Pondering Palin

ahh shit another educated liberal is back, neocon heads explode.

Joe Dirt vs Joe the plumber

Dirt's got a berkley degree, plumber like the masingill's here has a GED
welcome back Dirt
But why does the Republican Party Leadership hate palin?

Because she doesn't believe the McCain Doctrine?
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I had high hopes for Sarah Palin when her candidacy was announced. She turned out to be a complete disappointment.

Forgetting the superficial qualities that she has that attract public attention and some admiration (I am not only speaking about her being a female candidate, but her persona and backstory), she is a failure as a candidate for national office.

I'm not judging her ability to be a Governor of a sparsely populated state here. This is about the kind of person we want leading our Federal government and representing the United States to the world. Even George W. Bush, for all his severe flaws, for all he was wrong about, had a better command of public issues than Sarah Palin.

She couldn't even remotely handle Joe Biden in a debate, and I don't believe she would be able to handle President Obama after four years on the job unless some amazing personal, political, and philosophical developments happen.

She did well against Biden in the debate that I saw. She was nervous the first few minutes with him glaring at her, but she regained her composure and stuck it to that little Chia Pet bastard. She's obviously a quick learner, got spunk and can handle herself with bullies. I think she'd make a great President someday.
She did well against Biden in the debate that I saw. She was nervous the first few minutes with him glaring at her, but she regained her composure and stuck it to that little Chia Pet bastard. She's obviously a quick learner, got spunk and can handle herself with bullies. I think she'd make a great President someday.

I think she's great too.

The way she quickly managed to work out how the press works, after being thrown into the VP race, was a master-class in adaptability.
"As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where– where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border."

I love that one.
"As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where– where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border."

I love that one.

right there shows you are clueless about Alaska.
I think she's great too.

The way she quickly managed to work out how the press works, after being thrown into the VP race, was a master-class in adaptability.
The press has been particularly vile against her. Nancy Reagan was shocked at what the press said about her husband and warned Barbara Bush. The press then went lower and shocked Barbara Bush. The press re-doubled their efforts on Palin and she took their direct brunt. In a perfect world her husband would have taken a few of them out back but we live in a sissy world of hit and runners.
"As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where– where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border."

I love that one.

You, being a tool of the liberal elite, will never understand that the one thing real Americans fear, above all else, is hydrogen filled Vladimir Putins invading Alaska.
right there shows you are clueless about Alaska.

I know very little, if anything, about Alaska.

But I do know that trying to claim that the fact that Alaska is across from Russia gives her foreign policy experience, with Putin "rearing his head" in their airspace, is pretty madcap hilarity.
"All of 'em, any of 'em that have been in front of me over all these years."

When asked what newspapers & magazines she reads...
I know very little, if anything, about Alaska.

But I do know that trying to claim that the fact that Alaska is across from Russia gives her foreign policy experience, with Putin "rearing his head" in their airspace, is pretty madcap hilarity.

And arrogance n worthless potshots will have liberals taking thier eye's off the prize.
"All of 'em, any of 'em that have been in front of me over all these years."

When asked what newspapers & magazines she reads...
You're an elitist that thinks you have to read the New York Times to have a sense of what's important to Americans, when the exact opposite is true.
I know very little, if anything, about Alaska.

But I do know that trying to claim that the fact that Alaska is across from Russia gives her foreign policy experience, with Putin "rearing his head" in their airspace, is pretty madcap hilarity.

and just what was "the Obamas" foreign policy experiences??
I'm sure you will need a couple of pages to fill that one.
You're an elitist that thinks you have to read the New York Times to have a sense of what's important to Americans, when the exact opposite is true.

No - I'm someone who knows that it would have been okay for her to say "I just read the Alaska daily, because I'm pretty busy."

Her answer is the kind of answer pathological liars give. She thought she'd appear weak if she admitted the truth, so she lied.
and just what was "the Obamas" foreign policy experiences??
I'm sure you will need a couple of pages to fill that one.

See above response to SM.

It's not that she didn't have experience. It's that she felt so insecure about admitting some sort of weakness that she made up a weird story about Putin rearing his head in their airspace.
No - I'm someone who knows that it would have been okay for her to say "I just read the Alaska daily, because I'm pretty busy."

Her answer is the kind of answer pathological liars give. She thought she'd appear weak if she admitted the truth, so she lied.
You're earlier quote from her, if in fact that's what she said, was not a lie.