupt resignation. With a firestorm and threats of legal action sparked by allegations that the motivating factor was an impending Federal indictment, the FBI took the unprecedented action of issuing a public denial of any investigation of the greatly maligned mother of five and recent grandmother of one.

Palin's unheralded exodus and sphinx-like reasoning adds to the frustration of her media critics and political detractors. Confounded by her Reaganesque political Teflon-coating and ability to seize the spotlight, their disdain and contempt are palpable as they smirk condescendingly at her conducting an interview in fishing waders. What they fail to see is that Palin's folksiness and common man colloquialism are part and parcel of her appeal. Her genuineness and candor befuddles those who speak through politically correct filters. When one changes their personality to suit the environment much like Palin does in choosing appropriate footwear, they find it near impossible to relate to her or understand her ability to inspire such fierce loyalty among her Conservative base.

Further complicating the ability of her critics to grasp the Palin phenomenon is the fact that she refuses to fit neatly into their preconceived notions of Conservative women. Among the perplexing peculiarities Palin confronts them with are...

-She is a successful woman that places her marriage and family as the centerpiece and foundation of her life. Standing in stark contrast to hard-nosed feminists that believe marriage is legalized slavery; Palin speaks glowingly of her high school sweetheart husband, saying “….two decades and five children later he’s still my guy.”

The mother of three “strong and kindhearted” daughters, a son in the Army about to deploy to Iraq and a “perfectly beautiful baby boy” with Down’s syndrome, Palin’s life is a testimony to women’s ability to have a full home life while at the same time experiencing career success. Palin’s life boldly says to women, “You can have it all and not feel guilty or incomplete.”

-“Family values” are more than just a campaign slogan to Palin; they are a way of life. When prenatal testing disclosed that baby Trig had Down’s syndrome, Palin carried on with the pregnancy nonetheless. Informed by her strong religious convictions and anti-abortion beliefs, the Palin family celebrated the birth and the “unspeakable joy” that God had granted them.

-She destroys media and Liberal stereotypes of Conservative women as either shrill shrews or hapless hillbillies. Neither Ann Coulter nor Daisy Duke, Palin is confident without being boorish; intelligent without being arrogant; principled without being archaic and despite David Letterman's best attempts to portray her otherwise, sexy without being cheap, tawdry or cartoonish. Palin’s style and image says, “Conservatives can be cool, sexy, intelligent and successful all at once.” She is the 21st Century version of the 70's "Charlie" perfume girl. In a word, she is dangerous. Still.

Regardless of where Palin ultimately lands, be it on the lecture circuit, behind the microphone of a syndicated radio show, the anchor desk at ESPN, hosting her own television talk show or news journal, in the glossy pages of Playboy, or the white oval walls of an office at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, a few things are certain. She will continue to beguile throngs of passionate Conservatives, confound and irritate legions of Liberals and will invariably surprise all of us in her own unique, unconventional, mavericky way just by being true to herself and who she is regardless of what anyone else may think.

What's that sound in the distance, faithful readers? Oh yes, that's the sound of Sarah marching to the beat of her own drum. You betcha!

Stay tuned for further updates as events warrant and we see what next accomplishment the moose-hunting mom from Wasilla eventually adds to her impressive and growing resume.
Her real personae was one of a person who knew little about the world in which she lived, she in fact very rarely could see Russia from there, she REALLY did think that Africa was a country and she really couldn't name media outlets with which she was familiar. She is NOT a world class politician, she is NOT very smart and she will NEVER be president of the united states. Keep this quote and if she is I will eat at least one of my hats.
To paraphrase the old Oldsmobile commercial, Sarah Palin ain't your daddy's politician.

If there were any doubts about the credibility of Palin's claim to being an unconventional pol, they were laid to rest this past Friday. Surrounded by family and friends with a picturesque Alaskan lake as her backdrop, the self-styled maverick announced not only would she not seek re-election to a second term, she would resign as Governor of Alaska with 18 months left in her freshman one.

Catching the political world completely off-guard while turning in a classic Palinesque performance, the former beauty pageant queen-cum-mother of five-cum-Governor-cum-former Republican vice presidential nominee-cum-grandmother of one cheerfully interlaced sports metaphors with condemnations of her detractors and antagonists. In a meandering and disjointed statement, Palin assured supporters that while she was leaving public office, she would nonetheless continue to fight for the issues near and dear to her heart - energy independence, family values, minimal government and a strong national security. Serving not only as the foundation of her policy agenda, they were also the focal points of her stump speeches during her ultimately unsuccessful run for the vice presidency alongside Republican presidential hopeful John McCain.

Many view McCain's choice of Palin as his running mate as the political equivalent of raising Lazarus from the dead. Though many in the media and punditocracy dismissed the mother of five as an inarticulate rube and hapless hillbilly, her selection solidified the Republican base while reestablishing McCain's bona fides as an independent-minded maverick. In the process, the resulting media and internet frenzy sparked by McCain's unexpected choice temporarily put the Republican ticket back into the electoral game. A game that up until then had been dominated by Democratic nominee Barack Obama's political home runs accompanying what appeared to be a pitching shut out of his Republican rival. Having unified the conservative base, Palin then proceeded to electrify it with her magnetic personality, brilliant smile, gleeful combativeness and unapologetic defense of family, God and country. Proudly on display during her resignation announcement, these qualities have underpinned her ability to remain in the media spotlight and the hearts of Conservative activists since the November electoral loss.

Covering a laundry list of reasons for her unexpected departure, Palin highlighted mounting legal and administrative expenses for both taxpayers and her family. Incurred in the defense of a series of seemingly unending ethics complaints against the first term Republican governor, the Palin family's legal bills are estimated at roughly $500,000. Many speculate that the economic and emotional costs of repeatedly fending off allegations of impropriety and corruption were major factors in Palin's decision to leave office 18 months before the completion of her term.

Prior to her announcement, Palin was considered to be among a rapidly dwindling pack of contenders for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. Subsequent to it, the media, blogosphere and punditocracy have been a buzz with speculation that the erstwhile beauty pageant queen was less than completely candid about the reasons for her abrupt resignation. With a firestorm and threats of legal action sparked by allegations that the motivating factor was an impending Federal indictment, the FBI took the unprecedented action of issuing a public denial of any investigation of the greatly maligned mother of five and recent grandmother of one.

Palin's unheralded exodus and sphinx-like reasoning adds to the frustration of her media critics and political detractors. Confounded by her Reaganesque political Teflon-coating and ability to seize the spotlight, their disdain and contempt are palpable as they smirk condescendingly at her conducting an interview in fishing waders. What they fail to see is that Palin's folksiness and common man colloquialism are part and parcel of her appeal. Her genuineness and candor befuddles those who speak through politically correct filters. When one changes their personality to suit the environment much like Palin does in choosing appropriate footwear, they find it near impossible to relate to her or understand her ability to inspire such fierce loyalty among her Conservative base.

Further complicating the ability of her critics to grasp the Palin phenomenon is the fact that she refuses to fit neatly into their preconceived notions of Conservative women. Among the perplexing peculiarities Palin confronts them with are...

-She is a successful woman that places her marriage and family as the centerpiece and foundation of her life. Standing in stark contrast to hard-nosed feminists that believe marriage is legalized slavery; Palin speaks glowingly of her high school sweetheart husband, saying “….two decades and five children later he’s still my guy.”

The mother of three “strong and kindhearted” daughters, a son in the Army about to deploy to Iraq and a “perfectly beautiful baby boy” with Down’s syndrome, Palin’s life is a testimony to women’s ability to have a full home life while at the same time experiencing career success. Palin’s life boldly says to women, “You can have it all and not feel guilty or incomplete.”

-“Family values” are more than just a campaign slogan to Palin; they are a way of life. When prenatal testing disclosed that baby Trig had Down’s syndrome, Palin carried on with the pregnancy nonetheless. Informed by her strong religious convictions and anti-abortion beliefs, the Palin family celebrated the birth and the “unspeakable joy” that God had granted them.

-She destroys media and Liberal stereotypes of Conservative women as either shrill shrews or hapless hillbillies. Neither Ann Coulter nor Daisy Duke, Palin is confident without being boorish; intelligent without being arrogant; principled without being archaic and despite David Letterman's best attempts to portray her otherwise, sexy without being cheap, tawdry or cartoonish. Palin’s style and image says, “Conservatives can be cool, sexy, intelligent and successful all at once.” She is the 21st Century version of the 70's "Charlie" perfume girl. In a word, she is dangerous. Still.

Regardless of where Palin ultimately lands, be it on the lecture circuit, behind the microphone of a syndicated radio show, the anchor desk at ESPN, hosting her own television talk show or news journal, in the glossy pages of Playboy, or the white oval walls of an office at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, a few things are certain. She will continue to beguile throngs of passionate Conservatives, confound and irritate legions of Liberals and will invariably surprise all of us in her own unique, unconventional, mavericky way just by being true to herself and who she is regardless of what anyone else may think.

What's that sound in the distance, faithful readers? Oh yes, that's the sound of Sarah marching to the beat of her own drum. You betcha!

Stay tuned for further updates as events warrant and we see what next accomplishment the moose-hunting mom from Wasilla eventually adds to her impressive and growing resume.

I loved the perspective...it's just so spot on!
Her real personae was one of a person who knew little about the world in which she lived, she in fact very rarely could see Russia from there, she REALLY did think that Africa was a country and she really couldn't name media outlets with which she was familiar. She is NOT a world class politician, she is NOT very smart and she will NEVER be president of the united states. Keep this quote and if she is I will eat at least one of my hats.

Excuse me Obama thought we had 57 fucking states! The Africa is a country accusation was a hoax!


Socrtease is still saying that Rush called Clinton's daughter a dog; reality is meaningless, apparently. *shrug*
Excuse me Obama thought we had 57 fucking states!

That's such silly nonsense. There is a difference between mis-speaking, and not knowing. Obama knows we don't have 57 states.

Palin, however, proved in interview after interview that she was lacking in some basic knowledge.
That's such silly nonsense. There is a difference between mis-speaking, and not knowing. Obama knows we don't have 57 states.

Palin, however, proved in interview after interview that she was lacking in some basic knowledge.
YO man she believes in Jesus so that makes her the best possible Republican Candidate. Quit trying to argue with the other Jesus Freaks who don't care that she doesn't know shit!
That's such silly nonsense. There is a difference between mis-speaking, and not knowing. Obama knows we don't have 57 states.

Palin, however, proved in interview after interview that she was lacking in some basic knowledge.

She did no such damned thing! And Obama only had one hard hitting interview and that was with O'Reilly...the rest were groveling nonsense sugar coated ass kissings!
YO man she believes in Jesus so that makes her the best possible Republican Candidate. Quit trying to argue with the other Jesus Freaks who don't care that she doesn't know shit!

That's right because instead we have Obama freaks who fall for hoaxes...I guess that means you don't know shit.
What a load of shit.

A classic Palinesque performance? What the fuck is that? The strange thing is that you seem to mean is an a compliment, not as a criticism. And you're serious.

Here's the long and short of Sarah Palin: Conservatives love her because they think she pisses off liberals and they love anything that pisses of liberals. But she doesn't piss off liberals. Instead we're laughing at her (and those that support her) because we see what everyone that isn't a conservative sees: she's an idiot.
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She did no such damned thing! And Obama only had one hard hitting interview and that was with O'Reilly...the rest were groveling nonsense sugar coated ass kissings!

Even O'Reilly's interview wasn't that hard hitting. Obama was a perpetual gaffe machine and still is.
Even O'Reilly's interview wasn't that hard hitting. Obama was a perpetual gaffe machine and still is.

Biden's a gaffe machine; I'd give you that. Obama really isn't.

Bit of a stretch, but clearly, when it comes to Obama, as long as it's negative, you're down w/ it...
To paraphrase the old Oldsmobile commercial, Sarah Palin ain't your daddy's politician.

If there were any doubts about the credibility of Palin's claim to being an unconventional pol, they were laid to rest this past Friday. Surrounded by family and friends with a picturesque Alaskan lake as her backdrop, the self-styled maverick announced not only would she not seek re-election to a second term, she would resign as Governor of Alaska with 18 months left in her freshman one.

Catching the political world completely off-guard while turning in a classic Palinesque performance, the former beauty pageant queen-cum-mother of five-cum-Governor-cum-former Republican vice presidential nominee-cum-grandmother of one cheerfully interlaced sports metaphors with condemnations of her detractors and antagonists. In a meandering and disjointed statement, Palin assured supporters that while she was leaving public office, she would nonetheless continue to fight for the issues near and dear to her heart - energy independence, family values, minimal government and a strong national security. Serving not only as the foundation of her policy agenda, they were also the focal points of her stump speeches during her ultimately unsuccessful run for the vice presidency alongside Republican presidential hopeful John McCain.

Many view McCain's choice of Palin as his running mate as the political equivalent of raising Lazarus from the dead. Though many in the media and punditocracy dismissed the mother of five as an inarticulate rube and hapless hillbilly, her selection solidified the Republican base while reestablishing McCain's bona fides as an independent-minded maverick. In the process, the resulting media and internet frenzy sparked by McCain's unexpected choice temporarily put the Republican ticket back into the electoral game. A game that up until then had been dominated by Democratic nominee Barack Obama's political home runs accompanying what appeared to be a pitching shut out of his Republican rival. Having unified the conservative base, Palin then proceeded to electrify it with her magnetic personality, brilliant smile, gleeful combativeness and unapologetic defense of family, God and country. Proudly on display during her resignation announcement, these qualities have underpinned her ability to remain in the media spotlight and the hearts of Conservative activists since the November electoral loss.

Covering a laundry list of reasons for her unexpected departure, Palin highlighted mounting legal and administrative expenses for both taxpayers and her family. Incurred in the defense of a series of seemingly unending ethics complaints against the first term Republican governor, the Palin family's legal bills are estimated at roughly $500,000. Many speculate that the economic and emotional costs of repeatedly fending off allegations of impropriety and corruption were major factors in Palin's decision to leave office 18 months before the completion of her term.

Prior to her announcement, Palin was considered to be among a rapidly dwindling pack of contenders for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. Subsequent to it, the media, blogosphere and punditocracy have been a buzz with speculation that the erstwhile beauty pageant queen was less than completely candid about the reasons for her abrupt resignation. With a firestorm and threats of legal action sparked by allegations that the motivating factor was an impending Federal indictment, the FBI took the unprecedented action of issuing a public denial of any investigation of the greatly maligned mother of five and recent grandmother of one.

Palin's unheralded exodus and sphinx-like reasoning adds to the frustration of her media critics and political detractors. Confounded by her Reaganesque political Teflon-coating and ability to seize the spotlight, their disdain and contempt are palpable as they smirk condescendingly at her conducting an interview in fishing waders. What they fail to see is that Palin's folksiness and common man colloquialism are part and parcel of her appeal. Her genuineness and candor befuddles those who speak through politically correct filters. When one changes their personality to suit the environment much like Palin does in choosing appropriate footwear, they find it near impossible to relate to her or understand her ability to inspire such fierce loyalty among her Conservative base.

Further complicating the ability of her critics to grasp the Palin phenomenon is the fact that she refuses to fit neatly into their preconceived notions of Conservative women. Among the perplexing peculiarities Palin confronts them with are...

-She is a successful woman that places her marriage and family as the centerpiece and foundation of her life. Standing in stark contrast to hard-nosed feminists that believe marriage is legalized slavery; Palin speaks glowingly of her high school sweetheart husband, saying “….two decades and five children later he’s still my guy.”

The mother of three “strong and kindhearted” daughters, a son in the Army about to deploy to Iraq and a “perfectly beautiful baby boy” with Down’s syndrome, Palin’s life is a testimony to women’s ability to have a full home life while at the same time experiencing career success. Palin’s life boldly says to women, “You can have it all and not feel guilty or incomplete.”

-“Family values” are more than just a campaign slogan to Palin; they are a way of life. When prenatal testing disclosed that baby Trig had Down’s syndrome, Palin carried on with the pregnancy nonetheless. Informed by her strong religious convictions and anti-abortion beliefs, the Palin family celebrated the birth and the “unspeakable joy” that God had granted them.

-She destroys media and Liberal stereotypes of Conservative women as either shrill shrews or hapless hillbillies. Neither Ann Coulter nor Daisy Duke, Palin is confident without being boorish; intelligent without being arrogant; principled without being archaic and despite David Letterman's best attempts to portray her otherwise, sexy without being cheap, tawdry or cartoonish. Palin’s style and image says, “Conservatives can be cool, sexy, intelligent and successful all at once.” She is the 21st Century version of the 70's "Charlie" perfume girl. In a word, she is dangerous. Still.

Regardless of where Palin ultimately lands, be it on the lecture circuit, behind the microphone of a syndicated radio show, the anchor desk at ESPN, hosting her own television talk show or news journal, in the glossy pages of Playboy, or the white oval walls of an office at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, a few things are certain. She will continue to beguile throngs of passionate Conservatives, confound and irritate legions of Liberals and will invariably surprise all of us in her own unique, unconventional, mavericky way just by being true to herself and who she is regardless of what anyone else may think.

What's that sound in the distance, faithful readers? Oh yes, that's the sound of Sarah marching to the beat of her own drum. You betcha!

Stay tuned for further updates as events warrant and we see what next accomplishment the moose-hunting mom from Wasilla eventually adds to her impressive and growing resume.
I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you. Sarah is a good gal for all the reasons you've listed. I wish her nothing but the best; but Sarah also got in over head in 2008 and is paying the price for that.

I'm sure Sarah will land on her feet, do well and live well but I also think her 15 minutes of fame is just about over.
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Yet another day of spiraling inflation, rising unemployment, massive deficit spending, declining dollar, dying soldiers, and the Loony-Left-Wing-Democrat-Party-Loyalists are consumed, obsessed and focused on two things....

Sarah Palin, and Michael Jackson!
Yet another day of spiraling inflation, rising unemployment, massive deficit spending, declining dollar, dying soldiers, and the Loony-Left-Wing-Democrat-Party-Loyalists are consumed, obsessed and focused on two things....

Sarah Palin, and Michael Jackson!

Most of that stuff is Bush's fault, anyway...